HPV and Women: The Silent Killer

By Danna Schneider

HPV, or humanpapilloma virus, is much more prevalent than most people think. It is estimated that roughly 80%, or possibly even more of the general female population, has some form of HPV by the time they reach the age of 50.

Whether they know that they have it or not is another issue, and an issue that's become increasingly important to identify, as a potentially deadly strain makes it's way to more women, who are susceptible to a deadly cancer when the virus goes untreated.

The virus has at least 100 known strains, 30 of which are sexually transmitted. New commercials sponsored by the CDC are spreading the word for women to get checked for HPV, in an effort to reduce the risk of contracting cervical cancer from untreated HPV, which can cause cancer when untreated due to abnormal cell formation in the cervical area.

Most forms of HPV are harmless and actually go away on their own without treatment, but when a woman tests positive over and over for HPV, this is where the worries might start. The problem is, that most of the time, the genital form of HPV goes undetected because it is primarily a symptomless virus, causing no alarm and therefore never getting treated by a doctor.

There are times when a woman may get small bumps in her genital area, and this can be a sign of the virus. They appear as small, fleshy, pink wart-like bumps, and are usually a sign that an individual has HPV. The only other detection is through a PAP smear. Getting regular PAP smears can help a woman prevent cervical cancer from HPV. An abnormal test can show that a woman has the virus, and it can then be treated so it does not cause the beginnings of cervical cancer.

Other advances in the treatment of HPV include a new immunization vaccine that purports to stop certain harmful forms of the virus in its tracks. This is a huge discovery, especially since it is estimated that about half of all cervical cancer cases have been linked to certain strains of the human papillomavirus.

The vaccine is still considered experimental, and ethics and morals committees are still debating whether this vaccination should be given to young girls or not when it becomes available to the general public for use.

The fact that the deadly strain of HPV causes approximately 50% of all cervical cancer cases is a strong argument on the side of giving the vaccine at a more universal level, but as always this will be a subject of debate. The vaccine is not infallible though, and women still would need to get tested periodically for harmful HPV strains, since this vaccine does not protect against every strain that can potentially cause abnormal cell growth, which leads to cancer.

It is estimated that roughly 15,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year. Not only that, over 4,000 women die every year from this deadly disease.

With the new ads on TV and spreading awareness about the importance of PAP tests, we are on our way to 100% awareness, but still aren't there. Like the commercial says, share this information with every woman you know. It could save their lives.

Copyright 2006 Danna Schneider

Danna Schneider is the founder of Herbal Supplements and Remedies, where you can find information on herbal products for ailments and health imrovement. She also contributes to Men's Health Supplements.
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How To Overcome Phobias Fast

By Greg Edwards

How to overcome phobias fast? Unreasonable fear not relevant to a given situation or about objects is a phobia, which can be overcome fast if the root of the reason is found out. The mind intensifies the situation to an unreasonable level. By analyzing the cause for such a development in the initial stage of such fear will help in overcoming the phobia. Normally persons affected by a specific phobia avoid themselves from involving in a situation warranting the fear.

Positive reinforcement is one among the many methods to overcome phobias fast. The key factor in this method of treatment is to make persons suffering from phobia to observe and subsequently imitate persons facing a similar situation. For an example let us take the case of a persons scared of bulldogs since the childhood can be made to observe another person grooming, petting, cuddling and playing with the bulldog. By observing the actions, phobias against bulldogs can be cured. Under close supervision, this person can slowly start venturing near the bulldog and in stages can be urged to pet, play and groom the bulldog and finally overcome the phobia.

Systematic Desensitization is another method to overcome phobias fast. This treatment is covered in three major steps – Identification, Relaxation and Desensitisation -.
The causes that are provoking the phobia is to be identified and arrange the causes from weakest to strongest.

Deeply relax the muscles.
While remaining in a relaxed mood, the weakest cause of the phobia is to be visualised. If this causes fear, go back to the same step once again. Until such time the visualization is possible without invoking a feeling of fear, the same step should be repeated.

Logo therapy is another method to overcome phobias fast. In this treatment, encouragement is given to the phobic to hope, wish and do the same things, which are causing the fear. By facing the fears head on, it is possible to overcome the phobia easily.

Graded Exposure helps the persons with phobia to face the most severe cause or object of the fear and stay put until the fear disintegrates and totally vanishes.
Finally, the phobia suffered by a person should be properly identified and then only the suitable method to overcome the phobia should be applied.

A new breakthrough report reveals how to overcome phobias fast using simple powerful techniques that will quickly and easily find a way out what to do about your phobia. It helps you to believe in yourself, make you relax, relieve stress & boost your energy.
Check it out at How To Overcome Phobias Fast
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Useful Information About Depression

By Steve Valentino

A depressive disorder is a mental disparity exemplified by a pessimistic sense of insufficiency. A person commonly suffers from feelings of gloom and sadness, downturns in mood, despair, feelings of low self-esteem, guilt, self-pity, and loneliness.

Depression is not just a temporary or situational sadness, but a persistent and pervasive feeling of melancholy or hopelessness that is often associated with weight loss or gain, sleep disturbances, constipation, disturbances of sexual function, and feelings of remorse or self-blame. It also results into withdrawal from interpersonal contact, psychomotor retardation and continuous agitation.

Different types of depression include:

Major Depression

Postpartum or Postnatal Depression

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression

Cyclothymic Disorder

Dysthymic Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

One out of 10 people suffer from this disorder. There are many causes of depression. Some types of depression do seem to run in families for generations, suggesting a biological susceptibility. This seems to be the case with bipolar depression and severe major depression.

Researchers have shown that physical changes in the body take place along with mental changes. Medical illnesses such as stroke, heart attack, cancer, Parkinson's disease, and hormonal disorders can cause depressive illness, making the sick person unconcerned and reluctant to care for his or her physical needs. Also, a serious loss in life, difficult relationship, financial problems, or any stressful change in life patterns can prompt a depressive episode. Very often, it is a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors. Nevertheless, whether inherited or not, major depressive disorders are often associated with changes in brain structures or brain function.

Diagnostic methods include physical examination, checking medical history, detailed questioning, and psychological testing. It will call for an assessment of a complete history of symptoms, a mental status examination to determine if speech, thought patterns or memory has been affected, and also treatment through several types of medications used to treat depressive disorders.

Depression provides detailed information on Depression, Depression Treatment, Manic Depression, Postpartum Depression and more. Depression is affiliated with Signs Of Clinical Depression.
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Bipolar Depression

By Jason Gluckman

The criteria for diagnosis for depression specify that a person is in a depressed mood and/or experience loss of interest or pleasure for two weeks or more. Five or more of the following symptoms may be experienced by the person most of the day almost everyday, such as depressed mood (irritable, feels sad or empty, appears tearful), markedly decreased interest or pleasure in activities he previously enjoyed, significant weight loss or weight gain, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive and inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional), diminished ability to think, concentrate and decide, and recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation without a specific plan or a suicide attempt. The symptoms can cause significant distress or impairment in social and occupational functioning. It is important to note that the symptoms are not caused by effects of any substance taken by the patient. Moreover, the symptoms cannot be accounted for by recent events such as bereavement after losing a loved-one, calamity, or losing a job, house, and the like, (Depression is normal after these events but should last less than two weeks).

The key symptoms of depression are a depressed mood and loss of interest and/or pleasure. The depression one feels is worse than the usual feelings of anguish and grief. The depressed person feels hopeless and worthless. He feels anxious. Others have difficulty crying or have many unprovoked crying spells. Others may just be plain passive and indifferent. Almost all depressed patients have reduced energy and they may find tasks at home, work or school too burdensome. They have difficulty finishing their work and may find no motivation to start anything new. A depressed patient may also complain of changes in his sleep pattern (e.g. trouble in sleeping or waking up in the morning or multiple awakenings at night, during which he contemplates on his situation). The depressed person may also complain of aches and pains that have no real physical causes. A majority of depressed patients have tried to kill themselves or thought about it.

Bipolar provides detailed information on Bipolar, Bipolar Symptoms, Bipolar Depression, Bipolar Tests and more. Bipolar is affiliated with Teen Bipolar Disorder.
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Diagnosis Process for IBS

By S Reynolds

If you think you may be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, you are not alone. You are among the millions of people who battle this frustrating disorder. Perhaps you have frequent, painful constipation. Maybe you find that after consuming a meal, you immediately find that you are rushing to the restroom, plagued by diarrhea.

Unfortunately, obtaining a diagnosis for irritable bowel syndrome isn’t as easy as simply taking a single test. This is mainly because there is no clear evidence of the disorder when you observe a person’s intestines. In fact, the intestine will look totally normal, without damage or deformity. For this reason, there is really no clear reason for the presence of IBS symptoms.

Diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome is a process of elimination. The doctor will conduct a complete, thorough medical history examination along with a physical exam. He will probably order a series of tests to check for other problems and rule out other potential illnesses.

• Often, a doctor will order a colonoscopy. This is a process where a tiny, flexible tube is used to examine your colon.

• A CT Scan can provide x-ray images of your organs. During this scan, a doctor can examine your abdomen and pelvis to rule out other causes for your IBS symptoms.

• Flexible sigmoidoscopy tests can be performed to examine your colon.

• Your doctor may test you for lactose intolerance. If you find that your diarrhea is prevalent when you consume dairy products, you may lack the enzyme needed to digest dairy products. A breath test can be performed or your doctor may ask you to abstain from dairy products for a period of time.

• Blood tests can be ordered to test for sensitivity to a certain type of wheat protein. This type of problem can present itself with symptoms very much like those of IBS.

Since diagnosing IBS is a process of elimination, there is a specific diagnostic criterion that must be followed in order to obtain a proper diagnosis. Referred to as Rome criteria, this process is used to diagnose IBS and other similar disorders that negatively affect proper bowel functions.

Certain signs and symptoms must be exhibited before your doctor will confirm that you have IBS. Your pain in the abdomen and diarrhea or constipation must last at least twelve weeks in a year’s time frame. You may also be experiencing changes in your bowel movements. For example, one day, you may have normal bowel movements, and the next day, you may have constipation or very firm stool. You will also notice that after having a bowel movement, you perpetually feel as if you haven’t finished emptying your bowels. Some people also note mucus in their stool accompanied by abdominal pain.

IBS is a difficult to diagnose disorder. Little is known about its causes, but it is a treatable condition. It’s important to note that you should seek medical attention if you think you are exhibiting symptoms of IBS. After receiving a proper diagnosis, your doctor can suggest the best treatment mode.

Susan Reynolds has an interest in IBS topics. For further information on IBS please visit http://www.natural-irritable-bowel-syndrome-relief.com/ibs.html or http://natural-irritable-bowel-syndrome-relief.com/blog/2006/08/11/diagnosis-process-for-ibs
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Arthritis and Glucosamine: Arthritis Can Be Treated With Glucosamine

By Farzina Naznin - MSM-Chondroitin-Glucosamine "Flex-Ease" Formula

Arthritis is a Greek word which is used to describe certain conditions which affects the bone joints of the body. Arthritis disease is of many forms which may include psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis is generally caused due to the joint infection which is commonly known as osteoarthritis. Arthritis is generally caused due to certain strains, injuries, repetitive motions, too much of exertions etc. Arthritis is found to be very much common in the older generation of people. Arthritis is found to be very much sensitive to certain weather conditions.

Arthritis is necessary to be properly diagnosed. Proper diagnosis of Arthritis virtually depends upon the stage of development and also upon one’s gender that is whether one is a male or a female. Blood tests as well as x-rays are necessary for proper Arthritis diagnosis. After proper diagnosis has been done, treatment commemorates depending upon the condition of the patient. Treatments like surgery, joint stress reduction, physical therapy and certain medicated treatment are offered to the patients. Besides these, glucosamine is basically used for the purpose of treatment of osteoarthritis, a common form of Arthritis. Glucosamine is commonly used for rebuilding cartilage and thus treat arthritis.

Besides osteoarthritis, glucosamine is also used for the treatment of many other forms of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, juvenile arthritis, etc. However, it is necessary to estimate the side effects which are generally caused due to the intake of glucosamine. The most common side effect of glucosamine is intestinal gastric problems and also stool problem which get too softened due to undertaking of glucosamine. Thus before undertaking the arthritis supplements it is generally recommended to get the doctor’s advice. The blood pressure of the patients, whether the patient is a diabetic patient or whether he or she is undertaking certain drugs, antibiotics etc should all be known before prescribing for undertaking glucosamine to cure arthritis.

Herbal and ayurvedic treatment can also be used for overcoming arthritis. Glucosamine acts as an anti-inflammatory supplement which might sometimes lead to irritation in the stomach. However internet at present brings about various solutions to arthritis. Just by simply inserting the key word in the search section, one can get knowledge of the disease of arthritis and also the remedial measures and the medical treatments which can be sorted out to overcome arthritis. But it is the physician’s recommendation, consultation and treatment which count to be very much important in overcoming arthritis.

Farzina Naznin has written articles for various sites like http://www.besthealthworld.com/ , http://www.physicalfitnesshealth.com /, and http://www.healthcentreworld.com / Comments are most welcome at farnaznin@gmail.com

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Vitamin B2 - Its Importance And Ways To Obtain More

By Tim Gorman ...Super B-Complex 150 - Heart Healthy Supplement

Vitamin B2 is one of the groups of vitamins that are known as the B vitamins and is also known as Riboflavin. It is very important in helping the body to use oxygen and also for making red blood cells. Vitamin B2 is also known to help the body use fats well, control the growth and the making of antibodies. Riboflavin is also necessary for many areas of the body to remain healthy. It is essential that there is enough of this vitamin in our bodies in order to keep the skin, nails and hair healthy and it is also thought to aid with the maintenance of good eyesight.

Riboflavin is found in many different foods. There are good amounts in dairy products, such as milk and cheese and it is also found in green leaf vegetables. One of the best sources of Vitamin B2 is in liver; this is very healthy meat that is sometimes overlooked in favor of more popular foods such as steak and chicken. Many nuts and beans are also good sources of Riboflavin and Soya in particular is very rich in B2. Riboflavin is sometimes added in a chemical alternative and is also used as a coloring for food as it has a yellow color.

If you do not have enough Vitamin B2 you can suffer from eye problems and problems of the lips, mouth and tongue. Other problems that are thought to be caused by a B2 deficiency are skin complaints, loss of hair, limited growth and poor intelligence. If you think that you are suffering from any of these then it might be worth asking your doctor if they think that you have enough of the vitamin in your diet.

There are thought to be low levels of this vitamin in most people’s diets, however there are plenty of good sources available. It is very often added to foods such as cereals and fruit drinks to enrich them. It is also used in many multivitamins. Naturally, if you have a good diet that contains most of the essential food group’s in the right proportions, then you should be getting enough Vitamin B2.

But if you are taking antibiotics or if you drink too much, then it is possible that you should take extra supplements, either by eating more of the foods that contain it or by taking additional minerals and supplements. As with all medical matters you should always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of VitaminSupplementsGuide.com He provides more information on anti-aging supplements, dietary supplements, multivitamins, vitamin A and vitamin B that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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Natural Home Remedies for Heart Diseases

By Dr John Anne

Super B-Complex 150 - Heart Healthy Supplement
The heart is one of the five major organs of the body, the other being the brain, the liver, the lungs and the digestive system-any defect in or malfunctioning of which leads to serious complications. The major function of the heart is to pump the blood into the arteries and send the blood returning from the various organs with carbon dioxide to the lungs for purification.

Considering the amount of work that the heart does-it never stops till death-it is subject to few disorders. The main causes of heart disease are the diseases of the coronary arteries (which nourish the heart muscle), high blood pressure and syphilis. Acute rheumatism-a predominantly infantile disorder-is responsible for most cases of heart disease occurring between the ages of 5 to 45 years. Other causes of heart diseases are disorders like diphtheria, diseases of the thyroid gland and certain forms of chronic lung ailments. A small, but important group of heart diseases is due to the congenital abnormalities of the heart. In those disorders for example, the malformation of the valves or cavities in the valve developed in the mother’s womb, the only recourse is to heart surgery. Certain deficiency diseases like gross lack of vitamin B cause the condition known as beri-beri.

The tendency of the heart to adjust to changes in the mode of living of its owner, known as compensation, is one of the vital factors, which prolong life in spite of maladies to which this king of organs is susceptible. This adjustment sometimes enables a person to go through life without suspecting the disease, which invade the heart. It is a common fallacy to suppose that heart disease ends in sudden death. A man with a defective heat may live long, if he is careful. It is only when the heart muscle has become weakened due to some other illness, for example, diabetes, that the end may come suddenly. Another cause of sudden death by heart failure can be ascribed to the formation of a clot in the blood (thrombosis). Hardening of the arteries may lead to failure of the heart, but in most cases that is a gradual development.

Chief Ailments

The broad categories of heart ailments are:

(i) Those caused by inflammation of the muscle, the outer covering or the inner covering of the heart;

(ii) Hardening of the arteries and formation of a clot which may result in sudden interruption of the functioning of the heart;

(iii) Weakening of the muscle or degeneration of the organ because of advancing years;

(iv) Involvement of the heart as a corollary to rheumatism or syphilis; and

(v) Functional disorders like techycardia, bradicardia or hypertension and arrhythmia (lack of rhythm in the heart beat) and angina pectoris (pain in the chest, behind the sternum) and a sense of impending death.

As stated earlier, naturopathy is the only recourse in case of all bodily ailments. Heart diseases can be cured safely and in a better manner under this system of medicine. The only exception, it may be stated here, is congenital defects of the heart for which surgical interference is necessary after the “compensation” fails to relieve the condition.

Here we give the treatment that is to be under taken in angina pectoris. The same course of treatment would help other heart ailments too regardless of the technical name given by the doctors.
Angina pectoris is characterized by a sharp pain in the chest (behind the sternum), which leaves the victim breathless. There is a sense of impending doom. It is generally caused by the constriction of the main artery that leads into the heart, because of its hardening or deposition of fat in the insides. The pain radiates to the back, the shoulders and the arms, particularly the left arm. The attack may come on after a hearty meal, a sudden over exertion or intense grief or excitement.

Lest the reader confuse a gastric pain with angina, let us make it clear that the true pain of angina has a tendency to spread to the shoulders and the arms. There is a constriction in the chest and profuse sweating. True angina must be differentiated from false or pseudo-angina which is of a nervous origin.

Drugs taken to relieve angina only help to make the condition more chronic. Patients taking recourse to traditional methods of treatment would be seen carrying tablets of nitro-glycerine to relieve the pain. The drug may be taken in an emergency but the correct treatment for angina begins when it is aimed at building the general health level of the patient.

When an attack is on, the best thing is to apply hot towels over the heart region. That will relieve the constriction around the chest by dilating (through heat) the clogged artery, which finds it difficult to pass the required amount of blood through it to the heart.


The best way to deal with heart disease is to start a cleansing diet because the cleaner the blood, the less will be chance of any toxicity building up around the region of the heart. The patient should subsist on a diet of fruit and fresh vegetables. His breakfast should consist of two oranges, an apple and grapes. For lunch he should take salad of lettuce, grated carrots and best root together with some boiled vegetables and bread made out of whole meal flour. Fats, particularly saturated ones like ghee, should be banned and only a pat of butter –preferably fresh and not the tinned variety—should be taken.

Salt should be avoided totally or taken in small quantities if the patient prefers a non-vegetarian diet they should eat steamed fish or boiled white meat. Fatty portions of meat, particularly pork, should be avoided. He should never overload his stomach because distention of the organ by flatulence or overloading may depress the diaphragm and the pain of angina may start.

Sufferers from heart disease should fast for a short period according to their bodily strength so that the system is not overtaxed. Ailments like indigestion should not be allowed to arise, as they are likely to tax the heart. A heart patient should eat so sparingly that he should feel hungry all the time. The last meal of the day should be taken at least three hours before retiring.

Gravity douche or enema should be taken recourse to in case of constipation. A short walk in the morning and evening is beneficial. Even traditional doctors have come to realize now that walking is the best exercise for a heart patient. Some of them even recommend jogging. A medical fact which should be stated here is that when you are walking the pressure on the heart is reduced to some extent because the blood going back for purification through the heart to the lungs flow back more easily when you are walking than when you are sitting or lying down. Epsom salt bath should be taken once or twice weekly.

A heart patient must have a strict regimen of living in addition to eating. He must avoid stress, worry and excessive physical strain. If he has been on drugs before turning to naturopathy, they should be gradually withdrawn. A sudden stoppage of drugs is not advised.

The above regimen should be followed in all cases of heart disease regardless of their technical name.

For more information regarding Natural Home Remedies for Heart Diseases, Herbal Remedy visit http://www.natural-homeremedies.com
Dr John AnneAlso know about Causes of Diabetes and Diabetes Mellitus Information
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What Can You Do To Prevent Hair Loss ?

By: David Everett

The cause of most hair loss is genetic. There is a gene you received from your mother that causes your hair follicles to die when you get an accumulation of DHT — a metabolite of testosterone. When the follicle dies, the hair falls out, and that’s that.

The only way to prevent genetic hair loss is to go back in time and select different ancestors. When you work out how to do that, let me know and we'll both make our fortune!

So, in the majority of cases you cannot prevent hair loss. However, hair loss can be caused by a correctable problem. In these instances, treating the underlying problem will not only slow down the hair loss, but will also encourage hair already lost to grow back.

Hormonal Imbalances

The sex hormones of both male and female have an effect on hair growth, and when these hormones get out of balance you can lose hair. This happens most commonly in women whenever they have reproductive changes, such as menarche, pregnancy, childbirth or menopause. With normal changes like these, the problem will correct itself when hormone levels stabilize. Sometimes, though, your hormones may need to be regulated with medications.

Another hormone imbalance that causes hair loss is hypothyroidism. Having your thyroid checked, and then taking medication if needed, will prevent hair loss from low thyroid hormones.


You may find that some medications cause hair loss. Blood thinners, gout medications, birth control pills and anti-depressants are among the chief culprits. If you start to notice excessive hair loss within the first few months after starting a new medication, talk to your doctor about it. They may change the medication to discourage or prevent hair loss from happening.

Fungal Infections

Adults are rarely bothered by any fungal infections of the scalp, but it can be a cause of temporary hair loss in infants and children. Immediate treatment of these scalp infections when they first appear will prevent hair loss of this kind.

Hair Care

Tightly braiding your hair, as in cornrows, can cause hair loss owing to the constant traction on the hair follicle. When the follicle becomes damaged, you will lose hair. This is usually only temporary, but if the problem goes on long enough the hair follicles will become scarred. If this happens, they won’t grow new hair. You can prevent this type of hair loss in two ways:

1) by keeping the braids loose, or
2) by not leaving them in for excessively long periods of time.

Permanents and hair dyes can also cause inflammation or damage to hair follicles. To prevent hair loss from hair care products, you should always follow all package directions completely, or have a qualified hair care professional carry out the operation.

You may not be able to prevent hair loss that’s genetic, but you can prevent hair loss that has some underlying cause. All you need to do is find out what the cause is and correct it. Usually, that will involve a trip to see your doctor so that they can determine if you have a problem that’s causing your hair loss. Even if you can’t prevent your hair from falling out, you can find treatments and remedies that will help your hair grow back and appear thicker. Most hair loss can’t be prevented, but it can be managed.

About the Author:

Discover more information on the causes and remedies for hair loss at http://www.best-hair-loss-answers.com

Read more articles by: David Everett

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Fight Fat, Improve Health With Vitamin C

By Jennifer Grossman For NewsUSA

(NewsUSA) - Are you among the 40 percent of Americans who fail to get enough vitamin C? If so, that nutrient deficiency could make it harder to lose weight.

New research from Arizona State University shows that upping vitamin C intake boosts your body's ability to burn fat. The study followed 20 obese men and women on a low-fat diet, which provided about two-thirds of daily vitamin C needs.

The intervention group then increased its vitamin C intake by 500 milligrams a day. Four weeks later, those in the high-C group were able to oxidize 30 percent more fat during moderate exercise than the control group.

Why? Scientists point to vitamin C's role in the manufacture of the amino acid carnitine, which helps flush fatty acids from the body.

Fortunately, meeting the DRI for vitamin C (75 milligrams to 90 milligrams per day) is easy and delicious. Just one red bell pepper provides up to three times what you need. Any of the following also satisfies your DRI: two fuzzy kiwis or one cup of either strawberries, broccoli or Brussels sprouts. In addition to accelerating fat oxidation, vitamin C helps promote:

* Skin health - by encouraging skin cell turnover and supporting collagen formation. As one of the most powerful antioxidants, vitamin C can also help protect the skin from the free radical ravages caused by overexposure to the sun.

* Immunity - by enhancing white blood cell function and lowering levels of histamine, a chemical responsible for congestion and stuffiness.

* Bone health - Vitamin C is linked with greater forearm bone mineral content in post-menopausal women. It supports the formation of collagen, an important structural component of bone, which may help the body utilize calcium.

* Iron absorption - By binding to iron atoms, vitamin C helps this mineral penetrate cell membranes. This is especially important for the 15 percent of premenopausal women who fail to get enough iron, a deficiency manifested in fatigue, lowered body temperature and impaired immune response.

* Pregnancy health - By protecting folate (the B vitamin otherwise known as folic acid) from free radical damage, vitamin C reduces the risk of the nutrient deficiency associated with birth defects, including spina bifida.

* Lung health - Australian researchers have linked low consumption of dietary vitamin C with higher incidence of asthma. The same study found better overall lung function among those with increased intake of vitamin C-rich foods.

* Cancer protection - Several studies have found fruit and vitamin C intake correlated with lower rates of stomach cancer. Inadequate vitamin C intake may increase the likelihood of infection by bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.

* Joint health - According to a Boston University study, people getting lower levels of vitamin C had faster cartilage breakdown than those with higher consumption levels. Other research has linked high fruit and vegetable consumption with decreased risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

* Heart health - Vitamin C helps curb the chronic inflammation associated with up to five times the risk of cardiovascular disease. Initial evidence from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Nutrition and Neurocognition Laboratory suggests an inverse relationship between vitamin C and blood levels of C-reactive protein (an inflammatory marker for heart disease).

Whole fruit and vegetables are by far the healthiest, least-caloric sources of vitamin C. In addition to the super sources mentioned above, you'll get a large dose of this uber-antioxidant vitamin from citrus fruit, pineapple, cauliflower, papaya, tomato, kale, collard greens and sweet potato.

You can search for simple, delicious recipes using these ingredients at www.dolenutrition.com , where you'll also find links to the latest studies and a free subscription of the Dole Nutrition News.

Jennifer Grossman is a vice president at the Dole Food Co.

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Natural Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

By Dr John Anne

Causes and Symptoms:

High blood pressure, or hypertension to give it its proper medical name, is the most common form of high blood pressure. Its causes include kidney disease, disorders, of the endocrine glands and malfunctioning or disorders of the arteries. A congenital abnormality of the aorta is one of the most serious forms of hypertension. Its chief symptoms are headache, usually in the back of the head, ringing in the ears, giddiness. Headache is worst at the time of waking in the morning and it has a tendency to wear off during the day.

While hypertension runs its natural course, it usually causes death in the ends as a result of heart failure. A proportion of the victims dies of kidney failure and some of a stroke. The earlier the onset of hypertension, the proper is the life expectancy. A large number of deaths supposed to have occurred from heart disease were really the handiwork of hypertension left uncontrolled.

Hypertension can be either functional or organic: the latter is the case when the fatty substance accumulates in the smaller arteries carrying blood to the heart. The openings being smaller, the heart has to best faster and exercise more pressure to supply the blood to the various organs. Hence the higher blood pressure.

The Real Culprit: Hypertension is a disease of the modern civilization. Its incidence has increased during the last 50 years. The fast pace of life, the mental and physical pressures under which man in the present industrial and metropolitan environment works, gives rise to psychological tensions. Hypertension makes its victim a less than useful member of society. He cannot do any serious work, feels tired and out of sorts all the time. Never does he have a feeling of freshness even if he has full sleep. Difficulty in breathing may be experienced by him and dyspepsia is his constant companion.

Mental strain and an artificial way of life is the real culprit. Less physical work, a sedentary life, too much of intoxicants, tea, coffee, refined foods, destroy the natural pace of life. The expulsion of waste and poisonous matter from the body is hampered and the arteries and the veins become slack.

Modern medicine believers that a healthy person should have a systolic pressure (at the best of the heart) of 100 mm plus age and diastolic pressure (between) the beats of the heart) should be 80 mm plus age. The blood pressure is accurately measured by an instrument known as sphygmomanometer. The pressure, if it is abnormally high, is accompanied by disease of the arteries. The blood pressure normally increases with the advance of age, due to the hardening of the arteries. But it is an indication of ill health; if one is healthy, the normal systolic blood pressure should range between 120 to 140 mm of Hg. And diastolic should range between 70 to 80 mm of Hg. Whatsoever the age is after 20 years.

Kidney diseases, hardening of the arteries and severe constipation leading to absorption of morbid humours through the gut lead to high blood pressure. Smoking is another addiction, which leads to hypertension. Smoke a cigare3tte and then have your blood pressure, taken: it will be some points more than the normal.


Drugs prescribed by traditional Physicians may temporarily reduce blood pressure, but they are harmful in the final analysis. The best way to reduce is to remove the real cause. High pressure of blood is only a symptom of the poisonous matter, which causes it and the naturopathic way to dealing with it is to remove the poisons from the system. Again, the ingestion of fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a traditional diet is helpful in ridding the body of the poisons, which cause high blood pressure. A hypertension patient, if he is not too weak, should start the process of healing by living on fruit and vegetables for at least a week. The best course would be to take only fruits at five hourly intervals only thrice in the day. Breakfast should consist of oranges, lunch of guava and dinner of tomatoes, or apples. Fruits like oranges, apples, pears, mangoes, guava, pineapples, raspberry, and muskmelon are the best diet in such cases. Bananas and jackfruits should be avoided. After a week of ‘fruits only” diet, milk should be added. Milk should preferably be of cow or goat and should be fresh. It should be boiled only once. After two weeks, the patient can be permitted cereal in his food. The best would be porridge.

Vegetables are also good for a patient of high blood pressure. A salt free diet is the best; if you must take it, take it 25% of the normal quantity. Vegetables should preferably be raw. If they are cooked, cook them with the rind on and do not let their natural juices burn in the process of cooking vegetables like cucumber, carrot, tomatoes, onion, radishes, cabbage and spinach are best taken in their raw form. They may be cut into small pieces and sprinkled with a little bit of salt and the juice of a lemon added to them in order to make them more palatable.
The second step is to deal with a constipated bowel. During the period that fruits are the mainstay of the patient, he should take a warm water enema every day in order to clear his bowels.

If the patient is too sick to take exercise, let him massage his body; otherwise he should take exercise. Massage should be away from heart and towards the limbs and their extremities.

As the blood pressure shows signs of abating, take more exercise. Avoid too much straining of the heart. Breathe deeply while you are walking or taking exercise.

Rub your body with a rough towel vigorously for five to seven minutes after you have taken your bath. Avoid too cold water; add a little warm water to bring it to body temperature. If you have the patience, rub your body, instead of using a towel use your palms.

Early to bed is another cardinal principle, which a person suffering from hypertension must follow. He should get eight hours of restful sleep. Those who find it difficult to sleep can keep their feet in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash them with cold water.

The patient must avoid over-straining, worries, tension, anger and haste. He must try to be cheerful. The natural treatment may take some time, but do not lose patience because it is the safest and the best way to get rid of these diseases.

For more information regarding Natural Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure, Herbal Remedy visit http://www.natural-homeremedies.com
Dr John AnneAlso know about Diabetes Mellitus Information and Treatment Supply
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr_John_Anne
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Beating the Nicotine Smog - Simple Steps

By Nilutpal Gogoi

We daily burn money! And, all for nothing! The smoke costs us money and the smog also ultimately bleeds us white! Still we can’t say ‘NO!’ to smoking. So, Beware! The villain is nicotine! In fact, nicotine is one of the most addictive of materials on earth. The worst part of it is that nicotine has millions of people in its throes. Nicotine can have serious effects on a person’s health. It is always advisable to stay away from nicotine. What is more, nicotine smog can affect the passive smokers as well. In fact, researchers have found that passive smoking is very dangerous. Irrespective of whether a person is a smoker or a passive smoker, the indisputable fact is that both can contract heart problems over a period of time. Smoking cigarette can also lead to asthmatic problems. These ailments raise their heads after a person crosses his middle ages. And needless to say, the person then will have to fight a really tough battle to even breathe! The culprit is the habit of smoking with nicotine being the catalyst!

Nicotine enters the human body mostly through cigarettes. When a person starts smoking, the nicotine emanating from the burning cigarette affects the person’s brain. That portion of the person’s brain gets affected which is directly connected with the pleasure modes of the person. Nicotine works on a person’s pleasure highways. As a result, nicotine compels the brain to play with a set of pleasure trips.

Once a person gets a flavor of these pleasures, it becomes rather tough for the person to bid goodbye to nicotine. Ultimately, a person becomes totally dependent on nicotine not only psychologically but also physically. Smoking conjures up an aura of positive wellbeing as it hikes the volumes of dopamine and neurotransmitter to the brain. Under such circumstances, a person fails to quit the habit. On the other hand, such pleasure feelings force the person to smoke more. On the other hand, this is also the reason why a person trying to quit smoking cigarettes starts getting the withdrawal syndromes. These common withdrawal symptoms are anxiety and depression. They are also accompanied by the person becoming easily irritable. He/she may also lose appetite and have problems in moving the bowels.

The withdrawal syndrome results from the brain not getting the artificial means of augmenting pleasure as the very nicotine sources, the cigarettes, are not there. In simple words, the neural highways are deprived of the hitherto regularly supplied catalyst, the nicotine.

There are innumerable medications that claim to help the people quit smoking. However, one thing is for sure, though. One quits smoking more then a hundred times! Hence, the most plausible way to say goodbye to smoking is to first convince yourself that you do need to quit smoking and that too immediately. You can start mind control exercises to condition your mind in such a way that you would refuse the next urge to smoke a fag.

Many people take to chewing gums. The constant munching can be a good exercise for your jaws and the gums. These sweetened gums are, however, not recommended for the diabetics. Alternative medicines have a whole lot of medications to help the people quit smoking. One vital herbal medicine is just a tincture of oats (the garden variety and not the oat straw) to beat the fag feeling.

There are also immense psychological effects of a person’s mental outlook taking effect on the person’s body language. There are instances of person carrying in their pockets dummy cigarettes. The moment they feel the urge to smoke, they whip out the dummy fag and they feign smoking for a few seconds. But, thank god this is a fag sans the smog.

After all, it is all in the mind. Think and thank your strong will power. Say No to nicotine today for a better future.

Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. He has published one popular adventure book for children and has published more than 1000 articles for various sites, as such

For more information, log on to
http://www.lifesourcewellbeing.com/ http://www.wellbelife.com/ http://www.betterlivingsite.com /

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nilutpal_Gogoi

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Study: Consumer-Driven Health Plans on the Horizon

(NewsUSA) - Health care costs have continued to skyrocket and every politician, business owner and employee is trying to find ways to cut costs.

The recent Buying Trends Study, released by the National Association of Health Underwriters and ChapterHouse LLC, shows that nearly 90 percent of insurance agents and brokers predict that the health insurance market will look remarkably different within the next five to 10 years. They predict a shift away from traditional plans and a migration to consumer-driven health plans.

With open enrollment season upon us, consumers have a chance to evaluate these consumer-driven plans and decide if these new options might be right for them. Past editions of this study have accurately predicted other health care changes, so these findings carry a great deal of weight among industry leaders.

Consumer-driven health plans, which include health reimbursement accounts and health savings accounts, are high-deductible medical plans that are coupled with a savings account. Employees can use those funds to pay their health care costs.

With lower premiums than traditional health insurance plans, consumer-driven health plans enable consumers to choose what kind of health care services they would like to receive, making them more active participants in the decision-making process.

Nearly 30 percent of employers are planning to offer these consumer-driven health plans, and employees will need to determine if they are ready to switch to this new way of approaching health care.

For more information, including a comparison of consumer-driven health plans, visit NAHU's Web site at www .nahu.org/legislative/charts /NewHSAchartAug04.pdf.

The study also revealed that there is not much hope for those awaiting nationalized health care. Only 3 percent of respondents felt that there was a likelihood of adopting a single-payer system and only 7 percent saw U.S. government mandates in America's future.

While the future of health care is still unknown, the study predicts that America is headed toward private market initiatives to help solve this crisis.

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Eczema - Stop It Before It Strikes You

By CD Mohatta

Eczema is a trouble some problem. Those who suffer from atopic dermatitis or eczema as commonly called suffer greatly whenever eczema flares up. Itchy reddish skin that may have blisters and causes physical and mental harassment and affects our life style must be kept away. We have taken eczema for granted. Whenever it strikes, we try medications and anti itching measures to see what can be done. Why not stop eczema? Let me discuss this with you.

Eczema- what is it?

Eczema is a hereditary condition. It is not a contagious disease. Any bacteria or any virus does not cause it. Those who get eczema are born with the tendency to get it. Nothing can stop that. The tendency to get eczema is with us in our body and unless some one changes the gene that is responsible, we will carry this tendency for lifetime. What can be done to stop eczema then?

Eczema - triggers of eczema

There is always a trigger for eczema. Unless that trigger appears, eczema will not appear. Imagine a big dam. It may have lot of water, but unless you open the valve, the dam will not release water. With eczema it is similar. Unless you trigger it, it will not affect you. In some cases it is said that it can appear without any trigger. But those cases also might have been having unknown triggers.

Eczema- common triggers

Which are the common triggers of eczema? There is along list. It is not necessary that your trigger will be one from that list. It can be something different. You have to make the relationship between eczema and the trigger. It is like- whenever I drink milk I get eczema. Or whenever I am under stress, I get eczema. The common triggers are- some foods, itchy clothing, heat, sweating, dust mites, stress, soaps, other skin care products and others. It is for you to identify your trigger.

Eczema- stop it

You can stop getting incidences of eczema if you can block your trigger. Let the dam be filled with water, don't open the valve. Similarly you may have the tendency to get eczema, but if you don't provide the trigger it will not appear.

To know more about what causes eczema, click here- http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ds/atopicdermatitis/triggers.php
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
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