Characteristics Of A Panic Attack

By N Young

A Panic Attack is an intense state of fear that occurs for no apparent reason and is characterized by the following symptoms, though you only need to experience four of them to classify your condition as a panic attack:

-Shortness of breath or smothering sensation.

-Dizziness, unsteady feelings, or faintness.

-Accelerated heart rate.

-Trembling or Shacking.

-Numbness or tingling sensations in fingers, toes or lips.

-Chest pain.

-Flushes or chills.

-Fear of going crazy.

-Fear of becoming seriously ill.




-Feelings of unreality.

If you experience an attack with fewer than four of the above symptoms is called a limited symptom attack. Panic attacks have different time frames, they can build gradually over a period of several minutes or hours or strike very suddenly. While they can last from a few minutes to several days, most usually don’t last more than half an hour.

When anxiety or panic is felt regardless of where one is, it is called spontaneous anxiety or spontaneous panic, depending upon the degree of intensity. If the anxiety or panic occurs only in a particular situation , it is called situational or phobic anxiety or panic. If anxiety or panic is triggered by simply thinking of a particular situation , then this is called anticipatory anxiety or anticipatory panic.

People with anxiety-related problems often feel that they are alone and are the only ones that suffer form this problem. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to the National Institute of Mental Health anxiety disorders are the most common mental-health problems in the United States. During any given six months, about 9% or 16 million people in the country will suffer from any of the known anxiety-related problems. Also, during the ocurse of their lives, anxiety-related problems will affect about 14.6% or 26 million people. From this it is very clear that anxiety problems are not rare but quite common in the United States population.

Acute Anxiety and Panic Attacks can be paralyzing, but the good news is that they can be cured in easy-to-follow steps. For more details you can visit:

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Prostate Health Diet that Reduces Enlarged Prostate

By Rudy Silva

There are sixteen different supplements that you can add to your prostate health diet. But let start with the ones you should start using right away. The first one you should start using is beta-sitosterol.


Beta-sitosterol is the main active ingredient in the herbs saw palmetto and pygeum. Both of these herbs do not have enough beta-sitosterol to be of real value in giving you prostate health. Now, beta-sitosterol, which can be obtained from sugar cane pulp, can be purchased in capsule doses of 300 - 600 mg, which gives you an effective dose to eliminate your enlarged prostate. Pygeum can only provide around 30 mg and you need upwards of 600 mg daily.

Go to the Internet to find a good beta - sitosterol price and quantity.

Flax Seed or Fish Oil

The nutrient to use for the best prostate health diet is flaxseed oil. Flax seed oil contains more omega-3 than omega-6 and so it makes it a good source of omega-3. The more omega-6 use, from olive oil and other vegetables oils, the more prone you will be to prostate cancer. This is not the case with omega-3 oil and this has been verified through clinical studies.

Omega-3 protects the prostates cells and has anti-inflammatory properties. Using fish oil can also be a better choice than flax seed oil since your body digests it better.

Use 1 - 2 grams of flax seed or fish oil per day.

Soy Isoflavones

Soy Isoflavones have been shown in clinical studies to have good effects on your prostate and should be added to your prostate health diet. These isoflavones are flavones and contain no photoestrogen so the have no estrogen effects in the body.

The active ingredients in the isoflavones are genestein and daidzein. Buy a brand that has up to 40 mg of isoflavones Use this quantity daily.

Ionic Minerals

The prostate needs minerals. Adding these to your prostate health diet is critical. You cannot have good prostate health without plenty of minerals and your regular diet cannot supply what you need.

Use the Ionic Minerals, which are liquids, but not the colloidal minerals. Ionic Minerals are absorbed immediately into your blood stream soon after they enter your mouth.

In addition to these ionic minerals, you need to make sure you get plenty of zinc and selenium. The prostate has more zinc than any other part of the body. So take 15 - 20 mg per day and not to exceed 40 mg.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another critical vitamin that you want to make sure you get plenty of. If you are out in the sun a lot, then you will not need to supplement with this vitamin. Otherwise, use up to 800 IU of this vitamin.

Vitamin E

This is the next most important Vitamin you should supplement with. Use up to 400 mg per day of the natural mixed tocopherols. Clinical studies have shown that vitamin E can reduce and suppress prostate cancer cells.

There you have it. Use, beta sitosterol, isoflavones, minerals, vitamin D, and vitamin E in your prostate health diet and see improvements in your prostate symptoms and health.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist. For more information and tips on a prostate diet that helps prostate cancer or an enlarged prostate go to:

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Prolonged Grief May Signal Serious Depression

(NewsUSA)- Each year, an estimated 800,000 Americans will experience the loss of a spouse -; one of life's most stressful experiences, according to the magazine Psychiatric Times.

While the grieving process is a natural part of life, people who experience symptoms for more than two weeks may be suffering from bereavement-related depression.

Symptoms of bereavement-related depression are like any other depressive episode. They can include a sad or irritable mood, anxiety, loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, low self-esteem and changes in sleeping and eating patterns.

As is generally the case with depression, bereavement-related depression can have a significant impact on the health of the sufferer. In fact, according to a study published in the February 2006 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the risk of death may increase by 22 percent for men and 16 percent for women following the death of a spouse.

Fortunately, bereavement-related depression can be alleviated through early identification of symptoms and treatment options including medication, psychotherapy or a combination of both.

According to a recent study that lacked a comparison group, the results of Lexapro in the treatment of depression related to bereavement is consistent with the anti-depressant effect of Lexapro.

"Without treatment, individuals who experience a major depressive episode after the loss of a loved one may develop chronic depression lasting years," said Dr. Paula Hensley, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico.

It is important for people who may be suffering from bereavement-related depression to talk to their doctor about all of their symptoms and discuss potential treatment options.

For additional information and a confidential depression screening, visit .

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An Introduction To Mesothelioma Treatment

By Marcus Peterson

Conventional therapies are of little use in Mesothelioma Treatment. The survival time after diagnosis is around 6 to 12 months. The spread of malignant cells to the underlying tissue and other organs in the pleural cavity, the pleural cavity encouraging local metastasis by exfoliated cells, the long inactive period between asbestos exposure and development of the disease are among the chief reasons for the malignancy not responding to treatments.

Surgery for mesothelioma may be performed to relieve pain and discomfort caused by the tumor or to cure the patient. Palliative surgery is typically done in cases where the tumor has already spread beyond the mesothelium and is difficult to completely remove or in cases where the patient is too ill to tolerate a more extensive operation. Curative surgery is offered when the patient is in good health and the tumor is thought to be localized and can be completely removed.

Mesothelioma is highly resistant to radiation therapy and chemotherapy. These treatments are mainly used relieve symptoms due to tumor metastasis. The Food and Drug Administration approved in February 2004 the use of pemetrexed, brand named Alimta, for the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma has reacted positively to certain treatments using immunotherapy. The attempt to boost immune response using intrapleural inoculation of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) had not effect in Mesothelioma treatment and the patients who underwent this treatment had several side effects. Immunotherapy involving interferon alpha has been able to reduce tumor by 50% in certain patients. The side effects of this treatment were minimal.

Heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy, a procedure developed by Paul Sugarbaker at the Washington Cancer Institute is a breakthrough in Mesothelioma treatment. He is able to remove a larger amount of tumor by the direct administration of a chemotherapy agent in the abdomen. In this treatment, high concentrations of selected drugs can be administrated into the abdominal and pelvic surfaces. The fluid used is perfused for 60 to 120 minutes and then drained out. When the drug is heated to 40 to 48 degree Celsius, it increases the penetration of drugs into tissues. The heating also damages the malignant cells.

New treatment approaches such as gene therapy are under clinical trials. Age, contributing health problems, or advanced state of disease may make aggressive treatment impossible. In these cases, palliative care which treats the symptoms is ideal.

Mesothelioma Treatment provides detailed information on Mesothelioma Treatment, Mesothelioma Treatment Options, Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment, New Mesothelioma Treatment and more. Mesothelioma Treatment is affiliated with Mesothelioma Doctors Info.

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Heart Attack: Causes, Risks and Prevention

By Michael Russell ....Natural Vitamin E - 1000 Complex- Heart Healthy Supplement

Heart attack, medically known as Myocardial Infarction, is the sudden stoppage of the heart due to death or damage to a large part of the heart muscles known as myocardium. It is widely acknowledged that heart related conditions (cardiovascular diseases) are the number one cause of death and disability in the United States and most parts of the civilized world, today. And sudden death, from heart attack is by far the most common consequence of cardiovascular diseases.

We have all seen someone, seemingly healthy days or hours before, suddenly slump and die. This is the kind of death or disability that heart attack visits on its victims. Of the numerous types of cardiovascular conditions, the one that is most likely to lead to a heart attack is what is known as Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) or more appropriately, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

Coronary arteries are the vessels (arteries) that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscles or myocardium. So, as the name implies, Coronary Artery Disease is a condition that affects the coronary arteries (i.e. arteries of the heart). This condition is characterized by the slow and gradual buildup of fatty deposits (fat streaks, plaques or atheromatous streaks) in the walls of the coronary arteries. Initially, these atheromatous streaks/plaques expand into the walls of the arteries, but subsequently, they start building up and growing into the lumen of the affected arteries, narrowing such arteries and obstructing blood flow. This is known as atherosclerosis.

As the build up of the plaques continue, over the years, the plaques increase in thickness and the degree of obstruction of blood flow to the heart muscles becomes severe. Though, the buildup of the plaques takes a very long time to completely occlude the lumen of an artery and result in heart attack, however, sudden rupture of a plaque usually speeds up the process. The rupture of plaque activates the blood clotting system and the clot-plaque interaction fills the lumen of such artery to the point of sudden closure. Such sudden occlusion of a coronary artery causes irreversible death of the heart muscle supplied by that artery (myocardial infarction) and precipitates a 'heart attack' i.e. the sudden stop of heart beat.

Coronary heart disease, the commonest underlying cause of heart attack, as with several other cardiovascular conditions has been associated with a number of risk factors; however, a family history of coronary heart disease appears to be one of the strongest risk factors. Also, men are more likely to suffer a heart attack than women, though after menopause, the risk of women approaches that of men, especially with hormonal therapies, which tend to increase a woman's risk of CHD. Other risk factors include: Smoking, diabetes, hypertension, obesity (especially central or female-type obesity), a chronic sub-clinical lack of vitamin C, elevated homocysteine levels, elevated blood levels of asymmetric dimethylarginine and also importantly, sedentary or inactive lifestyle.

Beside some factors which cannot be controlled, such as hereditary and gender, prevention of CHD and hence, heart attack, is usually achieved through the modification of risk factors. Leading an active life style with frequent exercise, cessation of smoking, maintaining a low-fat, low-calorie diet and decreasing blood cholesterol levels, especially Low density lipoproteins (LDL) are crucial to preventing heart attack. Exercise and healthy diet have been shown to have profound effect on cardiovascular risks, although, cessation of cigarette smoking can also profoundly reduce the risk of heart attack.

It is important to note that despite the increasingly growing number of deaths recorded as a result of heart related conditions, cardiovascular diseases can still be prevented, or at least delayed, in most cases, contrary to general beliefs. The increasing number of deaths recorded in most western countries is mainly due to unhealthy lifestyles; such as smoking, lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating habits; and worst still, the unwillingness to modify these lifestyles in most individuals.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Heart Disease
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The Four Miracle Sleep Herbs

By: Stephanie Davies

If you have ever had a difficult time sleeping, or even getting to sleep, this article will contain invaluable information that will help to enable you to get the best night’s sleep you have ever had, without the use of drugs, over the counter sleep aides, or prescription medication.

There are four main herbs that can be hugely beneficial to the insomniac. Taken alone, or in combinations with each other, these herbs are said to have homeopathic value as sleep aides. With that being said, I am not a doctor nor pharmacist, and these herbs have not been evaluated by the FDA, nor have they been scientifically proven to cure any illness. (That’s just for the legal beagles out there).

The four herbs are: Valerian, Hops, Passion Flower (or Passion Flower Extract), and Catnip.

Valerian is a very “stinky” herb, and I would highly suggest if you are going to take it, to find it in pill or capsule form. Dried Valerian Root has been variously described as smelling like: “trash”, “baby diapers”, “dirty socks”, and “like rotten cheese”. So unless you are of a strong stomach, I would recommend pill form. However, Valerian Root is the absolute strongest of the “sleep herbs”. It’s effects in higher doses has been compared to the effects of Valium by some. In addition to sleep disorders, valerian has been used for gastrointestinal spasms and distress, epileptic seizures, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. However, scientific evidence is not sufficient to support the use of valerian for these conditions. Valerian is not recommended if you are pregnant, or if you suffer from low blood pressure or hypoglycemia.

Hops, the main ingredient in beer, is a wonderful sleep herb. Hops have tonic, nervine, diuretic and anodyne properties. Their volatile oil produces sedative and soporific effects, and the Lupamaric acid or bitter principle is stomachic and tonic. For this reason Hops improve the appetite and promote sleep. American Indians made a sedative from the blossoms, and they also applied heated, dried flowers to relieve toothaches. Many herbal preparations for insomnia combine Hops with more potent sedative herbs, such as valerian. Hops can be made into a soothing hot tea, or taken in capsule form.

Passion flower has a tranquilizing effect, including mild sedative and anti-anxiety effects. In studies conducted since the 1930's, its mode of action has been found to be different than that of most sedative drugs (sleeping pills), thus making it a non-addictive herb to promote relaxation. In many countries in Europe, the U.S. and Canada, the use of passionflower leaves to tranquilize and settle edgy nerves has been documented for over 200 years. You may also be familiar with Passion Fruit, which grows from the same vine that produces Passion Flower. You can also make a hot tea from Passion Flowers, buy it in capsule form, or purchase Passion Flower Extract in concentrated form for dosages.

Finally, there is catnip. Yes, the same herb that makes your cats act with temporary insanity, can help you to sleep! While it makes cats hyper and extremely active, it causes the opposite reaction in human beings. Catnip is part of the mint family, and makes an incredibly tasty hot tea. Simply drinking a cup of hot catnip tea before bedtime can calm most people down. Catnip is a mild tranquilizer and sedative. It is most often used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and nervousness. The sedating effect may also help lessen migraine headaches. It is the least sedating of the four sleep herbs, however when used in conjunction with the other three it can produce significant effects! Nepetalactone, the major component of catnip (Nepeta cataria) volatile oil and the component that induces euphoria in cats, is thought to be responsible for catnip's sedative effects. It is chemically related to the valepotriates that occur in valerian.

So now that you know the four major sleep herbs, you can use them to promote better, longer, and more restful sleep! Be sure to read the labels on the bottle before taking the herbs (if bought in pill form) or do research to find out what dosage is appropriate for you. If you are currently taking other sleep aides of any form, please ask a doctor before using these herbs. Used in conjunction with each other, these four herbs can produce very powerful tranquilizing effects. While scientific studies on these herbs have been sketchy (as with all herbal remedies), there is good reason to believe that these remedies have some basis in fact.

Article by:

Stephanie Davies is a 27 year old Missourian with a loving husband and an 8 year old son. She currently owns and operates her own business, Mystickal Incense & More, which sells handmade candles, incense, bath & body products and other handcrafted products at

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Cervical Cancer Shot Is For Adolescent Boys Too!!

By: Darren Crumbleholme

Facts about cervical cancer.

fact 1. Cervical cancer is a cancer of the cervix.

fact 2. The cervix is the most important organ in the reproductive system.

fact 3. The human papilloma virus (HPV) is the main cause of the disease.

fact 4. The main way to contract the human papilloma virus is through sexual intercourse.

fact 5. Multiple sexual partners increase the risk of contracting HPV. Early sexual activity can also be a problem, due to the none-mature cell's increased ability to take on cancer cell growth.

fact 6. Cervical cancer is almost impossible to detect by oneself.

fact 7. Cervical cancer is a treatable survivable disease, especially with early detection.

fact 8. World wide, cervical cancer is the second most widely diagnosed cancer in women.

fact 9. In America,it is estimated that 12 thousand new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be diagnosed each year.

fact 10. We still lose between four and five thousand women a year to full stage cervical cancer.

fact 11. Most of the women who lose their lives due to cervical cancer NEVER had a pap smear.

fact 12. Anemia is frequently associated with cervical cancer, also, weight loss, fatigue, leg and severe lower back pain and the loss of regular appetite.

other symptoms to look for are

1. vaginal bleeding after intercourse
2. unusual vaginal discharge
3. pain during sexual intercourse
4. pelvic pain
5. heavy bleeding between menstrual cycle
6. increased urinary frequency

fact 13. Regular check-ups and clean habits are the simplest approach to preventing cervical cancer.

fact 14. The surest way to stay on top of this cancer is through a pap smear, performed quite painlessly by your gynecologist.

fact 15. Most pap smear test results come back with a class 1 rating. There are, however, 5 class ratings and in degree's of severity here is a breakdown.

class 1. normal
class 2. inflammation or irritation.
class 3. cervical dysphasia, this can range from mild to serious.
class 4. is one of a variety of cancers or pre-cancers.
class 5. is one of full on serious invasive cervical cancer signs.

fact 16. If your pap test comes back class 3 or above you will need to get an immediate second opinion from a different laboratory with a second opinion from another doctor. If that test comes back with signs of dysphasia, an outpatient procedure known as a cone biopsy is the next step to rule out cervical cancer.

fact 17. If cervical cancer is detected, do not prolong treatment. If left unchecked the disease can spread to the vagina and surrounding tissue.

fact 18. This disease can potentially damage the bodies reproductive organs and diminish the capacity for women to have children.

fact 19. The infected cancer cells can be surgically removed.

fact 20. A combination of chemotherapy and radiation (chemo-radiation) is very effective in the treatment of cervical cancer.

As of this writing ,June of 2006 there has been a shot developed and approved by the FDA to combat cervical cancer head on.

fact 21. This cervical cancer shot claims it has the potential to all but eradicate cervical cancer in our lifetime. It is a vaccination for the human papilloma virus (HPV).

fact 22. It might be a hard pill to swallow for some parents to take their adolescent girl (8 to 13 yr. old) in for a vaccination against a sexually transmitted disease. Some parents believe this will give the child a green-light to start having under-age sex.

fact 22. The HPV vaccine may be used on adolescent boys too!, before they become sexually active.

fact 23. If the HPV vaccine is to gain wide spread acceptance it will need to be promoted as a cancer prevention vaccine instead of a vaccine for sexually transmitted diseases.

fact 24. Some experts who are fighting this disease are hopeful that the HPV vaccine be included with other adolescent shots such as the meningitis vaccine, only time will tell.

fact 25. Early detection makes this a very treatable disease.


(c) copyright 2006 Darren crumbleholme
About the Author:Darren crumbleholme, born in England now lives in America with wife Laura and three daughters Sydney, Chelsea and Madison.If you would like to learn more about todays advances in medicine please visit his websites @ and http://www.medicineiptv.comRead more articles by: Darren Crumbleholme

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Treatments & Coping With Colon Cancer

By Dr. Logan Pallas

Patients who receive a diagnosis of colon cancer quickly become depressed and have a lot of unanswered questions about their future. The most important thing for them to realize is that they are not alone and that their friends and family are there to provide love and support.

When dealing with any type of illness, including colon cancer, family and friends are the first thought of a positive support system. Understandably, these same people may be experiencing a lot of emotional pain and anxiety themselves, which stems from seeing their loved on suffering from an illness. If, for these reasons, a cancer patient cannot find support at home, it’s a good idea to join a local support group or become involved in an activity that they enjoy. If their health allows it, a cancer patient should continue living life and enjoying every day as possible. While quality of life is very important, making sure to take time out for rest is one of the key points for successful recovery from any illness.

Immediately following diagnosis, a colon cancer patient may want to visit their local library or research the internet for educational resources, of which there are plenty available. This information will help the patient to become better informed and allow them to be more involved with their treatment. It’s important to know, and understand, what is happening to the body during an illness, treatments and recovery. It is equally recommended that a patient remain involved in his/her care for as long as possible. This can be achieved by conducting research, asking the physician a lot of questions and preparing for best and worst case scenarios.

Depending on how advanced a cancer patient’s illness is, several treatment options are available. If a patient decides to move forward with treatment, he/she may also wish to consult another physician for a second opinion in order to confirm the diagnosis and recommended treatment. The best outcome is to eliminate the cancer completely but, if that is not possible, the doctor may be able to stop the cancer from spreading or to relieve the patient‘s symptoms and discomfort.

Assuming the patient’s health will allow it, and he/she wishes to pursue remedies, the main method of treatment is surgery. Depending on the location and size of the cancer, a doctor may be able to remove all or part of the colon. If a polyp is the only cancer that is known to be present, it may be all that needs removing. In some cases of colon cancer, the patient must wear a permanent colostomy following surgery. This occurs if the cancer is so advanced that it forces the doctor to remove the entire colon.

Another common approach to treating colon cancer is for the patient to begin a series of chemotherapy treatments. This process involves the intake of medicines to help fight the cancer cells, which can either be taken orally or delivered through the patient’s veins. This option is often most useful to rid the patient of any lingering cancer cells following surgery. In addition, chemotherapy may be used to control the growth of cancer, relieve symptoms and prolong life. Radiation therapy, often used in conjunction with chemotherapy to help combat various other cancers, is not a treatment used to help colon cancer patients after surgery.

This article should not be construed as professional medical advice. If you, or someone that you know, is concerned about the possibility of cancer, you should seek medical attention immediately. A medical doctor can discuss various options, prevention and treatment possibilities should the presence of cancer be detected. A series of tests may be conducted in order to confirm, or rule out, any such diagnosis and can only be done by a medical doctor.

About The Author
Dr. Logan Pallas is a researcher and webmasterr. Visit his colon cancer website at for further details. You are permitted to reprint this article in its entirety as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.
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Nodular Melanoma - Skin Cancer

By Max Bellamy

The awareness of the dangers of skin cancer, particularly melanoma, has doubtless increased. Still, the most fatal form of melanoma is frequently left undiagnosed in the fledging stages.

Nodular melanoma is the most serious and life threatening form of skin cancer, constituting around 35% of all thick melanoma cases. In comparison, the most general form of melanoma, the superficial spreading melanoma, is regularly diagnosed in its infancy and characteristically is a thin melanoma.

The dissimilarity between thick and thin melanomas is quite straightforward. Thin melanomas have a tendency to spread out over the top of the skin surface. Thick melanomas, on the other hand, are more penetrating and grow deeper into the skin.

Commonly, nodular melanoma is already invasive upon first diagnosis. This form of cancer is normally seen on arms, legs and upper torso of an elderly person. The scalp may be affected at any age.

This malignancy is characterized by a bump-like feature, generally black, but at times blue, white, gray, brown, red, tan or skin tone.

Nodular melanoma is far less common than any of the other sub-types. It accounts for only 15% of all melanoma cases. Reports suggest that this disease commonly affects people after the age of fifty. Medically, nodular melanoma appears as a consistent blue-red, blue-black or amelanotic nodule.

Nearly 5% of nodular melanomas do not have pigment. They are called amelanotic melanoma. The most affected areas for nodular melanoma are the head, neck and upper torso. It is important to remember that a nodular melanoma usually starts in normal skin, and not in an already existing lesion. Nodular melanomas are also characterized by rapid growth.

Melanoma provides detailed information on Melanoma, Malignant Melanoma, Melanoma Cancer, Nodular Melanoma and more. Melanoma is affiliated with Ozone Generator.
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Stem Cells: The Fountain of Youth

By John T Jones, Ph.D.

This article discusses the following topics in question format on stem cells:

What are stem cells?

How are stem cells obtained?

What other potential stem cell sources are there?

Why are we and special groups interested in stem cells?

What are the goals of stem cell research?

How will stem cells affect our future?

If you are deeply interested in stem cells for the first time and want to go beyond this article, go to the National Institute site and read their very comprehensive list of frequently answered questions (FAQs). The URL is

If you are deeply interested in stem cell research, go to:

What are stem cells?

The question should be phrased in terms of embryonic stem cells because that is what we are talking about here.

A human embryo is obtained when a woman’s egg is fertilized by a man’s sperm. This occurs in the human body but it can also be done in a laboratory. The procedure is often used in cases of infertility.

I have three grandchildren formed in this way. Their mother donated eggs, their father donated sperm, and the technicians watched the fertilization take place under a microscope. The fertilized eggs were placed in the mother and she gave birth to triplets.

If embryos formed in this way are not placed in the mother they can be and are used for medical research. Often extra fertilized eggs are produced during this process. Scientist would like to harvest these extra eggs rather than discard them. They could then use them to obtain stem cells.

Stem cells are never obtained from fertilized eggs that reside in a woman’s body.

The embryos obtained after they are a few days old are in the form of a mass of cells called a blastocyst; the embryo of about 150 cells. The blastocyst consists of a sphere made up of an outer layer of cells (the trophectoderm), a fluid-filled cavity (the blastocoel), and a cluster of cells on the interior (the inner cell mass).

How are stem cells obtained?

Cell cultures are grown in the laboratory by transferring the inner cell mass of about 30 cells into a culture dish which has a nutrient broth. The cells quickly multiply and fill the dish. They are then transferred to other culture dishes and the process goes on for months.

Once the cells are obtained they can be frozen and shipped to other laboratories.

What other potential stem cell sources are there?

Adult stem cells are a potential source. They can be used to reproduce cell of their type. That is, while embryonic stem cells can differentiate into any type of cell, adult stem cells can only reproduce cells of their type. If they are muscle cells, they can be used to reproduce only muscle cells. However, recent work has indicated that some adult stem cells may be able to differentiate into other cell types.

Why are we and special groups interested in stem cells?

Because stem cells can differentiate, that is, can be used to reproduce other cell types, they have tremendous potential for solving many human health problems.

Some groups do not want scientist to take human embryos for research in any way whatsoever. Because of this, President Bush restricted stem cell research to existing stem cell sources. Other governments have stayed out of the research arena and stem cells are collected at the whims of the scientist.

Scientists argue that excess stem cells are produced in fertility clinics and that they should be used to benefit mankind.

So, what do you think?

What are the goals of stem cell research?

First, scientists want to understand differentiation. We all know that the human embryo creates all the cell types in the human body. Scientists want to know how and when genes turn on and off to create a particular cell type. Abnormal cell divisions cause birth defects and cancer. Scientists want to know what signals a change in the process of cell development. This could lead to cures for cancer and birth defects.

Stem cells could be used to test new drugs rather than human guinea pigs and animals. Damage to the stem cells would eliminate the drug before it could do damage in the market place, as so many drugs do now.

I would like to quote directly at this point: Perhaps the most important potential application of human stem cells is the generation of cells and tissues that could be used for Cell-based therapies—treatment in which stem cells are induced to differentiate into the specific cell type required to repair damaged or depleted adult cell populations or tissues.

Today, donated organs and tissues are often used to replace ailing or destroyed tissue, but the need for transplantable tissues and organs far outweighs the available supply. Stem cells, directed to differentiate into specific cell types, offer the possibility of a renewable source of replacement cells and tissues to treat diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

How will stem cells affect our future?

Have you heard of the Fountain of Youth?

John T. Jones, Ph.D. (, a retired VP of R&D for Lenox China, is author of detective & western novels, nonfiction (business, scientific, engineering, humor), poetry, etc. Former editor of Ceramic Industry Magazine. He is Executive Representative of IWS sellers of Tyler Hicks wealth-success books and kits. He also sells TopFlight flagpoles. He calls himself "Taylor Jones, the hack writer."

More info:

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The Different Kinds of Fertility Tests

By Chelsea Aubin

There are a number of different types of fertility tests that can be performed. These test range from at home fertility tests, to complex tests a specialized doctor does to couples who are not able to become pregnant. An at home test simply measures the hormones in the urine when a women is fertile. But this test can only work in detecting the hormones while there could be far more in depth problems then that.

Fertility test does not refer to one simple test that can be performed by a fertility doctor. It can, and most likely does, refer to a series of tests that are preformed to try to isolate the problem. Before any testing for actual fertility, medical workups are accomplished including in-depth medical histories of both partners, testing for simple vaginal and cervical viral or bacterial infections that can cause difficulty in achieving pregnancy. These problems are easily treated and you will be able to have children if no other problems exist. After this stage, the real testing begins.

Often the first fertility test performed is a semen analysis and semen culture as well as sperm penetration and function studies. This is not because the male is more often at fault in the case of fertility difficulties, but it can be much easier to obtain a sperm sample that to extract and examine an egg.

One of the most common forms of fertility testing for the females involves something called hysterosalpingogram. This is a form of x-ray that allows the doctors to study the anatomy of the inside reproductive organs. The doctors will look for problems in the lining, location or structure of the uterus as well as allowing them to determine if the fallopian tubes are open and capable of allowing an egg to pass from the ovaries to the uterus. A frequent problem that could cause infertility is scarring. Scarring can be detected by this form of testing, ultrasound can also detect it.

A woman may also under to mid-cycle fertility testing which looks for what is known as the "LH surge". This hormonal surge occurs just before to the release of the mature egg from the ovary and is tested by looking at the LH in urine. After the LH surge occurs, the couple is asked to have intercourse and then immediately have a post-intercourse examination. At that time cervical mucus can be used to determine if live, healthy sperm are present in the uterus.

There are other tests that can be performed to isolate the problem. Once you have figured out where the problem is there are different ways to treat it. There are techniques, therapies, and treatments available to allow the couple to have a successful pregnancy. However, not one fertility test can quickly and easily identify what is wrong. As technology enhances and becomes more developed it will become easier to isolate the problems that enable a couple to get pregnant.

Get more great fertility help, advice and tips at

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Get Rid Of Sunburn Pain - 3 Top Tips

By John Coutts

Lying in the sun is fun. Getting burned by the sun is not fun. But every year millions of people do get severe sunburn. So, how do you get rid of sunburn pain and agony? The best advice is, of course, to use sunscreen creams BEFORE exposing your skin to the sun. But when it's too late, there's still a few things you can do. Here's my 3 top tips to help you get rid of sunburn misery...

1. The biggest mistake you can make is to apply any kind of soothing cream before you first cool down the affected area. This will simply trap in the heat. The burning will continue, and you will suffer even more. Cool down the skin with ice or a cold wetted towel first, or lie in a very cold bath, or stand in a cold shower for at least five minutes.

2. White vinegar in a solution of two parts cold water to one part vinegar can work wonders. Soak a cloth in the solution and press it gently onto the burned area. You should never rub it in as this will make matters worse. Just dab in on gently, then leave the skin to dry. Aloe vera can be gently applied to the skin as a follow-up. Do this twice a day until you heal.

3. While aloe vera gel works well to relieve sunburn, some lotions contain alcohol. This will dry out the skin and tend to retain the heat, so any alcohol-based lotions or creams are best avoided.

The summer sun can be much stronger than you may think. If you plan to be exposed to strong sunshine, always wear a suncream of appropriate strength. Remember, sunburn can cause cancer. You can always get rid of sunburn pain, but that may just be the short-term effect. Be careful!

John Coutts is an experienced author who writes on a variety of popular subjects. Did you find these tips useful? You can learn a lot more about how you can get rid of sunburn pain from this resource,

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Reasons For Donating Umbilical Cord Blood

By William Teleo

Cord blood banking generated debates about the implications of donating against private storage of umbilical blood. Umbilical cord blood, a "miracle" in medical and scientific research, is found to contain stem cells which are highly valuable in treating blood-related diseases. Its "primitiveness" can regenerate whole immune systems necessary for curing chronic diseases like leukemia, anemia, and immune system disorders. Despite its many uses, there are limited donations made in public banks because of several reasons. Lack of equipment, incompetent information dissemination, and financial problems are common reasons. But other than these, the desire of parents to save their children's blood for familial use is a stronger reason.

Most families are opting to keep stem cells as "medical insurance" in case one of them gets sick with a blood disease. If you are thinking about your options, recent studies prove that public storage is more beneficial to the donating family and others.

First, there is little chance that immediate members of the donating family can use the donated stem cells. Umbilical cord blood from the sick child himself is unsuitable for his use. The genetic materials that made the disease possible is also encoded in the blood cells. The parents also contain strains of these genetic materials which make them unsuitable candidates for the blood's use. Besides, stem cells harvested from umbilical blood are usually not enough to cure adults or persons weighing over a hundred pounds.

Second, if you do need umbilical blood, chances are higher that your match is in public stores rather than private storage. National Marrow Donor Program's Dennis Confer affirms that an exact match between a donor's umbilical blood and his sibling is pegged at only 25%, while exact matches from public stores is at 75%. He claims that the latter is higher if internationally-based cord blood banking systems are included.

Third, doctors often prefer umbilical blood procured through public banking systems. Unlike private storage, public banks have regulated and rigorous standards for umbilical cord blood preservation. They have standards on amount, sanitation, and trained, qualified staff. Private storage are just ordinary businesses - they aim for profit. They may limit the amount of harvested samples to make room for more, or hire less than qualified staff to lower manpower costs. By keeping umbilical blood in private stores, its quality is highly at risk.

Fourth, donating umbilical blood in public banks does not limit your access to it unless it was used. Public and government-regulated cord blood banking institutions give priority to donors if they need their donated blood. Also, there are very slim chances that your donated umbilical blood is used. Lawrence Petz from StemCyte - a top public/private umbilical blood bank - estimates that only 5% of banked donations are used.

Lastly, donating umbilical cord blood is more economical because it's free. Private banks charge as much as $2,000 for collection and registration, and another $100 yearly for storage. That's a lot of money for something you might not even use. But by donating umbilical blood to cord blood banking institutions, you are giving a chance at life to other people without expense on your part. You never know but the life your donated umbilical blood saves might be the your savior in the unforeseen future.

For more valuable information on umbilical cord blood, cord blood banking, please visit

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The Best Exercise To Get Rid Of Cellulite

By Laurel Tevolitz

Every woman is prone to cellulite. It's not a documented disease of the body, but it does affect our appearance and self esteem in a big way. We all want to find a way to get rid of the lumps and bumps on our thighs, butt and hips...even the skinny women! One of the best ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite is exercise.

The best exercise to get rid of cellulite incorporates activities to firm the underlying muscles while burning fat and ridding the body of toxins. Cellulite can be a very difficult condition to deal with and does not go away easily. Unfortunately, there needs to be a committed change in your lifestyle and diet to see the results of your endeavors. This includes eating a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, exercise to rid cellulite on a regular basis and taking time to relax and breath in life to free your body of trapped toxins and other waste that are causing the problem.

You may be surprised to know that exercise to rid cellulite is the most effective yet least expensive way to smooth out the areas of concern. Managing to exercise on a regular basis for long periods of time is highly recommended. It not only improves the overall shape of the body, but keeps the skin and hair healthy, bringing oxygen to the underlying tissue layers. It firms the underlying muscles and increases circulation to remove fat and waste.

The best exercise to get rid of cellulite should incorporate both weight training (for muscle firming) and cardiovascular exercise (for the heart, circulation and waste removal). Some lifting movements geared toward assisting in the improvement of cellulite prone areas include, leg lifts, squats, abductor and adductor (inner/outer thighs), lunges and leg curls. Cardiovascular type exercise to rid cellulite would include activities like speed walking, swimming and running/jogging.

So remember, you cannot only rely on cellulite reducing products and eating right to help fix the problem completely. Only by incorporating the best exercise to get rid of cellulite will you honestly see any results when following your program faithfully. It's only a matter of dedication to make a permanent and positive change to your life. What do you have to lose besides that annoying cellulite?!

Discover more information about exercise to rid cellulite and other free information at our informative resource:

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Rosacea - The Red Blush That Becomes Permanent

By CD Mohatta

Rosacea- what is it? Rosacea is also called adult acne or acne rosacea. But it has nothing to do with acne. In rosacea what happen is this. You will notice that you show red blush or flushing of the center part of your face in the beginning. That may happen after sun exposure or after eating spicy foods or drinking alcoholic drinks etc. But slowly this blush will become permanent and your face will always look red at the center. Slowly the color may spread to other parts of the face and acne like papules may form.

Rosacea- Am I prone? No body knows the cause of rosacea. Nor it is known about who may be prone to rosacea. It is thought that it is a disease of the blood vessels of the face. When it develops further, you may notice red veins like spider veins on your face. Most of the men develop red big nose because of rosacea. Please read more about Rosacea here- Rosacea- treatment.

Rosacea- are there any complications? Your eyes may get involved if you don't get roseasea treated. You will feel gritty in the eyes and must consult your doctor immediately. As said earlier, men may develop very bad looking red big noses that may need surgery to correct the shape.

Rosacea- what should I do? If anytime you notice that you are getting red color easily on your face, watch if it is becoming permanent. Please consult your doctor immediately if it does and bring your rosacea under control. Knowing more about what triggers your rosacea will help you.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit- You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself young and healthy at all the ages find out more about the skin problems and how to cure them.
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Quitting Smoking Hijacked by the Nucleus Accumbens

By: Megan

The what? Let's take something easier - the dorsal striatum, or locus coeruleus. Still gobbledygook? Not to medical specialists.

If you think quitting smoking is difficult, think of it as a chemical reaction to certain stimuli, that's all. The nucleus accumbens is the name given to part of your brain's pleasure centre where dopamine is produced. Dopamine creates that feel-good mood - simple as that.

Here's a story of a no-good nicotine dragon...

He's hiding in the tobacco. Your cigarette is lit. Fire! nicotine dragon comes alive and hitches on to the tiny particles of tar in the inhaled smoke. Down and around he goes, sucked into your airways, then effortlessly slithers into your bloodstream and zooms to your brain about 7 seconds later. Nicotine dragon gets off at the nucleus accumbens and hails a passing receptor cell and hops aboard, flicks a switch to let out happy little neurotransmitters, particularly dopamines. These molecules rush around for about 30 minutes or so, having a bit of a party and making you feel warm and fuzzy, then they get bored and go back to sleep, leaving you with the bill. So then you buy another round because you liked that party...

Some of your other party pals had a ho hum sort of time, and some an even better time. Their nucleus accumbens didn't have any or many receptor cells to attract any nicotine dragons, or on the other hand, they sent their dragons to latch on to receptors in their dorsal striatum, which made them feel good in other ways.

Your hippocampus will also have been active. That's your memory center, and it works hard to remind you of all the agreeable memories associated with smoking. And when quitting smoking, your locus coeruleus, an alarm centre of the brain, notices a shortage of its favorite drug and sets off, well, an alarm, chemically, to go and get a fix quick smart.

Remember the dorsal striatum? It's part of the brain region associated with motivation. This means it produces neurotransmitters such as dopamine in response to the emotional triggers of smoking, rather than the nicotine trigger. So your other party buddies - and maybe you too - tried to get their kicks by subconscious associations with smoking and... maybe being with friends, having a break, soothing angry feelings, loneliness, boredom... or even just having a coffee. These ingrained habits are what make you a smoker in the psychological sense.

This party life is weary after a while. Up and down, high and low, lots of time, energy and money to go where... up and down again - a prisoner.

What to do? You can't think of anything worse than a day without smoking. Apart from two days without smoking. You'll just have to make you own party arrangements when quitting smoking, that's all.

Start off with those little dopamines. Make them yourself by exercising. It can sometimes take a few days of getting stuck into exercise before the brain clicks in and revs up those little critters, and from then on it's high, high all the way. You've heard of "runners high," and now you can have it too, with any exercise from cycling to walking.

Meditation or some deep reflective time is another proven way to wake up those brain pleasure centers. There again it can take a bit of practice to go really deeply "into yourself," but it's such a fantastic feeling - thanks to dopamine and those other neurotransmitters your brain produces.

Laughing, love, friendship, peace, chocolate, fun, being creative, excitement, giving and sharing will all give your nucleus accumbens or dorsal striatum a buzz. You've just forgotten or neglected how good life can make you feel.

Fill up your previous smoking time with other interests, walk by the sea, go to a new night class. Occupy your hands with healthy snacks or a craft, stress toy, puzzles and so on. Successfully quitting smoking permanently, simply means putting new habits and pleasurable memories into your brain.

Concentrate and keep shifting your focus on the new pleasures of quitting smoking and how good it feels and how much better your future is, rather than on any temporary feelings your old smoking habit gave you. After a few weeks your new pleasurable feelings will now be programmed into your sub-conscious and you will safely think and act as a non-smoker.

You're not going to let a few odd sounding brain parts get the better of you are you?

Megan Carter's website, The Ultimate Quit Smoking Guide is right up-to-date with information to make quitting smoking a breeze. A novel free gift is yours with a subscription to Hot Quit Newsletter.
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Exercise and Weight Loss: How Much Time it Takes to Gain and Lose Muscle Mass

By: Meri Raffetto RD, LDN

We all know by now that exercise is important for weight management and health, but the hard part is staying consistent. You know those conversations you have in your head where you talk yourself out of exercise until you forget the last time you did exercise. In the beginning we are motivated and exercise 4-5 days a week for a couple of weeks and then some minor disasters happen at work or home and we exercise only once that week, and then once every two weeks, and pretty soon we are not exercising at all. We've all been here more than once, but the down side to this on again/off again exercise routine is that it will keep you further away from your weight loss goals. If you depend solely on your diet to lose weight with little or no exercise you will be forced to go to a very low calorie level and it will become a much longer and less enjoyable process.

According to Ann Etheridge, fitness trainer and owner of Living in Balance, it takes a full 6 weeks to build muscle mass. For you to begin seeing results you have to be consistent with your exercise for 6 weeks straight. This valuable piece of information also shows that true fat breakdown and building lean muscle mass doesn't happen overnight. After all, you likely didn't gain weight quickly each and every week. When you start on a journey of making lifestyle changes to lose weight (and keep it off) it is a continuous process.

The most startling news is that while it takes 6 weeks to build muscle, it only takes 3 weeks to lose muscle mass. You can see, with all the on again/off again exercise, it will be difficult to obtain the results you are working towards.

Here are 3 steps you can take RIGHT NOW to keep you on track:

1. Commit. One thing we can learn from those who have lost weight and kept it off is that they made exercise a high priority in their life and committed themselves to a regular routine. Ask yourself, what am I willing to commit to? Start with something you are truly ready to do consistently. Right this down in a contract with yourself or tell a friend to help keep you accountable for your commitment.

2. Schedule the exact days and times you will exercise. Keep this appointment with yourself just like you would a doctor appointment. In other words, unless it is a dire emergency, don't let anything interrupt your scheduled exercise time. If someone asks you to do something during this time you don't have to tell them you are exercising, just politely tell them you have an appointment.

3. Don't let setbacks destroy your progress. No one is perfect and we all have days where we miss our exercise. Even when you miss a day, get right back on track as soon as possible to avoid losing the muscle mass you already built. We lose muscle mass and limit our weight loss progress when we let our setbacks turn into weeks and months. There's no need to beat your self up over your setback. Just get back on track. The quicker you get back into your routine the more progress you'll make.

Don’t forget all the wonderful short term benefits of exercising. You will get a serotonin surge to make you feel fantastic, improved metabolic rate during and after the exercise helping you to burn more calories, decreased stress, and improved sleep. Find exercise routines that you enjoy or that you at least don't hate. This will help you to stay consistent and reap all the wonderful benefits that exercise has to offer.

(c) 2006, Meri Raffetto

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Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She specializes in weight management and offers online programs to help people reach their weight loss and health goals.

For more weight loss tips sign up for her free e-newsletter at
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Better Tools, Targeted Treatments Help Doctors Fight Cancer

(NewsUSA) - Not that long ago, cancer treatments were focused on only one goal: immediate survival. As technology evolved, physicians have been able to focus attention on a patient's quality of life as well, said Dr. Andrew Zelenetz at an American Medical Association media briefing in New York.

"We've moved away from the treatments that are simply blunt tools. They can defeat cancer, but have both good and bad side effects," said Zelenetz, chief of the Lymphoma Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. "Now, not only have we defined better and modified traditional tools, but we've also discovered new therapies that can prolong life and prevent the serious side effects that can create problems for the patient years down the road."

A major advancement in cancer treatment was a better understanding of tumor and cancer cell biology, Zelenetz said. This has enabled oncologists to target specific molecules and processes within cancer cells.

In lung cancer treatment, researchers have focused their attention on targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor, or EGFR, said Dr. Bruce Johnson, director of the Lowe Center for Thoracic Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston.

"Activation of EGFR triggers reactions inside lung cancer cells that make them multiply and spread," Johnson said. "With inhibition therapy, we can block EGFR from activating its downstream activity and causing tumor growth."

However, only 10 percent to 20 percent of patients have a positive response to the EGFR inhibition therapy. Johnson and his colleagues studied the tumor cells from patients with the greatest treatment response and discovered a somatic, or genetic, mutation that specifically activates EGFR. The mutation is three times more likely in women, nonsmokers and people of Eastern Asian descent.

This finding has caused a fundamental change in the way oncologists approach treatment planning for patients with lung cancer, he said. "Today, when a patient presents in our office with a lung cancer diagnosis, we can genetically type the tumor and know that if they have a specific mutation, they'll respond to specific therapies 80 to 90 percent of the time."

Researchers are in the process of characterizing genetic changes occurring in other populations, as well as in other cancers, and believe new findings will offer insight into how these new therapies can be used in a more targeted fashion and make treatment more successful.

Log on to for more information.

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Asthma Treatment - Exercise Tips for Asthma Relief

By Ashley Green

Asthma is an airway disease which is not only common but also very debilitating. The afflicted finds it difficult to live life to the best of his/her potential. The treatment or management of asthma should be holistic and well integrated to get desirable results. One should plan nutrition therapy. herbal and detox therapy, stress management and pranayam and asanas.

Nutrition Therapy

According to Ayurveda, asthma is a disease that results from overeating coupled with anxiety and fear. The asthmatic should avoid preserved foods, as they contain chemical preservatives one could be allergic to.

Similarly, preserved foods kept for a long time in cans/packets (sometimes for months) become hyper-reactive to the body. Foods like pickles, sour foods, chemical or artificial vinegars are also detrimental for the asthmatic.

Foods which come out from the refrigerator like cold or chilled foods are also not recommended. It is best to have whole grains like dalla and whole oats, while in hot places brown rice can be taken, include a low of leafy vegetables and herbs and spices like cinnamon, garlic ginger and black pepper in the diet. Fruits like apple and papaya are also bery good (avoid banana and watermelon).

In exercises there are some helpful asanas such as the tadasana (when you do this asana you will feel the chest stretching and you will take in a lot of air in your lungs, but do it gently) gomuch asana, bhujang asana and dhanur asana. Some of the breathing exercises which are very good are - naadi shodhan and kapal bhati. Severe asthmatics should begin slowly under supervision. Finally, de-stressing with the help of music, meditation groups and body massages is avery effective.

Exercise Tips for Asthma-

. Breathing Exercise like pranayam, stretching . Moderate to high intensity aerobics workout . Light weight resistance training. . Swimming, jogging, kick boxing, skipping . Respiratory Exercise

Myth- Asthma is caused by dust, pollen etc.

Fact- It results from an imbalanced hypersensitive body-mind condition when even the smallest of agents can trigger an attack.

Must Read- Exercise Tips for Hypertension, Arthiritis, Diabetes at
About the Author:
Ashley Green: for
South Beach Diet Program your complete and most comprehensive guide on Weight Loss Tips.
Also, look out for effective yoga exercises and journal for pregrant women at
Yoga for Pregnant Woman- Exercises and Tips
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The Condition Of Gout - Fully Explained

By Tim Gorman

Gout was in the past always seen as a disease of the rich. Very often when people talk about this disease they have an image of a large mustachioed gentleman sitting by a fire with a large cigar and a glass of port. This is because one of the causal factors is if the diet is high in very rich foods such as meats, cream and wine and when the disease was first diagnosed; it was wealthy people that usually consumed these foods. Although it can be caused by regular consumption of the rich foods, it can also be caused by exposure to lead, excessive consumption of alcohol and by medications that inhibit the patient's ability to remove uric acid from the body.

Gout is a condition that occurs when the body’s ability to remove uric acid is inhibited. This means that the uric acid can crystallize in the blood and builds up in the joints. This can cause a great deal of pain and also the stiffness and swelling of the joints. The disease affects about 2 million people in the United States, generally around middle age. Some people are more prone to the disease if they have a family history of this or other diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Treatment for gout is usually based around trying to lessen the quantity of uric acid in and around the joints. This is important to prevent the joints from being damaged permanently. Very often anti-inflammatory drugs are used to lessen the swelling and are usually effective in reducing the pressure on the joints. These medicines are usually best taken soon after the symptoms arise for maximum efficiency. If you think you may have the symptoms and wish to find out more about the treatments the best person to ask is your doctor or health care specialist. They will be able to give you an examination and if necessary a list of the appropriate treatments.

Many doctors believe that one of the best ways to prevent gout is to have a healthy diet and exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. Also it is thought to be best to avoid rich foods, especially those that contain large amounts of purin, such as red meat, sardines or cream and excessive alcohol consumption. It is not a pleasant condition, but with common sense and the right treatments gout should not be too much of a hindrance to you living life to the fullest.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more gout relief tips and information on what is good arthritis medication that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
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Arthritis Help From Your Kitchen Cupboard

By: Rebecca Prescott ...MSM-Chondroitin-Glucosamine "Flex-Ease" Formula

Arthritis, whether it is osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or gout, have the common symptoms of inflammation of one or more joints. This is accompanied by pain, swelling and sometimes joint deformity. Traditionally, with herbal medicine, anti-inflammatory herbs such as black cohosh, feverfew, yucca and wild yam were recommended. And a naturopath might prescribe vitamins like vitamin A, the B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Plus a host of minerals like chelated zinc, chelated calcium and magnesium, copper salicylate, selenium and bromelain. And supplements like evening primrose and fish oils, glucosmaine, and superoxide dismutase, which is found in good quality dehydrated (but not juiced) green barley powder.

But scientists have found some very effective anti-inflammatory agents in our own kitchen. Some of them, like ginger, can be bought as a supplement. And due to ginger's strong taste, this might be a preferable way of taking it to get the quantities you need for a significant anti-inflammatory effect. But others, like olive oil, can easily be integrated into the daily diet. Cinnamon is not commonly used as a supplement here, but in India it has a rich traditional use and may be available as part of an Ayurvedic supplement.


One of the active constituents in ginger is a phenolic compound known as gingerols. These have been found to have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In a study reported in the Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Journal, the participants who took the ginger compound had significantly less pain during movement than those who took the placebo. This study followed 29 people over 12 months, and also found that swelling in the knees was also reduced.
However, if you are taking blood thinning medication like warfarin, you may need to be careful about the amount of ginger you take, as ginger can thin the blood also. (Australian Healthy Food)


This rather delicious spice has a number of health benefits. Specific to inflammation and arthritis, cinnamon can help inhibit the release of inflammatory fatty acids. (Australian Healthy Food)

Yellow and Orange Fruits and Vegetables

Some of the carotenoids in yellow and orange fruit and vegetables help reduce inflammation. Carotenoids are what gives these vegetables and fruit their color. (Australian Healthy Food)

Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil acts similar to the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen, though it doesn't have the immediate pain relieving effects that ibuprofen does. But a compund found in extra virgin olive oil, called oleocanthal has been found to inhibit the COX enzymes like ibuprofen, in what researchers describe as a 'dose dependant' manner. This research was originally reported in the September, 2005 issue of Nature magazine by Paul Breslin and his associates from Monell Chemical Senses Center. He describes oleocanthal as a natural anti-inflammatory compound that is potentially as strong as ibuprofen. He suggests that taken over the long term, it will have the same potential benefits that long term use of ibuprofen does. Their results found that taking 50 grams of extra virgin olive oil is equal to approximately 10% of the dosage of ibuprofen recommended for pain relief for adults. Olive oil also has a host of other benefits, including a heart protective effect.

Interestingly, scientists have also found that a diet high in refined grains, sugary soft drinks, processed meat and even diet soft drinks can encourage both inflammation and type 2 diabetes.

2. Australian Healthy Food Magazine, November 2005 Issue
3. Australian Healthy Food Magazine, January 2006 Issue
4, P Bedson, The Complete Family Guide To Natural Healing (Hinkler Books)

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To find out more about health food vitamins and glucosamine supplement information, visit my site for up to date articles and information. There are lots of natural home remedies, and DIY natural health information. Information on another supplement used to manage arthritic pain - msn - is here.
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Asthma Guide

Thousands of people worldwide suffer from asthma. If you don’t have it, you undoubtedly know someone who does. It’s a common condition, and fortunately it isn’t too severe in most cases. It acts by restricting the airways to the lungs, causing a great deal of discomfort. Although asthma attacks usually only last for a few minutes, in some cases they can be fatal.

If you have asthma it usually makes itself known in your childhood. Once you have been diagnosed with asthma it is rare that the condition will go away. However, it is possible. Scientists don't really know what exactly causes a person to become afflicted with asthma, but genetics is believed to play a large factor.

For the past several years, diagnoses of asthma have increased. There are now more patients than at any time in history. No one knows for sure why the increase, but some factors that may play a role are pollution, stress, and poor diet.

There are a variety of triggers for asthma attacks. A person can be affected by all of them or only some of them. The most common triggers for asthma attacks are exercise, smoking, dust, pollen, illness such as colds and flues, certain types of foods, and even sudden changes in air temperature.

The signs of an asthma attack become fairly apparent to a person who is afflicted with the condition. However, it is a good idea for those around that person to become familiar with the signs so they can assist should an asthma attack occur.

The signs are typically wheezing, coughing, breathlessness, and a tightness in the chest area. Most asthmatics have an inhaler containing medication to help control their asthma and these inhalers should be carried by an asthmatic at all times. If someone is suffering a serious asthma attack and they either don't have their inhaler, or it isn't working, call 911 immediately.

If you have asthma your doctor has probably prescribed an asthma reliever in a the form of an inhaler. Other than using your inhaler when an asthma attack strikes what can you do to help ease your asthma? Be sure to discuss prevention techniques with your doctor as they are the best resource. You can also find a variety of asthma support groups that discuss what it's like to live with asthma.

Prevention is better than cure. One major step in this direction is to find out the culprit which gives you an asthma attack and steer clear of it. Suppose your attacks are caused by say your particular exercise then first and foremost stop the exercise. Next consult your doctor for an alternative exercise routine to continue with your physical activity.

Asthmatics need to take care of themselves and their health to avoid potentially dangerous asthma attacks. Informing those close to you of your condition if it is serious is also very important. Educating yourself and others about asthma is important to your well being. Being knowledgeable about asthma will help you to prevent attacks and deal with those attacks that do happen. Talk to your doctor about any concerns that you may have.

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Stephanie Winkton is the webmaster for AZ Asthma, the web's premier resource for information about Asthma. For more articles on Asthma visit:
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Natural Relief Tips for Tension Headaches

By: Ananga Sivyer

Tension headaches are those dull achy headaches that often start to develop around mid-day. They are often stress or anxiety induced, and are usually dealt with by taking non-prescription pain relief drugs. However, recent surveys show that many of us aren't comfortable taking a tablet as soon as pain strikes and would rather be dealing with them naturally.

Here’s a simple and effective self-help massage routine you can use to chase away tension headache pain...

# sit up straight and place your fingertips behind your earlobes at the back of your head

# begin to massage slowly inwards around the base of your skull until your fingers meet in the hollow where the base of your skull and the top of your neck meet - at that point use the index and middle fingers of one hand to massage in a small firm circle

# lean back into your fingers and breathe deeply as you keep massaging for a minute or two

# now take the index and middle fingers of each hand and find the hollow on either side of your neck just under the base of your skull and again lean back into you fingers and breathe deeply as you massage the area

# turn your head as far to the left as you can, and repeat to the right

# raise your shoulders up towards your ears and then lower them as far as you can

# look left and right again

# finally, take a deep breath and have a stretch

Additional tips for a headache free day:

- Start the day with a cup of hot water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Try this as a gentle morning detox to start the day feeling fresh and clear-headed.

- Take regular breaks during the day to stretch and walk around. Many headaches can be avoided by taking regular short breaks to move and stretch. Often tension accumulates in the head due to eyestrain or intense concentration when driving or working on computers. A quick stretch disperses accumulated tension in the head before it builds to uncomfortable levels.

Ginger & Lemon Headache Reliever

2 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons for fresh ginger juice*
1 cup of boiled water
mix in a cup with honey to taste and sip when cooled

*to extract ginger juice - grate the ginger and squeeze the juice from the pulp

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in easing headache pain. Another popular way to take ginger is in its crystallized form, which can be found at most health food shops

Article by:
Ananga Sivyer is a health writer for LifeScape magazine and author of the self-help workbook: The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom Sign up for her ezine today, and get a FREE COPY of her Energy Balance e-boo
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Diabetes Prevention

By: Melissa B. Rayn

At least 10 million Americans are at risk for type II diabetes, many of them will develop the disease at some point in their lives. Is it possible to prevent diabetes, especially if your medical professional has already diagnosed you with pre diabetes? Yes, you can prevent or at the very least delay onset of type II diabetes with proper nutrition and exercise.

According to a study by the National Institute of Health people with an increased risk for type II diabetes can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes by losing 5 to 7 percent of their body weight through exercise and proper nutrition.

Losing 5 to 7 percent of your body weight really isn’t that much considering what an improvement it can bring to your health. If you currently weigh 160 pounds, you would need to lose between 8 and 11 pounds. If you were weighing in at 200 pounds, you would only need to lose between 10 and 14 pounds to see a major improvement in your blood sugar levels.

Get started by cutting out some of the high calorie foods in your diet and substituting them with fresh produce and lean meat. Eat an apple instead of a candy bar or a small bag of chips as a snack. Bake your chicken instead of frying it and replace the heavy cream in your coffee with skim milk. Small changes will go a long over time.

Since we are talking about small changes, let’s look at how you can easily incorporate a little bit of exercise each day. Ideally you want to aim for 30 minutes of daily exercise. This can be as simple as taking a 30-minute walk at lunch or walking around the block in the morning and when you get home from work in the afternoon. Go for a bike ride through the neighborhood, or pedal on your stationary bike while you watch your favorite TV show. Remember every little bit of exercise will help in diabetes prevention.

Start with a few small changes and make them a habit. Before you know it you will have lost 5, 10 or 15 pounds and will have dramatically decreased your risk of developing type II diabetes.

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Learn more about diabetes and other heath topics for women at and for an easy way to use walking to reduce your weight, feel better and reduce your risk of developing diabetes visit

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How Asthma Sufferers Can Live Drug-Free and Breathe Freely?

By: Wendy Elton

Who else wants to know that asthma is an allergic inflammation of the lungs and it’s on the rise among Americans, particularly among African American children.

It’s estimated that between 20 and 40 million people suffer from the disease and its attacks can be debilitating and frightening, especially if the medication used to treat it produces unwanted side effects like anxiety and chest pain.

Fortunately, there are non-drug remedies to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks in Blacks and decrease severity when they do occur. Alternative remedies include acupuncture, breathing exercises, diet, environmental changes and nutritional supplements. Let’s briefly look at each.

1) Pins & Needles

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that relieves pain and other conditions by the placement of small needles that stimulate certain responsive parts of the body’s nervous system.

It has been proven effective in maintaining proper lung function, a key necessity for asthma sufferers. Contrary to its painful image of pin and needle-pricked skin, most acupuncture patients find the experience totally painless and experience immediate relief from symptoms.

But effective acupuncture is both a science and an art and should be administered by licensed professionals only .

2) Take A Deep Breath

Most of us are guilty of shallow breathing – an especially serious problem for asthmatics who can’t exhale with force.

Air gets trapped in the lungs causing the gasping seizures so typical of the disease. Breathing exercises that fully engage the diaphragm to draw air in and out are an effective way to strengthen the lungs and control attacks.

Yoga adepts who emphasize the importance of good breathing as fundamental to good health recommend the following techniques. First, relax. Put yourself in a meditative pose and focus on peaceful imagery.

Second, breathe in deeply while visualizing your stomach (diaphragm) expanding and contracting, rather than your chest. Last, count your breaths. Inhale on three counts and exhale on six. Exhale through slightly parted lips.

3) Watch What You Eat - Your diet

Sugar, salt and processed foods are bad, bad, bad! They can trigger inflammation and allergic reactions that produce asthmatic episodes, so evaluate your diet and eliminate these no-no’s. Then use the strategy employed when introducing first foods to babies.

Eat only one food at a time – milk for example – to see if it triggers an allergic or asthmatic reaction. If it can be tolerated with good results, add other foods one by one to determine whether or not they’re a safe addition to your diet.

4) Supplement It

Vitamin therapy can be an effective deterrent to asthma seizures. Taken regularly, the benefits of Vitamins A, C and E and the B-complex vitamins are good sources of antioxidant protection that have proven beneficial for asthmatics.

Drug-therapy may be required for your asthmatic condition. But consider these alternative therapies as well.

The natural approach may help alleviate or eliminate your symptoms entirely while allowing you to take control in a gentle, proactive way.

You must create a plan for a future to have a drug-free asthma-free lifestyle. This includes a qualified medical practitioner who addresses your total health. Proper rest, proper breathing, proper exercise, proper nourishment, and a proper toxin-free environment. And remember to exhale completely!

Wendy's friend, Eddy Elton is the owner of website, Unique Asthma Treatment Secrets. You can subscribe to a free report by visiting his web site at Asthma Treatment and receive updates when the latest to be released on asthma treatment is available.Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.

Acupressure's Sweet Spot - How to get a Rush without the Sugar

By: Ananga Sivyer

Are you a sugar user? More and more people are resorting to high sugar drinks and snacks for a quick jolt of energy. But the trouble with using sugar for an energy boost, is that it sets up a roller-coaster effect that can soon become addictive and lead to health problems down the line. Recent research has revealed an acupressure point that boosts energy and alertness naturally and with no come down.

The Highs & Lows of using Sugar for Energy
Soon after a sugar fix you start buzzing with energy, but it's a short lived boost that soon swings sharply the other way with an energy slump. If you address that slump by eating or drinking something else high in sugar, you'll get that energy rush again, followed by another slump.

Using sugar for energy gives sporadic results at best, but there are health dangers too. Diabetes II is an ever increasing risk in a world where we're rushing to get more done and fighting daily battles with stress and fatigue. Sugar increases insulin levels and raises blood triglycerides which increases the risk of developing late onset Diabetes.

Acupressure Energy Boost
Acupuncture and Acupressure share a network of vital energy points situated along meridian channels throughout the body. For thousands of years these points have been used to influence qi (chi), the body's subtle energy force, for a wide variety of physical and emotional benefits.

The University of Michigan recently finished an intensive study that set out to prove that acupressure can provide an effective natural energy boost. Lead researcher, Dr Richard Harris, explains "it [acupressure] seems to stimulate the nerves that moderate attention and alertness".

Tapping the Sweet Spot
Students in the trial experimented with massaging five acupressure points for three minutes each. The most effective and stimulating point was the Si Shen Chong point, known to acupuncturists as one of the extraordinary acupoints (HN1), and found right in the centre of the top of the head.

Participants in the trial found the most effective way to get a sugar-free energy boost, was to tap this point lightly with the fingertips for two or three minutes.

The point used in this trial is one of the extra energy points sometimes used in the EFT meridian points tapping sequence. The beauty of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is that it uses a series of potent acupuncture and acupressure points that not only give the body a natural energy boost, but can also be used to control addictive cravings for sugar and popular stimulants like caffeine.

EFT uses a set sequence of 12 acupuncture points known to give relief from a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms. As found in the University of Michigan study, results are easily and reliably achieved by tapping lightly on the acupuncture points with the fingertips.

Ananga Sivyer is a health writer for LifeScape magazine and author of the self-help workbook: The Art & Science of Emotional Freedom Sign up for her ezine today, and get a FREE COPY of her Energy Balance e-book.
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