Depression: Knowing When It's Not A Sad Spell

By Michael Russell

It's easy to say after a hard day, "I'm depressed", but when you think of it, most of us will have forgotten that we even said that by the next day or at least within a few days. Any normal human being will go through a rough time when they lose a loved one to death or separation, when they can't figure out how to pay the next bill, when they haven't slept in months due to a new baby or when the sun hasn't shone in three weeks. So, even though at that moment it does seem serious, when do you know if it's the real thing? When does it become a clinical depression?

Any item in the list of the most common symptoms of depression can be due to other causes, like a physical disorder or illness. And anybody can be feeling at least one symptom at any given time. So before you go and diagnose yourself with clinical depression, make sure you're suffering from more that one symptom and talk to your doctor.

A person suffering from a clinical depression will usually experience these symptoms:

- A difficulty falling asleep and/or sleeping through the night. They may also wake up early and be unable to go back to sleep. Many feel that they dream all night, the dreams often being of a very disturbing nature.

- A feeling of complete exhaustion with not even enough energy to carry out daily tasks.

- A constant feeling of sadness and misery. Not even the things that usually bring them joy have any effect. They will start crying for no specific reason.

- Feeling that they are a failure in every aspect. They may ponder on the past and the mistakes they have made in the past, are making in the present and will make in the future. This all brings on a feeling of hopelessness, as if life will not get any better and is ultimately not even worth living. Though a depressive person might not be suicidal, in many cases thought of death and suicide are constantly in the back of their mind.

- A person suffering from a depression will either not want to see anyone at all or be terrified of being left alone.

- They have no interest and joy in things that they used to love, such as hobbies. In most cases, interest in sex will disappear completely. Though they may not have an appetite, they might stuff themselves with food to find comfort.

- Though depressed people often seem subdued, they might become irritable and angry for little or no reason.

- Low self-esteem and lack of confidence.

- A feeling that life is unfair.

- Though they might spend the day not doing anything and without the will to do anything, they still feel that life is passing them by.

Depression not only causes emotional pain, in many cases it also brings on physical pain, such as back pain and headaches. These usually cannot be explained by the medical profession and will not go away through treatment such as therapeutic massages or medication. Other physical symptoms of depression are constipation or other digestive problems, chest pain and dizziness. Any of these conditions could imply something else and should be checked out by a doctor. If the patient has a tendency to suffer depression, it should be mentioned to the physician.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Depression
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How To Deal With Depression

By Michael Russell

Depression is a vicious cycle. Those who are trapped in it may not realize themselves that they are depressed. Often times, it slips underneath the person's emotional radar, rendering the person unaware of its causes and presence.

It takes a conscious effort for a person to keep a consistent state of happiness. Accepting reality as it is, in both hard times and soft, is one way to deal with depression. The person must directly embrace the faults of reality, its potentially harsh circumstances - by doing so, the person has re-paved the path of happiness.

Depression in its bare form is simply a lack of direction. The elements of hope and trust are missing, thus causing the person to feel down and dimmed. The person has to first realize that depression, like all other things, is preventable. It is a choice to feel a certain emotion; essentially the person who is experiencing depression is choosing to experience it.

"The flowers are bright, but the person's mind is dark". Reality is purely subjective. One can choose a pessimistic viewpoint on an absolutely bright and sunny day, while another person can see beauty in spite of the darkest clouds. This applies in every aspect. The first thing the person must do is embrace the experience of depression. Depression does not occur because of some outside circumstance. It occurs internally, when the body and mind have developed a negative disposition.

Depression is closely linked to the conditions of anguish and anxiety. The person is not consciously aware of anguish. Often times, the condition of anguish was caused by the repression of a past event - perhaps a lost loved one, an emotional breakdown, etc. In regard to anxiety, the cause is usually discovered within conscious levels of thought. It takes a little self-questioning on the person's part in order to locate anxiety's root cause.

What lifts depression is the capability to understand it. By understanding the nature of it, the person will be able to identify what it is that's hiding beneath. Like happiness, depression is influenced by the person's habits and activities. The things that surround the person strongly influence that person. If the person is surrounded by negativity and fear, then it is likely that they will experience the same. On the opposite end, if the person essentially chooses to be around positive events, then depression would be less of a problem or no problem at all.

The mind works in the way that it looks for proof of its beliefs. If the mind is experiencing depression, then it will seek depressing events. The person will likely listen to saddening music, watch saddening shows, etc. However, this circumstance can be easily altered - by listening to uplifting songs, perhaps ceasing to watch a depressing news story, etc. It's all choice at the bottom of it. Regardless of the "circumstances", emotions are a choice. Just like life, it's entirely subjective. People create their own realities. Everything that has occurred internally was earned to an extent. It takes courage and hope to realize that something like depression isn't going to last forever. That is, unless it is chosen.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Depression
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Depression in the Elderly

By Michael Russell

A lot of people may say that they feel "depressed". Feeling sad or upset is normal for a certain amount of time when we have lost someone or something we love. However, when this feeling of being "down in the dumps" or having "lost your drive" extends over a longer period, seems to happen all the time and if you can't pinpoint exactly what the cause is, it could be depression. Depression starts with the being lethargic and you begin to lose interest in almost everything you do. This is far from normal. This is no longer just something that is "in your head" but already a serious medical condition that should be diagnosed and treated.

Depression may occur at any age, but it is very common in the older population. Depression most often goes unnoticed because the elders themselves and those who are in contact with them think that it is just a normal part of the aging process. This notion is wrong and should be corrected. If depression in the elderly is not treated, it could lead to dire consequences such as poor quality of life or suicide. Depression in people over 65 years old happens more often in developed countries. This is because in some countries, the elderly have a high place in society and are valued for their wisdom. In the developed countries however, the culture is so fast-paced and youth-centered that the elders are left behind. Seniors in these countries often feel left out, irrelevant and worthless, thus causing depression in almost 6 million in America alone.

Depression greatly affects the quality of life of the elderly. It is a known fact that the hope of getting better has a tremendous effect on the recovery or peaceful death of an elderly person. If they loses

this 'hope' and becomes depressed, the likelihood of delayed recovery or death due to the physical illness is increased. Healthcare costs tend to double with individuals suffering from untreated depression as compared to those without it for many reasons. Depressed seniors who are untreated have difficulty following the necessary treatment regimen or participating in their rehabilitation program. Also, they tend to rate their health as poor, resulting in more trips to the emergency room and visits to the doctor's clinic. Lastly, the risk of abusing prescription drugs or alcohol is higher in the depressed elderly.

What all people over 65 years old and their families and caregivers should know is that depression can be and should be treated primarily to prevent suicide and improve the quality of life. When a person reaches a certain age, time starts to take its toll on the body, his health takes a turn for the worse and he has difficulty adjusting to new life situations leaving him feeling lonely, isolated and worthless. All these could send anyone to the edge. If that person is also deprived of the needed emotional and psychological support from those around him, this pushes him off the edge. This is why the suicide rate of the elderly in the United States alone is six times the national average. This is also the reason why depression has been labeled as a major public health problem.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Depression
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Treating Depression With Modern Approaches

By Athlyn Green

Treating depression is an important step on the road to recovery. Modern research has yielded discoveries into how the brain works and offers varied treatment approaches.

Newer depression medications offer relief from side effects associated with older medicines. Newer drugs may be called on when waging war against depression treating symptoms of this challenging condition.

If you have been diagnosed with depression, your doctor will outline different medications, their benefits and risks. He will weigh these in deciding on a treatment for you. In treating depression, your doctor will consider your age, your history—whether you have experienced depression previously—and he will gauge the severity of your depression.

He or she may recommend that you try a SSRI. These are used to treat depression in its early stages. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are an appropriate and beneficial treatment choice because they do not present the same severity of side effects. In weighing your depression treating it with a SSRI may be your doctor’s first choice.

Alternatively, your doctor may choose a tricyclic antidepressant. This may be decided upon if you have tried several different medications but have seen no appreciable improvement. Your doctor may consider a tricyclic antidepressant when treating depression if you are grappling with a major episode.

Other drugs can be called on. MAOIs or monoamine oxidase inhibitors may be used, but caution is indicated because of potential dietary and drug interactions.

Drugs such as Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, or Desyrel are also currently used for depression treating symptoms effectively. These may be selected because the risk of side effects is reduced.

Modern treatments offer much in the way of choice. Thankfully, a wide range of antidepressants is available for treating depression effectively.

If you are looking for other treatment options, natural remedies may be more tenable. A nutritionally oriented physician or therapist can help you to research supplements and herbs that are known to calm the nervous system. Natural supplements have been used successfully for depression treating and reducing symptoms by correcting brain imbalances and restoring neurotransmitter functioning.

Natural supplements are gaining in popularity as a viable method for treating depression and their use is not attenuated by side effects encountered with prescription medications.

What beneficial substances do natural remedies contain? A good quality natural supplement will include vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts. Chamomile offers beneficial anxiolytic effects (anxiety reduction) and is effective in alleviating insomnia; valerian is used for mood disorders such as depression. (Clinical studies suggest a neuroprotective effect associated with valerian extracts.) Calcium and magnesium alleviate emotional and physical stress; ginkgo biloba increases oxygen content to the brain, aiding in concentration and mental acuity. It is also used for treatment of depression. These supplements are specifically formulated to address depression treating it by improving balance and restoring damaged neurotransmitters in the brain.

Side effects can largely be a thing of the past with newer medications and potent herbals. You do not have to suffer with debilitating symptoms. Treating depression has never been easier, with the many modern options available.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Depression Treating, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.
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Stress And Depression Caused By Stuttering

By Steve Hill

Would you say that you are often down and depressed? Do you become easily stressed? Do you find it difficult to speak at times? Do you find life a big struggle? Around eleven years ago I would have answered yes to all of these questions. I had to go through the first twenty-two years of my life with a speech impediment to contend with. I am now able to talk fluently after working very hard to overcome the stutter and my whole life has improved one hundred percent.

I am not really sure why but I was a very weak person when I was a child, what some would call a bit of a cry baby. I developed a speech impediment when I was around five years old and then let it control my life for the next seventeen years. I had what some people call a stammer but what is better known as a stutter. I was very ashamed of this and would attempt to hide the fact that I had this stutter as much as I possibly could. I would do this by adopting some very clever coping techniques. For example for some reason I found it hard to meet new people, this may be because I had a lack of all round confidence. I would therefore try very hard to avoid meeting new people and when the situation arose where I did have to meet somebody new I would be very quiet and would hardly speak a word.

I was also very much aware which words I could and could not say. I had a huge dislike to any word which began with the letter b and again would avoid all of these type words at all cost. At times I would have to think of an alternative word to say, as an example I used to live in a place called Brixham but when people asked me where I lived I would say Torquay. Torquay was actually ten miles away!

My childhood was not exactly a happy one as the stutter caused me lots of stress and worries every day. I could often spend weeks in a depressed state and this made my parents unsure of how to help me. This depression was very hard to get myself out of as there just seemed that there was no hope of me ever being able to speak fluently. I had attended speech therapy for many years with very little success.

Aged twenty-two I decided enough was enough and started on a journey which would eventually lead me to reaching my goal of fluency.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:
help for stuttering
stuttering info
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Depression Treatments That Offer Hope

By Athlyn Green

Depression treatments have come a long way and offer hope to sufferers. Research has shed insight into the human brain and its functioning and has come to the rescue with flexible treatment approaches to combat troubling symptoms of depression.

The latest scientific evidence confirms that clinical depression is a medical illness, one that causes changes in the brain. Brain chemicals and their balance are affected and treatment for depression is tailored to address those underlying causes.

Armed with these insights, science has yielded newer depression treatments that offer fewer side effects. These are used in conjunction with traditional medicines that are still effective for those who may not respond to the newer medications.

What medications are available? Your doctor will first consider different factors when deciding on a drug therapy for you. He or she will determine your history, whether you have suffered bouts of depression in the past, the severity of your depression, and your age. Then he or she will decide on an appropriate treatment for depression for you.

Your doctor will draw from an arsenal of different antidepressants, SSRIs, tricyclics, or MAOIs, or additional drugs. These are all effective medications.

When depression treatments are in the early stage, your doctor may select a SSRI. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a beneficial treatment choice because they do not present the same severity of side effects.

If you have tried a SSRI without tangible benefit, your doctor may choose a tricyclic antidepressant. This may be indicated if you have tried several different medications but have seen no appreciable improvement. A tricyclic may be called on if you are in the throes of a major depression.

MAOIs may be tapped as a last resort as treatment for depression. Use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors is fraught with potential dietary and drug interactions.

Drugs such as Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, or Desyrel may not necessarily fit into drug classifications of antidepressants but these may be selected in depression treatments for you because the risk of side effects is reduced.

Thankfully, newer drugs have yielded a reduction in side effects and are used to effectively treat depressive disorders. Because long-term effects have not yet been established, you will want to discuss potential benefits and risks with your doctor, once a treatment for depression has been decided upon.

If side effects are a concern or if you find that you are sensitive to medications, an alternative approach is the use of natural remedies. Natural supplements are gaining in popularity as viable depression treatments and the good news is that their use is not attenuated with the side effects encountered in prescription medications.

Chamomile is effective in alleviating insomnia and anxiety and offers beneficial anxiolytic effects (anxiety reduction), valerian is used for mood disorders such as depression. Clinical studies suggest a neuroprotective effect associated with valerian extracts. Calcium and magnesium treat emotional and physical stress. Ginkgo biloba has been shown to increase the oxygen content to the brain, aiding in concentration and mental acuity, as well as its use for treatment for depression. Many beneficial vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts are combined in herbal preparations, which are specifically formulated to improve, balance, and restore damaged neurotransmitters in the brain.

Science offers newer medications for depression and researchers have uncovered the exciting potential of substances derived from nature. Depression does not have to interfere with quality of life. New depression treatments offer help and hope.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Treatment For Depression, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.
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Medications For Depression—Making Wise Choices

By Athlyn Green

If you have been diagnosed with depression, a discussion with your doctor will reveal a list of depression medication options for you. It's important to learn about these drugs as well as alternative remedies that might be helpful.

Science has yielded an increasing arsenal of drugs in the war on depressive illnesses. Modern drugs offer relief without as many side effects. Medications for depression are safer and less toxic than older preparations.

Your doctor will consider different factors when deciding on a drug therapy for you. He will determine your history and if you have suffered bouts of depression in the past, your age, and the severity of your depression. He will then discuss a list of depression medication that may prove the most beneficial in your case.

He may discuss SSRIs, Tricyclics, MAOIs, or other antidepressants, such as Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, or Desyrel. These are medications for depression that are in current use.

SSRIs are used to treat depression in its early stages. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be more beneficial because they don’t present the same severity of side effects experienced with the tricyclics or monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Tricyclics may be indicated if a patient has tried a whole list of depression medication with no tangible improvement. Tricyclics are helpful in treating major depression.

MAOIs may be called on as a last resort. Their use is contraindicated because of hazardous dietary and drug interactions.

Other drugs may not necessarily fit into drug classifications of antidepressants but are also used as medication for depression because they don’t present the same potential dangers to the patient.

Newer drugs have yielded a reduction in side effects and are used to treat depressive disorders. Long-term effects have not yet been established. Potential benefits and risks should be discussed when contemplating a list of depression medication.

Many are turning to alternative approaches. Natural remedies are gaining in popularity as safe and effective treatment choices over conventional and modern medications for depression.

Natural supplements draw on a comprehensive list of ingredients that have been shown to bring relief from depression and its troubling symptoms. Herbal remedies incorporate essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts needed by the human body and brain for optimal functioning. Specific ingredients such as calcium and magnesium, valerian, chamomile, and ginkgo biloba boost functioning. These ingredients are beneficial for physical and emotional stress, for treating anxiety and mood disorders; and most importantly for treating depression. All work to restore brain balance, resulting in mental clarity and improved mood.

As seen from the foregoing there are many appropriate and differing medications. Your doctor will go over a list of depression medication with you or he may describe a remedy that includes use of natural supplements.

Depression doesn’t have to compromise quality of life. Science has offered newer medications for depression and has discovered exciting substances derived from nature’s own storehouse to effectively treat symptoms.

You can make wise treatment choices using medication or potent natural remedies.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to List of Depression Medication, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.
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Signs Of Teenage Depression Would You Know What To Look For?

By Athlyn Green

If your teenager exhibited signs of teenage depression would you catch it? Teens present a baffling and complex picture, displaying attitudes and behaviors peculiar to youth. It might be difficult to recognize depression in your teenager because you may attribute his symptoms to teenage high jinks and experimentation, growing pains that you believe will pass.

Depression rates are rising, with a corresponding rise in depression during the teen years. What can contribute to or be a cause of teenage depression? Many factors influence the development of this disorder, ranging from hereditary influences to brain imbalances. Hormones and sleep cycles change dramatically during adolescence, which can make teens more vulnerable to major depression.

The important thing is to recognize what may be happening to your child and to seek appropriate treatment. Depression in teens is a serious disorder and it can have serious consequences.

Does your teenager need to see a doctor? Keep in mind that one in 8 teens suffers from depression and that, since the 1970's, teen suicide rates have tripled. Early intervention has been shown to reduce the risk of suicide. If your teenager has spoken about death or taking his own life, these statements could be signs of teenage depression.

Depression involves a sad mood that just does not go away. Negative thoughts and a sense of worthlessness can be accompanied by the belief that things will never get better. Depression distorts viewpoint. The sufferer focuses on disappointments and failures, blowing these out of proportion; however, an outside event, or a series of them, cannot be said to be a cause of teenage depression.

Your teen may forego social activities and spend long periods of time by himself. School attendance may have tapered off. His appearance may have undergone changes, as well. A link has been shown between depression in teens and the clothes or music they choose. Poetry from teenagers who took their own lives has shown nihilistic themes. Often a history of drug and alcohol use is discovered or the teen may have been cutting himself.

If you think your teen is showing signs of teenage depression, professional evaluation and treatment should be undertaken. If you have concerns about antidepressant medication, remember that most mental health professionals continue to recommend its use. The risks and benefits need to be weighed.

Modern treatment approaches offer alternative options that have been shown to be very effective. Natural remedies can offer hope by working to treat brain imbalances that may be a cause of teenage depression.

Potent, good quality supplements may include ginkgo biloba, shown to be an aid in concentration and in treating depression; chamomile, which can help to reduce anxiety; valerian, used to reduce anxiety and mood disorders, including depressive illnesses; and calcium and magnesium, which can help to alleviate physical and emotional stress. Other essential ingredients include beneficial vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts. All work to treat depression in teens.

Natural supplements are specifically formulated to improve and balance brain functioning. Essential nutrients help to restore damaged neurotransmitters and ease feelings of lethargy, negativity or anxiety, which can be signs of teenage depression.

Treating your teenagers depression is one of the greatest gifts you may ever give to him or her. It starts with identifying possible signs of teenage depression and then seeking appropriate and safe treatment so he or she may recover.

Children are one of life's greatest treasures. Of all the things we value most, our offspring are at the top of the list. They deserve a happy and healthy adolescence, one that is free of the distressing signs of teenage depression.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Depression in Teens, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.
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Types of Depression Medicine - Risks And Benefits

By Athlyn Green

Different types of depression medicine offer hope to people suffering from depressive disorders. Modern treatments can help those afflicted to see a light at the end of what can seem like a long, dark tunnel.

Science has yielded insights into the human brain and how it functions, and has unveiled effective treatment approaches. Different types of depression medication can be tried, when attempting to restore mood.

Doctors prescribe antidepressant drugs and draw from a varied arsenal of different types of medicine for depression. A person’s age, their history, and severity of their depression will determine appropriate medication choice.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can tackle depression in its early stages. SSRIs inhibit the reuptake of serotonin, thus more serotonin is available to be taken up by other nerves. Some studies indicate that SSRIs may be more beneficial that tricyclics or MAOIs. The newer SSRIs are not as dangerous, if someone takes an overdose. Side effects are generally less severe than those experienced with the older types of depression medicine.

Tricyclics or are still important in the war against depression and are used for patients who fail to respond to anything else. They may be less popular than the newer types of depression medication, but they are used to treat symptoms of major depression.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or are a last resort, used when other classes of antidepressant drugs prove ineffective; however, they can present potential lethal dietary and drug interactions, which makes their use hazardous.

Other drugs (Wellbutrin, Effexor, Remeron, or Desyrel) don’t fit into standard drug classifications of antidepressants; however, they were discovered in the search for safer, non-toxic medications. These drugs affect different neurotransmitter systems. Doctors will try different types of medicine for depression.

Newer drugs offer the hope of fewer side effects and have proven effective when treating depressive disorders; but their long-term effects have not been established.

If you are concerned about either side effects or long-term effects, another viable option includes use of natural remedies. These are gaining in popularity as a safe and effective alternative to both older and modern types of depression medicine.

Natural supplements work in the same fashion as drugs to treat neurotransmitter functioning. Neurotransmitters play a role in mood, thinking, appetite, sleep, and pain levels. By restoring chemical balance in the brain, symptoms of depression are effectively treated.

Natural remedies incorporate beneficial vitamins and minerals, amino acids, enzymes, specialty supplements and additional herbal extracts. Herbal preparations may include: valerian, for reduction of anxiety and mood disorders, including depressive illnesses; chamomile, to reduce anxiety; calcium and magnesium, for physical and emotional stress; and ginkgo biloba, shown to be an aid in concentration and in treating depression. These remedies bring about relief naturally but in the same fashion as doctor-prescribed types of depression medication.

Science has pushed the boundaries of the medical frontier in the quest for different types of depression medicine. Additionally, research has illuminated the exciting potential of potent remedies derived from nature.

Whatever course you choose, you can go forward, comforted with the knowledge that varied and flexible treatment options are readily obtainable. Depression and treatment approaches have come a long way.

Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She has contributed to Depression Medication, a section of dedicated to natural treatments and prescription drug alternatives for this disorder.
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What are the Signs of Depression in Women?

By Mike Stevens

Depression in women is far more common than it is in men. Women are nearly twice as likely to suffer from depression than the opposite sex, with specific points in life being more at risk. The highest risk times in a woman's life include puberty, pregnancy and menopause, all times when there is a major upheaval in her hormone levels.

The signs of female depression are often overlooked as a women struggles to continue her every day life, hiding the depression from her friends and family. Depression is frequently chalked up to bad character and the woman may feel embarrassed to admit that she isn't happy. This is especially true during times that are generally perceived as great blessings, such as during pregnancy. Everyone expects to be thrilled about a new baby, but the pregnant woman might find herself increasingly depressed as the due date draws near and she feels she must hide this from the thrilled grandparents and father-to-be.

Another reason depression may be overlooked is that it is often accompanied by periods of mania or euphoria when the woman feels she is on top of world. This also confuses those around her, who believe that the periods of depression are only temporary.

The most common signs of female depression include changes in appetite (eating much more or less than usual), unending fatigue, and changes in sleep patterns (insomnia or excessive sleepiness). Depression in women usually results in a withdrawal from the world, as well. The depressed woman suddenly prefers to stay home rather than go to mother's group or exercise class. She may find herself unable to concentrate on the simplest tasks and will feel inexplicably sad and hopeless, perhaps even turning her thoughts to suicide. Another sign may be a physical condition that cannot be traced to any particular cause, such as frequent headaches or stomach pains.

Depression in women can strike at any age and shouldn't be ignored. When a husband notices the signs of female depression in his wife, or if a friend notices that a woman is no longer interested in anything except staying locked up at home, it is time to intervene. The woman herself is the most likely to decide to take action, although she might be too embarrassed to talk to a doctor or therapist about her condition.

A large number of women choose to treat their depression naturally, for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they feel unable to deal with the possible side effects of a prescription drug while caring for a family, or want to avoid the stigma of a therapist and antidepressants. In some cases the cost of the drugs is also prohibitive and the depressed woman feels that herbal supplements would be more economical and safe.

Natural treatments for depression in women abound. St. John's Wort is one of the most commonly known, while valerian root, green tea and ginkgo biloba are also effective at treating the disorder.

Women may suffer more from depression, but they have options for treating it. Instead of hiding from the world, they would do well to seek medical help and start looking at ways to get out of the cycle. Depression in women can and should be treated.

Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to Signs of Female Depression section of, a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.
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Do They Have Depression Chat Rooms?

By Mike Stevens

Those who suffer from the condition often find depression chat rooms or forums to be a great help. One of the worst sensations victims of mood disorders experience is the sense of being utterly alone. When given the opportunity to communicate with others in the same boat, they feel less alone and supported.

An anxiety and depression chat room functions like any other chat room online. Some are perfectly anonymous, no need to sign up before posting, while the majority require a code name in order to participate. The user can then actively chat with other members of the room, or simply "lurk", watching and reading what others have to say. The chat room is real time.

A depression forum is slightly different in that it is not real time and it gives the user the freedom to simply read postings made by other members. He can then leave a reply to an existing post or create a new one. There is less pressure to communicate in a depression forum.

Experts as well as depression sufferers agree that depression chat rooms serve as a sort of group therapy. While not run by professionals, the simple act of breaking out of the isolation of depression can be helpful. More than one suicidal individual credits contacts online with saving their life, by talking them into going to the hospital after a deliberate overdose, or giving encouragement when life just seems to overwhelming to go on.

Since depression is such a lonely disease, causing the victim to feel isolated and misunderstood, many who suffer from depression wouldn't seek medical help. The friends they find in an anxiety and depression chat room may be the only ones who can give advice that will actually be taken. This is especially true of teens who tend to have a high rate of depression and who are most resistant to getting outside help. Women suffering from post-partum depression are also likely candidates for online help.

An anxiety and depression chat room can also be a good place to find follow-up resources. Most websites that host a depression forum or chat room also provide links to local mental health resources or other helpful sites online. Some websites even have trained suicide-prevention professionals on hand to monitor their depression chat rooms, resulting in a lower rate of deaths among the chatters.

Not all depression chat rooms are a good place to be, however. Since chat rooms tend not to be moderated or checked (whereas forums are) for inappropriate postings, there is always the risk of bad information. In some cases, suicide pacts are formed online, through a chat room. These are worst-case scenarios, of course, with the general consensus being that depression chat rooms are helpful.

While depression can be a debilitating disease that makes its victims feel alone and unloved, depression chat rooms and forums may be the light that some people are looking for. As a resource for those too embarrassed to seek professional help, it is invaluable.

Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to the Depression Forum section of , a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.
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Type I Diabetes and Depression - What is the Link?

By Mike Stevens

There is a strong link between Type I diabetes and depression, as there is between many health conditions and related mood disorders. As such it is important to learn how to cope with the feelings.

Diabetes depression tends to be related strictly to the disease. The management of type I diabetes and depression can seem overwhelming at times. Dealing with frequent insulin injections, careful monitoring of your diet and the possibility of complications can lead to stress and depression. These odds increase if you have already suffered a complication such as blindness or nerve damage.

Depression is mainly about feeling hopeless and those with type I diabetes and depression feel horribly helpless. You might feel that you have lost control of your life and your body to this disease and when hopelessness sets in, so does the depression. Side effects of some medicines used to treat diabetes can also be the cause of depression, as can changes in your blood sugar. High blood sugar can keep you awake at night, resulting in more fatigue during the day, while low blood sugar can result in overeating. Bouncing between the two extremes is a common cause of diabetes depression.

Other typical causes of diabetes depression is tension between the patient and the doctor. When you disagree with your doctor about methods of treatment, this causes stress that can lead to depression. And if you are already depressed, you may not even want to see your doctor.

Realizing when you are depressed is the first step to treating it and feeling better. The symptoms of depression include tiredness, irritability, a continuing sense of sadness, loss of interest in activities that you once enjoyed, changes in sleeping and eating patterns and a general withdrawal from the outside world. If you have more than three of these symptoms, or if you suffer from two or more for longer than a couple of weeks, you should speak to your doctor about the possibility of depression.

Type I diabetes and depression can be a nasty pair. Diabetes itself requires a strict regimen of diet and medications and adding antidepressants to the mix is a recipe for disaster, although it may be the only way to function for some people. Antidepressants should be carefully evaluated by your doctor to make sure they won't aversely affect your blood sugar levels or react badly with medications that you are already taking.

You might prefer to stick with natural treatments for the depression side of the dual type I diabetes and depression issue. They are less likely to react with the existing drugs (but check with your doctor before taking them), and cause far fewer if any, side effects. Herbs such as hops and ginkgo balboa are useful in the treatment of depression, among others. A vitamin supplement is often helpful as well, to maintain the balance of vitamins and minerals in your body. A vitamin deficiency can contribute to diabetes depression, too.

Therapy is yet another option that may be used alone or in combination with antidepressants. It is a good option if you are already on several medications and worry about the risk of adding more to the cocktail. By seeing a therapist and learning to deal with the underlying emotional issues, you can avoid medication.

If you have diabetes you are at a higher risk for depression than the average person, but you do have options. Whether you choose antidepressants, therapy, supplements or a combination of these, do realize that both type I diabetes and depression are treatable.

Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to the Diabetes Depression section of, a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.
Article Source: note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.

St.John's Wort - Natures Most Potent Anti-depressant

By Sacha Tarkovsky

A potent natural cure for depression is provided by St John’s Wort and it has been used for centuries to treat depression. Let’s look at its history and potency.

St.-John's-wort, is a European herbaceous or shrubby planet of the genus Hypericum of the family Hypericaceae.

The plant is unmistakable and is usually found in wet, open spaces with bright yellow flowers and dotted leaves.

Historically (as were many pre-Christian customs and symbols). St. John's Wort was connected with the pagan sun god Balder.

After the pagan downfall, Baldur’s Day became St. John's Day, and the plant was re-named after the saint St. John.

Traditionally, people believed the plant warded off evil spirits and thunderbolts and took it to keep these at bay.

Our ancestors were well aware of its powers as a healing herb and St.-John's-wort was widely used for treating wounds due to its antiseptic qualities.

Today, St.John’s Wort is popular as a herbal cure for mild depression after a number of recent tests proved its affect on our moods.

St. John’s Wort as a Medicine

Ancient civilisations found that St John’s Wort had several uses aprt form treating depression and these included:

As a general antiseptic, an anti-inflammatory agent, as an astringent.

It was, and still is, also used as a medicinal tea.

There is now Hypericum extract which is widely used as an anti-depressant.

St.John’s Wort is aloe popular in homeopathy.

In Germany, Hypericum is widely prescribed by physicians for mild depression, and is just as popular as prescription anti-depressants.

Scientific Verification

In study after study, St.John’s Wort (Hypericum) has proven effective when compared to a placebo for treating mild to severe depression.

Other studies found that not only is Hypericum effective when compared to placebos, it is also effective when compared to tricyclic anti drepssants.

The Pharmacology of Hypericum

It is now widely believed that St. John's wort works by helping the realise of Serotonin (5-HT) just like conventional antidepressants.

Additionally, Hyperforin (an active ingredient of Hypericum) has excellent antibacterial properties; even killing methicillin-resistant forms of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Its antiseptic qualities are unquestioned.

Suggested Doses

There are recommended dosages for various forms of St John's Wort as stated by the British Herbal Medicine.

Dried herb: 2-4 g or by infusion three times daily

Liquid extract 2-4 mL (1:1 in 25% alcohols) three times daily

Tincture 2-4mL (1:10 in 45% alcohol) three times daily

Note : Hypericum, like other antidepressants, must be taken for at least four weeks before its real effectiveness can take affect.


Although St John's wort can be safely taken by most people, it does have some side-effects for a minority of users. These include:

Gastrointestinal symptoms, confusion, dizziness and tiredness.

In some cases, St John's wort can cause photosensitivity and even problems with fertility, but these are very rare.

Finally Hypericum can react with other drugs, so before taking it (if you are on other drugs and medications) you should consult your doctor.

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st johns wort visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at
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What is the Main Cause of Depression for Men?

By Mike Stevens

What is the main cause of depression for men? We know that men are much less likely to suffer from depression than women and for that reason, we often forget that men can suffer as well.

Depression in men, although less common, is still a major problem. Some signs of depression in men are similar to those in women and include withdrawal from the outside world, disinterest in formerly enjoyable activities, thoughts of suicide and sleep problems. Other symptoms more exclusive to men may include reckless behaviour such as speeding, taking drugs or other dangerous activities. Men are also more likely to indulge in alcohol, overwork and casual sex to try and relieve the depression.

Since depressed men are four times more likely to commit suicide, it's vital that we recognize the signs of depression in men. Often a wife or girlfriend will be the first to realize that her husband is depressed. By taking action immediately, tragic results can be avoided.

So, the question remains, what is the main cause of depression for men? The number of causes of depression in men is great, so it's difficult to determine the main cause. Many men are taught from a very young age to be the rock, strong and independent, and they tend to feel the burden of providing for a family more than the woman.

This over-developed sense of responsibility can lead to problems when a man loses his job or is incapacitated in some way. He is required to depend on others and can no longer support his family, making him feel useless and leading to depression.

If you ask a group therapists what is the main cause of depression for men, you will probably get a different answer from each one. But the overall gist can be used to get the answer to the question "what is the main cause of depression for men?" Stress on the job and at home. When a man feels he isn't measuring up to the standard of success he has set for himself or that others have set for him, he is likely to fall into a depression.

When asking what is the main cause of depression for men one must also take into consideration that each man is different in what level of stress he can handle. Men with a history of alcohol or drug abuse are likely to become depressed quicker than a man who has a clean history. Those with a family or personal history of depression are also at higher risk.

A supplement of ginkgo biloba or chamomile might also prove useful in easing the effects of stress on the average man, making him less susceptible to depression due to job or in the home stress and anxiety. Taking time to relax and enjoy life is another essential ingredient in the prevention of depression in men, as is the recognition of the signs of depression in men so that it can be treated early on.

Men do not deal with depression in the same way as women and it must be remembered that each gender has unique manners of handling stress. Finding a treatment for the stress will most likely result in a prevention of depression later on.

Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to the Signs of Depression in Men section of, a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.
Article Source: note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.

Recovery From Anxiety and Depression

By Paul Bywater

I also went through depression with my anxiety and got caught in the cycle of being depressed because I was depressed. I realised that if I was to recover from anxiety then I was to have no self pity, if I felt down then I felt down there was nothing I could do about this, what I would try to do is not be filled with self-pity and make myself worse.

The best thing you can do with feelings of depression through anxiety is to tell yourself the way you feel is temporary and start to invite new things into your day, don’t let how you feel dominate your day. I started to take walks and go for a swim to shake the cobwebs off how I was feeling, this helped me greatly and it gave me another focus to my day instead of focusing on myself. I believe that nature and a natural diet can be great mood lifters and also ease the feelings of anxiety, going out for a run or a walk, taking some daily exercise is far better than sitting at home brooding on how you feel. Exercise in itself releases endorphins which are great for lifting your mood, also exercise burns off all those stress chemicals than can built up through the day.

Your thought pattern is also very important when over coming anxiety and depression, too many people think negatively when they feel how they do, this is understandable but is counter productive and becomes a habit, the habit to always think negative which in turn makes us feel worse and crushes are spirit even more. Watch out for all the negative thinking and try and change your thought pattern, instead of saying ‘This is me now I just want to curl up and hide’ say ‘I don’t feel great at the moment but I am going to make the changes and come through this’ instead of saying ‘I have nothing to look forward to and I hate my life’ say ‘Life is what I make it from now, the only person that can make changes is me, this is just a part of my life that I will come through’. There are many different things you can say to yourself, but the main thing is to try and have as little self-pity as possible, to see the good in the day instead of all the bad, to come through this time a better, stronger person.

I came through my depression and it was because I made the changes above, these changes also helped me after my recovery, I am a far more confident person than I was before my own suffering and I tend to always see the good in my life. This all came about because I understand the importance of being positive, this now has become my new habit and my life is so much richer for it. I am also very proud that I stayed positive and came through this very tough part of my life; this has given me a new inner strength, a strength that I can overcome anything. I now no longer worry about anything I cannot change, if I learnt one thing it is that worrying is the most useless emotion we have and serves us no purpose whatsoever.

Paul David has been helping people understand and recover from anxiety and panic for many years now. He wrote a book on the subject and also has is own website, where you will find plenty more information visit
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Recognizing And Treating Manic Depression Symptoms

By Athlyn Green

If you have recently been diagnosed with manic depression, you may be wondering about manic depression symptoms and how to identify them. Understanding the characteristics of bipolar disorder will help to alleviate some of the uncertainty associated with this illness.

When it comes to symptoms manic depression sufferers may experience highs (mania) and lows (depression). These are changes in thought, mood, energy, and behavior. These changes may last for hours or days, or continue for weeks or even months. Daily living will bring inevitable emotional ups and downs for most people, and these are normal and to be expected; however, for someone suffering from bipolar disorder, the highs and lows are more pronounced and can initiate significant life-altering events.

Symptoms of manic depression are a mixed bag of tricks. During a high or manic phase a person may feel incredibly good. Self-confidence may soar and feelings of euphoria can be intoxicating. An elevated mood can result in overactivity and a person may become more goal-oriented. It is hard to feel ill when you are bubbling over with plans and bursting with ideas and creativity, when you feel more talkative and expressive than usual. A toll is taken though, when appetite and sleep patterns are disrupted and go on the back burner, when impaired judgment and impulsive decisions result in reckless behavior, and when irritation and anger become harder to check. The depressive or low phase of bipolar disorder can be very difficult to deal with. Pervasive worry, anxiety, sadness, pessimism, guilt, and feelings of worthlessness do not make for comforting or constructive companions and when a person is experiencing these symptoms manic depression can feel like a life sentence that is overwhelming and all encompassing.

There are varied treatment options available. Some people will turn to prescription medications, ECT, and conventional psychotherapy. These treatments have been shown to be effective in treating symptoms of manic depression. For those seeking a different approach, exciting and promising natural treatments offer hope. Natural remedies work to correct imbalances in the brain and the nervous system that may be caused by nutrient deficiencies and that can be manifested in the mood changes associated with bipolar disorder. Natural supplements tackle deficiencies by correcting nutritional imbalances, repairing neurotransmitter malfunction, restoring mood, and increasing emotional energy.

For relief of symptoms manic depression should not be left untreated. Nutritional supplements are scientifically backed and offer a safe and effective alternative if you are concerned about possible side effects, or a dulling or diminishing of mental capabilities that might be encountered with conventional treatment methods.

A good nutritional supplement will include key ingredients that have been used with success to treat symptoms of manic depression. These ingredients will include: Choline Bitartrate or Phosphatidyl Choline, L-Valine, Selenium, and Valerian, to name a few.

When it comes to symptomsmanic depression doesn’t necessarily mean a life sentence of impaired functioning. Natural supplements can bring effective relief to sufferers of bipolar mood disorder.

For additional information and help for treating symptoms of manic depression, please visit
Athlyn Green is an avid health enthusiast with an interest in natural remedies for treatment of health disorders. She is a regular contributor to several health sites, including
Beat Your Depression, a site dedicated to treating depression safely and effectively.
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Is There a Relationship Between Depression and Weight Gain?

By Mike Stevens

Depression and weight gain seem to be a major problem these days. Women in particular tend to binge when feeling down and a long bout of depression can wreak havoc on their bodies. This is especially since the foods craved during depression tend to be fatty, starchy and full of sugar.

Apart from eating unhealthy, fattening foods, the medications used to treat depression may also contribute to depression weight gain. Such prescription drugs as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft have been associated with depression and weight gain in recent studies. As depression is on the rise, due to job-related stress among other factors, so is the use of these drugs. With the increased use of antidepressants, the incidence of depression weight gain can only continue to build.

Nearly every type of prescription medication used to treat depression carries the side effect of obesity. Some, such as antipsychotics have actually been discontinued from use due to the excessive amount of weight gain and others like lithium (commonly used to treat bipolar conditions) tend to cause drastic obesity, even putting the patient's life in danger.

No one wants to gain weight unnecessarily, but unlike eating disorders, weight gain due to antidepressants isn't easily stopped. These medications act in one of two ways to cause the increase in weight. They may change the patient's metabolism, causing a weight gain on the same amount of calories or they can cause hormonal changes with result in an increase in appetite, especially for carbohydrates.

Treating depression weight gain is not easy. One option is to increase the amount of daily exercise in order to reduce the rate of the weight gain and boost the metabolism naturally. A strict diet to control both depression and weight gain may also be in order, but should only be followed on doctor's orders. A third option is to try switching medications in an attempt to find one that has less drastic side effects.

A natural supplement may also be used, either as a sole treatment for depression (discontinuing the prescription medication) or as a helpful supplement to reduce the depression weight gain. Natural treatments such as grape seed or green tea can be used to help boost the metabolism or suppress the appetite of the patient.

A combination of herbs to treat depression combined with those to treat obesity or appetite can be an effective alternative to drugs. Many people choose this option because of the lack of side effects. Herbal treatments are also popular because they don't carry the same stigma as prescription antidepressants. Many depression sufferers are reluctant to seek medical attention due to what they are afraid their family and friends will think of them.

Depression and weight gain is a very common problem and many labs are working on a solution. New drugs and antidepressants are being developed every day that claim to be appetite suppressants or to regulate both depression and weight gain. However, until these have been well tested, the choices are limited.

Depression and weight gain is a very common problem and many labs are working on a solution. New drugs and antidepressants are being developed every day that claim to be appetite suppressants or to regulate both depression and weight gain. However, until these have been well tested, the choices are limited.
Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to , a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.
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What is the Most Effective Depression Diet to Improve Mood?

By Mike Stevens

Recently, as people suffering from depression turn away from prescription medications and start looking for alternative treatments, the depression diet has become increasingly popular. There are various nutrients and foods which can have a significant effect on one's sense of self, and science has pointed to a strong relationship between diet and depression.

While no one has a perfect diet, and most of us actually have pretty poor ones, diet and depression go hand in hand. Studies show that deficiencies in specific vitamins and minerals can actually increase your chances of succumbing to depression, especially if you have a family history of the disease.

A basic depression diet consists of cutting out such short-term mood and energy boosters such as sugar and caffeine. That means coffee, black tea, and chocolate (commonly used by depression sufferers) are out. Alcohol is also prohibited as it can cause the very same vitamin deficiencies that contribute to depression. As you can see, diet and depression are quite important to each other.

To replace poor eating habits, the depression diet focuses on maintaining a good balance of vitamins and minerals, particularly the B vitamins. Lack of folic acid is known to perpetuate depression in many people, while a low level of magnesium has been linked to suicidal tendencies. Choosing foods that are fresh and free of chemicals or preservatives is also an important part of a good diet.

Unfortunately, although we know that we need a balanced diet, diet and depression continue to be a major source of concern today. Most of our food is so processed and preserved that it has lost much of it´s original vitamin content. Even eating fresh food, it is difficult to maintain the perfect diet. Eating as healthily as possible might not be good enough, so anyone on a depression diet should also take a supplement to ensure his or her body is receiving everything it needs.

So, why does the depression diet work? It´s all a matter of chemicals. Our bodies are fueled by what we eat, and that includes the chemicals that keep our moods balanced. Minerals and vitamins, along with amino acids, fatty acids and enzymes are all necessary for the body to produce chemicals called neurotransmitters. The most commonly known of these chemicals are seratonin, dopamine and endorphins, all of which help keep us emotionally regulated.

When our diet is deficient as most modern diets are, the body is simply unable to create the necessary chemicals to maintain an equilibrium in the brain. Lack of one of these neurotransmitters can have drastic effects on our mental health, resulting in depression. Doctors tend to prescribe more chemicals to treat this condition, which can also be treated naturally. Diet and depression are cure and disease, and using diet to treat the disease is far more cost effective than many prescription drugs.

While a depression diet which corrects vitamin deficiencies may not cure all types of depression, it certainly helps sufferers feel better. In cases where the depression is the sole result of lack of minerals or vitamins, a balanced diet can actually relieve and prevent further depression.

Mike Stevens has been studying the mood disorders for years, and has written many articles on the subject. He is a regular contributor to Beat Your Depression Symptoms , a site discussing conventional and alternative ways to treat depression and related mood disorders.
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Learn To Recognize The Signs And Symptoms Of Type Two Diabetes Before It Gets To Be To Late

By Tim Gorman

One of the main elements in people suffering from type two diabetes is thought to be obesity. It is thought of the increase in diabetes, the role of obesity in these sufferers may be up to eight or nine out of ten. Being overweight is thought to make the sufferer more resistant to the effects of insulin and helping to metabolize sugars. But it is not only the amount that the person is overweight that can cause the problems. It is also the way that the weight is disturbed that may be the problem. If the fat is more in the higher section of the body then it is more likely to be associated with type 2 diabetes. Of course this is not the reason for all of the type 2 diabetes but it does affect a large proportion of the type 2 suffers.

One of the factors in is though to be a condition called metabolic syndrome. This is characterized by weight gain around the waist and can be associated with heart disease as well. This condition is very prevalent in the US where up to 25% are now thought to have this condition. This condition is thought to be the cause or to contribute to a wide variety of illnesses and conditions. Type 2 diabetes also has an element of inheritance for around a third of sufferers. This does not mean that all of the suffers that have families that have diabetes have inherited it. It might also be that the lifestyles of the sufferers might have something to do with it. Families very often have similar diets and lack of exercise and this might well contribute to the figures as well.

Testing is very important for those that are thought to be at risk of diabetes and is sometimes carried out on a regular basis. If someone has a family that has diabetes, or is very overweight, or is in any of the other risk areas, then they are likely to be tested. The most common test for diabetes is the fasting plasma glucose test. This is where the patient is tested for blood sugar levels that are not correct after eight hours of fasting. Type 2 diabetes is a serious condition, but with the right care and a good diet is treatable and should not affect the lifestyle of the sufferer too much. But it is important to get diagnosed and treated by a doctor as soon as possible.

For more important information on type 2 diabetic symptoms please visit where you will also find additional resources on diabetic food plans, diabetic cooking, the diabetic food pyramid, diabetic neuropathy, and diabetic shoes.
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Vitamins And Woman with Gestational Diabetes

By Jeanette Pollock

When a woman who is pregnant develops gestational diabetes, then she needs to reduce her consumption of carbohydrates. She does not, however, want to reduce her daily intake of essential vitamins. The plate of the gestational diabetic contains portions with a specific quantity of carbohydrates. Those same portions must provide her with sufficient vitamins, so that her daily vitamin consumption remains at an acceptable level.

A woman with gestational diabetes should eat from a very colorful plate. Her plate should contain dark leafy vegetables and bright orange vegetables, good sources of important vitamins. That same plate must have plenty of high fiber, low carbohydrate vegetables. By the same token, that plate must have a limited amount of any vegetable with high starch content.

The woman with gestational diabetes would never eat pasta and corn at the same meal. Such
restrictions insure control of the woman’s carbohydrate intake, while also guaranteeing the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins. Such restrictions have been clearly depicted in the food pyramid for the gestational diabetic.

The bottom of the pyramid contains more than bread, cereal, pasta and rice; it also contains beans, legumes and starchy vegetables. The presence of such foods in the bottom section of the pyramid provides added insurance that an adequate intake of vitamins and fiber will occur on a daily basis. At the same time, this special food pyramid focuses on the need for a limited consumption of starchy foods.

The diet for a woman with gestational diabetes controls the amount of glucose in the woman’s bloodstream, while keeping the same woman well-supplied with vitamins. Regulation of the blood glucose in the pregnant woman, combined with maintenance of her vitamin consumption, helps that woman to seize control of her health.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about gestational diabetes.
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All Diabetics! Beware Of Abnormal Cholesterol Levels

By Aasheesh Jain

Cholesterol deposition in requisite amount is mandatory for normal body functioning. But having a cholesterol level higher than normal is not at all a healthy sign. Excess cholesterol deposition could be an outcome of over eating, lack of exercise, obesity, stress and hypertension. Apart from these factors diabetes greatly contributes to high level of bad cholesterol. Diabetes paves the way for excessive LDL or bad cholesterol deposition that in turn facilitates possibility of coronary artery diseases and strokes among diabetics.

Thus diabetics are needed to be very conscious about their blood cholesterol level in order to do away with any possibility of stroke and cardiovascular complications.

Two different types of cholesterol HDL and LDL are affected differently by diabetes. Diabetes brings a surge in LDL or bad cholesterol while it brings down the level of HDL or good cholesterol. This low level of HDL makes it difficult to remove cholesterol from blood circulation. High level of LDL cholesterol units in the blood get adhered to blood sugar units giving way to arterial plaque. This arterial plaque happens to be one of the major causes of strokes. This plaque formation becomes an impediment for normal blood flow. Thrombosis of arteries is also brought about by LDL and blood sugar.

Seeing this close nexus of diabetes with cholesterol level, all diabetics are suggested to take extra precaution. Dietary measure happens to be the best preventive measure for diabetics against excess cholesterol depositions. All fatty foods must not be consumed by diabetics. Lots of fruits and fiber products should be incorporated in your normal diet. If you happen to be a diabetic you must acquaint yourself with products that tend to reduce level of bad cholesterol.

In order to do away with any possibility of cholesterol abnormality all diabetics must go for daily physical workouts in consultation with their health care provider. They need to get accustomed to drastic changes in their life style once they get identified with diabetes.

Usually diabetics are not accorded with synthetic drugs for excess cholesterol due to their adverse effect on a diabetic's physiology. But for an unprecedented surge in LDL level cholesterol medications are extended to diabetics. These synthetic medications should be strictly taken in consultation with your doctor.

If you are the one afflicted with diabetics be ready to combat with cholesterol abnormality. Even while being on a diabetic diet you can enjoy lots of good food that are equally good for cholesterol and other diabetic complications. So, getting rid of abnormal cholesterol would result in your increased longevity.

To get more information on diabetes, diabetes diet and diabetes care visit
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What is Ketoacidosis?

By Elizabeth Radisson

Ketoacidosis is the result of too many ketones in your urine. They are acids that build up in the blood and represent a warning that your diabetes is not under control. Ketones show up in the urine when the body is not getting enough insulin. Ketoacidosis is a dangerous and life-threatening condition, which rarely shows up with Type 2 diabetes, but is a serious problem for those with Type 1 diabetes. Ketoacidosis can result in a diabetic coma or death, while those with Type 2 diabetes can suffer from something similar called hyperosmolar nonketotic coma. Elderly Type 2 diabetes patients are prone to this.

There are warning signs to watch for if you have Type 1 diabetes. Having a dry mouth or extreme thirst, urinating more frequently than usual, having high levels of ketones in the urine and having high levels of blood glucose are all symptoms of Type 1 diabetes. These symptoms normally develop rather slowly, but with frequent vomiting, can develop faster. The original symptoms will progress to ones that are more serious. More serious symptoms to look for include: flushed and dry skin, fruity breath odor, confusion and poor attention, difficulty breathing, dominant tired feeling and nausea and vomiting with abdominal pain. Vomiting that continues for over two hours requires immediate medical attention.

Test strips are used to check for ketones in the urine and your doctor will let you know how and when to test for them. Ketones should be checked for every four to six hours or when blood glucose is above 240 mg/dl for those suffering with a cold or flu. Consult with your doctor to find out what level of ketones is dangerous for you.

There are different reasons for high levels of ketones in your urine. Your body may not have the right level of insulin and as a result starts to break down fat to use as energy. Your body may have used up more insulin than normal fighting an illness or you may not have injected enough. Missing a meal or not eating due to illness can account for high levels of ketones. Ketones will appear during an insulin reaction when blood glucose levels drop and the body starts to use fat for energy. High ketone levels in the morning usually indicate an insulin reaction at night. This condition will require medical intervention.

Ketoacidosis is very dangerous, so it is important to check your urine and blood glucose levels regularly. Contact your doctor or a hospital emergency room if you have Type 1 diabetes and are displaying any of these symptoms.

About the Author: Elizabeth Radisson is the editor of, where you'll find numerous articles on the causes and symptoms of diabetes, as well as related illnesses. See our sister site for more general health information.
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How to Get Rid of Stomach Fat

By Kathy Ferneau

How to get rid of stomach fat can be a life-saving question!

Carrying unwanted pounds around the mid section ranks as the most dangerous place for excess fat. People with this tendency incur greater rates of cancer and heart disease than do people carrying extra weight elsewhere on their body.

Where the body stores unnecessary weight is a genetic predisposition, along with eye color and height.

The important thing is getting rid of that fat and starting now!

So is stomach fat any harder to get rid of than fat from another part of your body?

Should you do stomach crunches or situps to work specifically on abdominal area fat?

Exercise is great, but you really can't lose weight from one particular spot on your body. It's going to come off overall, like peeling off one thin layer at a time.

How about what you eat?

The standard guidelines for cutting portion sizes, and eating more fruits and vegetables apply, of course. But once again, your dietary intake influences your whole body, not just the abdomen.

One important exception is carbonated beverages, including sodas. These tend to bloat your stomach and make it look even bigger than it already is. So avoid Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and anything else with carbonation in it.

So you're dieting and exercising. What's left?

How about your brain? The major influence of the body.

Training your brain to eat healthy is really how to get rid of stomach fat.

Sound crazy? Not at all.

Your mind controls every action your body makes. That includes opening your mouth and inserting food.

The easiest way to train your mind is through weight loss hypnosis.

If you aren't familiar with hypnosis, it may sound like so much mumbo jumbo. Or like taking an extremely hard calculus test with lots of new concepts to learn.

But it's simpler than you think. Your mind is in charge of your metabolism--change your mind, change your metabolism. It's really as easy as that.

Most weight loss hypnosis CDs are created so all you have to do is listen to the program at night as you go to sleep.

It doesn't get much easier than that.

No costly food subscription plans or eating cardboard-flavored diet fare. No starving or craving. Just follow a healthy diet and pop in the CD at bedtime.

Try it for three weeks. You'll definitely notice the difference!

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Natural Weight Loss Tips

By Carl DiNello

We are all probably aware that food-obsessive behavior is common. Because of this a natural weight loss diet can be difficult to maintain. However, it offers a better chance for success than any other diet option.

Men and women who are binge eaters, as well as those who fantasize about, and often almost live for food can be almost as addicted to food as someone who is addicted to alcohol, or narcotics. They desperately need a metabolic approach to their problem.

Life Without Control

When they are children, most people start off eating the so-called balanced diet, but by the time they reach adulthood, their diet has become progressively less balanced.

They begin to notice an expanding waistline, they take a look at their eating habits, and they finally realize they have a problem. They may even notice that their choice of food has gone off in a specific direction.

The majority will find that carbohydrates now form the bulk of what they eat. Breads, cakes, and candies, pasta, and popcorn; the list goes on and on. Surprising and illogical food cravings are typical, as carbohydrate addiction is very real. A safe, natural weight loss program is calling them, but they don't hear it.

Have you ever had a complete dinner including a big dessert, and almost immediately afterward find that you want something else that is sweet? This extra carbohydrate craving is a sure sign, as is fatigue, that your carbohydrate metabolism is probably out of whack. After eating the carbohydrate food that you were craving, your feeling of satisfaction is only a brief one.

Many carbohydrate addicts find that they can't walk past the refrigerator without opening it. Most people don't recognize that they have a problem, with many feeling that their compulsions are harmless.

It is important that they understand their food compulsion is not a character disorder. It is a chemical disorder called hyperinsulinism, as well as an eating behavioral disorder.

If you really want to succeed with a natural weight loss program, the first thing you have to do is to get rid of that compulsive behavior. You can get off to a great start by avoiding harmful carbohydrates such as those in refined sugar.

Sugar itself, has no nutritional value, and can be directly harmful to your overall health. Despite the sugar companies determined attempts to defend it, hundred of studies clearly show how potentially deadly its effects can be.

Sugar activates certain metabolic processes that are harmful to your overall health as well as your waistline. It is a metabolic poison.

You can lose weight naturally simply by starting to count your calorie intake. Discuss a safe diet based on a reasonable daily calorie intake with your doctor. Your doctor is best suited to advise you on just what is safe specifically for you, and your efforts with natural weight loss. You must improve on the quality of your diet, not the quantity.

Next, incorporate a healthy lifestyle into this program of weight loss by engaging in regular daily exercise. Regular exercise will provide you with a great many more health benefits than just assisting with your weight loss program. The best thing about exercise, when used to help natural weight loss, is that it continuously boosts your body’s “metabolic rate” so as to promote the continuous burning of calories.

Continue with your efforts by replacing a few foods in your meal plan. Gradually changing these foods will make it a lot easier to conform to a natural weight loss plan. For example, if you like pork, cut off the fat and eat only the lean meat. Don't fry it, broil it, and it will still be delicious.

Simply by changing your eating habits, avoiding the foods that make you gain weight, and incorporating a regular exercise program into your life will allow you to effectively lose weight with a natural weight loss program.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Weight Loss Solutions!
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