Why am I fat?

By Reno Johnson

"Why am I fat?", is a question that does not have as simple an answer as it would seem. At first glance many people who are not fat would offer up answers like, lazy, undisciplined, just plain eats to much etc. Though these are valid reasons in many cases, we simply can't just assume that this is the case. It is becoming more and more prevalent to have an overactive thyroid gland, which can lead to weight issues. In fact there are a myriad of chemical imbalances and other strangeness that are symptomatic of our modern lifestyles.

All too often we dismiss the over weight for being a less than normal part of society. Lets look at the environment first off. We are absolutely bombarded by low nutrition, high fat foods. You go anywhere and you just simply cannot find a meal within budget that is of an acceptable nutrition level. It's just too easy for us to forgo our better judgment and just buy the quickest and best tasting meal available. If you're reading this and you're thin, you may be indeed thinking that I'm describing people who are undisciplined, lazy folk. Think again, we all have different metabolisms and some of us have the raw end of the stick. If you can eat anything you please and never gain weight, then you're extremely lucky. Now just imagine that eating the way you do now, resulted in your weight going up every week.

Can you even begin to imagine the helplessness you would feel? The shear frustration that others dining at the same fast food place, eating the same greasy, quick fix food, are not showing signs of the same problem as you.

No to mention that how others make you feel when they look at you.

As far as I can see, being over weight is really just another sign of our times. It's much like a reaction that certain of us are having to the pollution our bodies are undergoing everyday and some of us are lucky and some of us are not so lucky.

Don't lose hope, if you're constantly dieting and watching what you eat and wondering "Why am I Fat", and starting to go a little crazy, then maybe it's not food.

It has recently been discovered that there are specific bacteria in your body that are probably contributing heavily towards your weight gain. Try visiting The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Reno_Johnson

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