Drink Up! Your Weight Loss is Waiting

Dr. Susan Flowers, Phd

Are you aware that water is the number one element needed during any weight loss program? Without consuming adequate quantities of water, your success will be slow and arduous.

On a normal day, everyone has heard that drinking 8 glasses of water is important for proper bodily function. However, on any weight loss regime, that total should be increased by 12-16 glasses, especially if exercise is a part of the program. As the body rids itself of fat and toxins, water is needed to remove both from your system through you digestive tract and skin. Initial weight loss is almost always water, so be mindful of dehydration. Conversely, if there is no loss initially, your body may be retaining fluid due to lack of water consumption. By increasing your water intake during proper dieting and participating in a good exercise program that includes something aerobic/cardio at least 3 times per week, the pounds will begin to melt away.

Good health begins with knowing that your body is comprised of mostly water. We can survive for over a week without food, but generally no more than 3 days without water. Our bodies use it for every function that it performs, including the involuntary blinking of your eyes. Water is lost through your digestive tract, skin and lungs. There is no way to voluntarily reserve water in your body. Your kidneys are the only organs assigned to regulate fluids in your body and if they begin to hold on to water, your body is dehydrated and can be in peril. So do your health a favor and Drink Up!

Dr. Susan Flowers has been a registered nurse and healthcare executive for 23 years in various parts of the country. She is currently retired at 42 and pursuing her passions as a motivational speaker, success coach and syndicated writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Susan_Flowers,_Phd

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