How Effective Are Annual Mammograms?

By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD

Many doctors believe an annual mammogram is mandatory for women over thirty-five. However, an increasing number of doctors are refuting the claim that annual mammograms decrease women's risk of dying from breast cancer.

Dr. Peter Gotzsche, a Danish research, was the first to make this claim in a study published in "The Lancet" in October 2006. Gotzsche re-analyzed the original studies done on the benefits of mammograms and found them unconvincing.

Subsequently, other doctors have asserted that in addition to failing to offer protection, mammograms, which involve exposing women to radiation, may, in fact, increase a risk of cancer.

Dr. Michael Baum of University College in London, stated, "The latest evidence shifts the balance towards harm and away from benefits." Canadian columnist Dr. W. Gifford -Jones, wrote that women between the ages of 40 and 49 who have regular mammograms are twice as likely to die from breast cancer as women who are not screened. "Experts say you have to screen 2,000 women for 10 years for one benefit," he stated.

Gifford-Jones points to other risks, from the physical to the psychological. Many authorities believe that, squeezing women's breasts during mammograms may rupture blood vessels, causing cancer to spread to other parts of the body and thus increasing a woman’s risk of death.

Gifford-Jones pointed to the emotional trauma suffered by women who receive false positives from a mammogram, and to the dangerous sense of security engendered by those who receive false negatives.

Studies reveal that mammograms fail to detect cancer 30 percent of the time in women aged 40 to 49. Furthermore, it can take as long as eight years before a breast tumor is large enough to detect, by which time the cancer could have spread to other parts of the body.

"Mammograms actually harm far more women than they help," Mike Adams, author, "The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D," a free report that teaches prevention strategies for breast and prostate cancer. Adams believes, "They are used more as a recruiting tool to ensnare women into a system of medical control based on false diagnosis and fear tactics. Most women then give in to chemotherapy, surgery or radiation treatments that may ultimately harm them or even kill them."

So what is one to do, since, mammograms are only 70% accurate and seldom detect cancer in an early stage?

There are other tools for cancer detection—albeit the medical and pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know.

A medical intuitive can see the emotional patterns and beliefs that affect your body. How does a medical intuitive work? Some form a mental picture of an illness by visualizing organs in the person’s body, even if this person is thousands of miles away. Many need only the name and age of a person to do a reading and recommend remedies.

Iridology also offers a highly effective detection system. Iridology is the science of analyzing the delicate structures of the iris of the eye. It reveals inflammation, where located, and in what stage it is manifesting. The iris reveals body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health, and the transitions that take place in a person’s body according to the way he/she lives. The eyes have been proclaimed throughout the ages as the windows of the soul. We now acknowledge them as the mirrors of the body.

In knowing nutritional, vitamin and mineral imbalances the person can readily remedy these imbalances before an illness or disease takes root.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.
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Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease

By Alden Pennington

Acid Reflux is a common irritation of the esophagus after eating a meal. Generally referred to as heartburn, acid reflux occurs when stomach acid escapes into the esophagus, allowing stomach acids to erode away its lining and create an uncomfortable burning sensation. Surprisingly, approximately 36% of Americans suffer from this condition, which can range from a mild inconvenience to a serious problem, if left untreated.

Certainly, an individual's lifestyle can have a dramatic effect on the disease and its symptoms. Our focus is to inform you of the simple changes you can make in your lifestyle to create a dramatic impact on the effects of Acid Reflux.

Drink More Water
Water is a natural remedy for many different maladies. Acid Reflux is no different. Try to drink about one gallon of water on a daily basis to detoxify the stomach and to help wash away excess acid buildup.

Raise the Head of your Bed
Another simple, yet effective way to reduce the onset of acid reflux is to raise the head of your bed. As I mentioned before, lying down too soon after a meal can cause the stomach acids to reach your esophagus. Conversely, if you raise your bed, you reduce this backflow and the damages in may create.

Avoid “Trigger” Foods
It is well known, that certain foods trigger the onset of acid reflux and should be avoided by those who suffer from its symptoms. Types of foods include:

Greasy fried foods like French fries and fried chicken.
Carbonated Drinks
Spicy foods
Spaghetti with sauce
Tomatoes and tomato byproducts
Wine, especially red wines
Fatty foods

Don’t Eat Before Bedtime
The timing of your meals has a big impact on acid reflux symptoms. By not eating 3-4 hours before bedtime, you can lessen the amount of acid in your stomach, allowing yourself a better chance for good nights sleep.

Remember that during the day, gravity is working in your favor in keeping the acid where it belongs. At night, particularly after a meal, going to bed and lying down can immediately allow the acid to creep up and cause you discomfort.
Don’t overeat
Along with the obvious and well known dangers of overeating, it can also directly impact the effects of your acid reflux. Eating excessively creates bloating and can stretch the stomach. This can cause the lower esophagus to relax and allows acid to rise back up into your esophagus
Acid Reflux is no small matter for many of us, but as usual, our lifestyles impact every sickness, disease, and malady we have. It is clear that careful attention to healthy living can give you an excellent chance of overcoming your acid reflux problems.

Alden Pennington is co-author of and has been a natural health enthusiast for many years. Alden graduated from the University of Kentucky and is currently a Human Resources Director with a keen focus on the company wide health and wellness program.
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Manage Your Diabetes with a Diet Menu

By Arturo Ronzon

This is a great starter diet for someone suffering from Diabetes, who is looking for an effective way to manage the health and fitness portion of their diabetes management plan. Be sure to always consult your physician before beginning any new diet plan. This diet provides 50 percent starches, 30 percent proteins and 20% fat in calories, and follows the diabetic food pyramid’s method of creating an eating plan. Make sure to only eat the foods that are on the list below, and only eat the amount that is specified. It is important that you do not skip over or miss meals, or snack in between the planned meals. All foods should be measured, which can be done using a standard measuring cup, teaspoon or tablespoon. Foods are generally measured after cooking to ensure proper portion size. Make sure always to bake, broil or boil meats rather than frying, unless you are instructed specifically to do so. Special foods are not necessary, as you're only required to stick to low calorie and lean foods, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables rather than canned or frozen, and skimmed milk instead of whole or Vitamin D.

As a diabetic, make sure to avoid sweets, candy, sugar, honey, pies and anything else that is prepared with sugar. You should also avoid foods that are high in fat or cholesterol, as well as alcoholic beverages like beer and wine. Avoid fats, sweats, fried foods and foods prepared in sugar or oil in order to control or maintain your weight. Make sure to avoid red meats, high cholesterol and fat foods and alcoholic beverages at all times, regardless of the goals in your personal diet management plan.

A standard 1800 calorie sample menu involves two fruits, two breads, one meat, two fats, one milk, and a free food. This translates to approximately 2/3 of a cup of apple juice, ½ of a cup of oatmeal, one slice of toast, one egg that is soft cooked, one cup of percent or skim milk, and a glass of coffee or tea for breakfast. For lunch, expect to have two meats, two breads, one vegetable, two fruits, two fats and a free food, which translates to something like a half cup of tuna, two slices of bread, a half cup of tomato slices, a cup of mixed fruit, a teaspoon of margarine, and a glass of tea with lemon. The ideal dinner consists of three meats, two breads, one raw vegetable and two fats. This can translate to three ounces of baked chicken, a half cup of mashed potatoes, a slice of bread and a cup of broccoli or a tossed salad with a tablespoon of salad dressing.

Want to learn more about Diabetic Diet?, feel free to visit us at:
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Depression Is No Match for Herbal Treatments

By James Penn

More and more consumers are approaching their doctors about getting natural herbal advice for their depression rather than being placed on synthetic anti depressants. Perhaps the most common natural herbal remedy is St. John’s Wort.

The best thing about using an herb in place of a prescribed anti depressant is perhaps that the side effects are fewer in number and definitely in severity. You can’t take St. John’s Wort in conjunction with another anti depressant or with certain other medications, so make sure you consult your doctor if you’re taking anything else before you add St. John’s Wort to the mix.

The NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) is helping consumers get educated about the use of St. John’s Wort to treat depression. They believe it is best used to treat mild to moderate (but not severe) forms of depression.

What is not yet known is exactly how St. John’s Wort works in order to treat depression. It’s believed that it may possibly prevent nerve cells from reabsorbing serotonin, which is the chemical messenger in the body.

It’s been used and studied by scientists in treating mental disorders for many centuries, but it still remains somewhat of a mystery, even though its effectiveness in treating symptoms of depression such as mood swings is unprecedented, loss of appetite and often a loss of energy, and sadness has been largely documented.

The reason consumers are turning to herbal remedies such as St. John’s Wort is because synthetic drugs have a high incidence of side effects, such as dry mouth, headaches, sexual dysfunction and insomnia. It’s also a less costly treatment than high-priced prescription medications.

You can buy St. John’s Wort in capsule form, as a tea, or as an extract. You have to be careful about the quantities you use when taking St. John’s Wort, because high level doses can potentially impede the treatment process by causing dizziness, upset stomach, and a sensitivity to sunlight.

St. John’s Wort is not the only herb being used to treat depression however. Damiana, Ginseng, and Valerian root are also used to improve depression symptoms such as insomnia and stress.

Regardless of which herbal remedy you wish to try in treatment for your depression symptoms, it is important to get the guidance of a doctor skilled in herbal remedies to ensure you are ingesting the correct amount and type of herb for your personal needs.

Download your free report entitled "Natural Herbal Remedies & Antioxidant Vitamin Wonders" from
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Panic Attack Treatment-Important Tips to Remember About Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By Adam C. Murray

One of the most important things to do when trying to eliminate your anxiety attacks is to take into consideration all of the thoughts that are going through your mind. Almost all of the best tricks for panic attacks revolve around the self talk that you have in your life. The panic attacks often begin when you are thinking to yourself in a negative manner, especially when your self talk consist of sad and frightening ideas.

When you are on the edge of having an anxiety attack, it is very frustrating to try and think with a clear head, so if you can keep your methods for helping very simple, you will have more benefits with it. Listed below are some tips for dealing with panic attacks in real time.

Technique #1 - Always keep your self talk in consideration

The way you speak with yourself and the way you process thoughts about things may have a huge effect on your likelihood of having a panic attack. One good tip is to always be conscious of whats happening in your head.

If you are focusing on experiences which could cause an anxiety attack in the first place, then you should stop and then focus all your attention on something else. For example, if you are around a large group of people and you feel that it might cause you to have a panic attack then try and adjust your thoughts from the people all around you to something calm or being at ease with yourself. In the end though, it’s simpler to say than do, but with consistent practice, this method for treating panic attacks will show good results.

Technique #2 - Maintain focus exclusively on your inhales and exhales

Try and remember to reduce the speed of your breathing, because your breath is in tune with your brain and you will see a difference because of it. Now try breathing in this fashion - Take a deep breath with a count of 7 and breathe out with a count of 10. After only a few seconds you should feel better and may have avoided another panic attack.

Technique #3 - Know all of the symptoms of panic attacks

You should already be familiar with the various panic attack symptoms so that when you begin to see yourself experiencing any of the symptoms you can take immediate action before it is an issue. There are many different indicators you can watch out for, but we are not going to get into them at the moment.

These are only a few of the many tips available for overcoming your panic attacks. Your doctor will have much more specific help when you meet with him or her as well.

(c) 2007

Adam Murray is the writer of a resource all about Anxiety Attacks, which also contains articles about anxiety medication advice as well as social anxiety disorder treatment. In the end, it's a wonderful resource for gathering any info about panic attacks you may need.
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