By Edward Xu
Speaking about allergy, who will able to tell you more than the one who have been through the nightmares themselves? As long as we are human being who shares the similar genetic codes, to have dna inheritance of both our father and mother, there will always a possibility of getting allergy, skin disorder or acne.
And looking back to allergy itself, whether it is common one or a rare allergy disease, the existence of this particular disease in human being history has been a long-long time.
Allergy can exist in many forms, it could present in skin allergy, nose allergy, eyes allergy, noise allergy, or perhaps even sounds allergy.
The word “allergy” itself has a derivative meaning of: “reverse reaction”. Sound as its meaning, allergy could be as simple as contra reaction of our body to the external factors such as: heat, food, medicine, sounds, noise, etc.
Combination of allergy could be a whole lot more complicated than it seems. One person might have a combination of allergy to heat, food, and medicines.
In contrary, the cause of the allergy could only be of one source: D-N-A. Without special pattern on the genetic codes, a person would not be that easily attacks by allergy sickness.
Only if the genetic pattern exist in such a way, will the sickness easily occur and reside on the long journey of the particular human being. It coexist in the pattern and thus inherit to their heir.
Hence, what cause the beginning of such genetic pattern that cause allergy sickness itself? The answers might just as blur as the history of human kind. You might say it’s inherit from a Monkey (Darwinian Theory), or perhaps from outer planets (human was alien beings)? Or perhaps, the simple theory of mind power: the certain kind of thinking patterns that actually causes all the changing of genetic patterns?
But, despite all those annoying theories and arguments, should there be really a cure for allergy, skin disorder and acne problems?
The answers lies upon ourselves, do we believe, one day, with the advanced medical technology, the ill pattern of allergic patient be cured holistically? Or should there be any other simple way to help us prevent the occurrence or provide holistic remedy to combat the allergy itself?
Antibiotic, as a medication might just be another cause of allergy…
So, what do we suppose to do? Sit down and anxiously hope that allergy would cure by itself?
The answers may depends on your believe, your attitude to search for the best remedies on the market, thus any one have a good natural remedies to combat allergy?
As far as I have seen on the internet, there are thousands of articles on allergy, medicines, and alternatives cures, but which one offer us the best remedy that fits to our circumstances? This will be the important part, as we just know our era is information over-loaded era, too much information to riddle, yet too little time to digest all the vast information available. Our live just too short for things like that. Won’t you agree with me?
But until recently, I just found another living guy, who’s name quite popular as a nutritionist. His fascinating e-books and plain explanation about the process of our immune system will amaze its readers.
More information, try visit my page at: Until next article, happy reading and good bye!
Edward Xu
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Five Step Action Plan to Get Rid of Belly Fat Fast
By Abi Shaan
Losing belly fat has become a big dream for millions of people all over the world, because according to current stats, weight loss has become a multi BILLION industry. And why do people need to lose weight? Mostly because they want to get rid of belly fat or the love handles or finally to get to see their own FEET!
In this article I am going to show you 5 easy steps that will easily get you on track and get rid of those love handles and get a tight belly in no time.
Step 1:
The first and most important step is to control your nutrition. No matter how hard you workout, you need to give your body the proper input. A car running on petrol won’t run on water. In the same way, giving your body the wrong nutrition can have adverse effects to whatever you do, no matter how many hours of cardio you do or how many Ab crunches you do. If you want to get things in perspective concerning your belly fat situation, then you need to feed your body with the proper input at the proper time. Eg: more lean protein, frequent glasses of water, fruits and vegetables etc..
Step 2:
Meal Plan
This goes along with the nutrition when it comes to importance. In order to get your body ultra fat burning mode, you need to prevent your body from entering starvation mode. This does not mean barging into food all at once. You need to feed your body a maximum of 350-500 calories every three hours or so. Remember; if your body gets no input for more than four hours, your body will assume that you are fasting and it will enter starvation mode, which means your body will be storing all the fat instead of burning them. So BE AWARE of your meal frequency which should be a minimum of five short meals a day.
Step 3:
In order to get rid of belly fat, you need to burn the entire fat all over your body. A guy will flabby arms and gigantic thighs cannot have a six pack. You get me? Hope so. Nutrition and Meal plan do 50% of the fat loss work for you. But weight training or Bodyweight Training help improve your fat loss progress. Every single pound of Muscle added to your body helps burn an extra 35 calories everyday. That’s 3.7 pounds of fat loss per year on autopilot. By training your body with the goal to add muscle, that’s by working your major muscles like the chest, back, legs at a repetition range of 8-12 reps, 3 sets each with a slow tempo of 3-1-2. [Three seconds at the hard part of the movement, 1 second at the peak, and 2 seconds on return].
Step 4:
As much as you don’t like to hear the word cardio, you need to do cardio right AFTER Step 3 because after your workout, your body will be flushing the glycogen [That’s a good thing], which means you can take advantage of it by doing cardio to put the extreme touch on fat burning process. By flushin on glycogen means, your body has used up all the energy, and is now gonna pull out the fat to be used as energy. So doing cardio now will make you happy because you know you are burning the fat.
Now I know Cardio is boring, and according to recent research, an idea used in the 1980’s called HIIT has now become very popular in the fat loss industry because High Intensity Interval Training lets you take your body beyond the normal Fat Burning Zone into gasping for air zone, which is good because the more your body gasps your air, the more oxygen sucked in by your body, and more fresh blood to boost up the fat loss.
HIIT works best with Treadmill, Sprinting, Mountain Sprinting, Body weight Intervals and a Stationary Bike. Visit my site: http://TruthAboutFat.Blogspot.Com for samples of HIIT.
Step 5:
Core Training
As much as it is important to lose fat all around the body, if you don't have a strong core, you wont see those strong abs. In order to achieve a that tight and firm belly fat, you need to do a couple of exercises for your core. This simply means your abs, but a deeper version. Doing hundreds of Ab Crunches won’t work. A few core exercises like Planks, Ab curl ups, Spiderman Climbers, Mountain Climbers etc.. will do the trick. 8 to 10 reps of three sets each.
If you just sit on the couch reading hundreds of books and articles on how to lose fat without actually putting them into action, you are not going to reach anywhere. READING how to drive a car won’t help you reach your destination. You need to actually DRIVE it..!
So use these five steps into action right now without fail, and I promise you that if you follow the exact guidelines provided in this action plan, you are going to be smiling wide in four weeks!
If you enjoyed this article and if you are willing to try this out, follow this link and get yourself one of sample workout plans and put it into action.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Losing belly fat has become a big dream for millions of people all over the world, because according to current stats, weight loss has become a multi BILLION industry. And why do people need to lose weight? Mostly because they want to get rid of belly fat or the love handles or finally to get to see their own FEET!
In this article I am going to show you 5 easy steps that will easily get you on track and get rid of those love handles and get a tight belly in no time.
Step 1:
The first and most important step is to control your nutrition. No matter how hard you workout, you need to give your body the proper input. A car running on petrol won’t run on water. In the same way, giving your body the wrong nutrition can have adverse effects to whatever you do, no matter how many hours of cardio you do or how many Ab crunches you do. If you want to get things in perspective concerning your belly fat situation, then you need to feed your body with the proper input at the proper time. Eg: more lean protein, frequent glasses of water, fruits and vegetables etc..
Step 2:
Meal Plan
This goes along with the nutrition when it comes to importance. In order to get your body ultra fat burning mode, you need to prevent your body from entering starvation mode. This does not mean barging into food all at once. You need to feed your body a maximum of 350-500 calories every three hours or so. Remember; if your body gets no input for more than four hours, your body will assume that you are fasting and it will enter starvation mode, which means your body will be storing all the fat instead of burning them. So BE AWARE of your meal frequency which should be a minimum of five short meals a day.
Step 3:
In order to get rid of belly fat, you need to burn the entire fat all over your body. A guy will flabby arms and gigantic thighs cannot have a six pack. You get me? Hope so. Nutrition and Meal plan do 50% of the fat loss work for you. But weight training or Bodyweight Training help improve your fat loss progress. Every single pound of Muscle added to your body helps burn an extra 35 calories everyday. That’s 3.7 pounds of fat loss per year on autopilot. By training your body with the goal to add muscle, that’s by working your major muscles like the chest, back, legs at a repetition range of 8-12 reps, 3 sets each with a slow tempo of 3-1-2. [Three seconds at the hard part of the movement, 1 second at the peak, and 2 seconds on return].
Step 4:
As much as you don’t like to hear the word cardio, you need to do cardio right AFTER Step 3 because after your workout, your body will be flushing the glycogen [That’s a good thing], which means you can take advantage of it by doing cardio to put the extreme touch on fat burning process. By flushin on glycogen means, your body has used up all the energy, and is now gonna pull out the fat to be used as energy. So doing cardio now will make you happy because you know you are burning the fat.
Now I know Cardio is boring, and according to recent research, an idea used in the 1980’s called HIIT has now become very popular in the fat loss industry because High Intensity Interval Training lets you take your body beyond the normal Fat Burning Zone into gasping for air zone, which is good because the more your body gasps your air, the more oxygen sucked in by your body, and more fresh blood to boost up the fat loss.
HIIT works best with Treadmill, Sprinting, Mountain Sprinting, Body weight Intervals and a Stationary Bike. Visit my site: http://TruthAboutFat.Blogspot.Com for samples of HIIT.
Step 5:
Core Training
As much as it is important to lose fat all around the body, if you don't have a strong core, you wont see those strong abs. In order to achieve a that tight and firm belly fat, you need to do a couple of exercises for your core. This simply means your abs, but a deeper version. Doing hundreds of Ab Crunches won’t work. A few core exercises like Planks, Ab curl ups, Spiderman Climbers, Mountain Climbers etc.. will do the trick. 8 to 10 reps of three sets each.
If you just sit on the couch reading hundreds of books and articles on how to lose fat without actually putting them into action, you are not going to reach anywhere. READING how to drive a car won’t help you reach your destination. You need to actually DRIVE it..!
So use these five steps into action right now without fail, and I promise you that if you follow the exact guidelines provided in this action plan, you are going to be smiling wide in four weeks!
If you enjoyed this article and if you are willing to try this out, follow this link and get yourself one of sample workout plans and put it into action.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Using Natural Antibiotics
By Steven Godlewski
In today's world, germs are getting smarter - and they are outsmarting modern medicine in a very scary way. You may have heard of all the recent outbreaks of Staph Infections around the world. This staph is literally building a resistance to antibiotics. It is an epidemic, and it can lead to death.
Due to this epidemic, research has stepped up in the area of antibiotics. What scientists have found is that pure silver is essential to life. Pure silver is a naturally occurring substance, and drug producers, such as Life Force International have been able to put pure silver in liquid form, to be used as a natural antibiotic.
Scientists have discovered that while most antibiotics only disinfect about a half dozen germs, silver disinfects hundreds. Furthermore, germs are unable to build a resistance to pure silver, making it a much needed and essential natural antibiotic. Silver also is useful in fighting over 650 bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Furthermore, prescription antibiotics, that are chemically manufactured, have awful side effects that are often worse than the condition that they were designed and prescribed to treat. Pure silver, on the other hand, has no side effects, and it can be used by adults, children, and even pets.
The human body naturally contains silver, although it isn't very much. The average human body has .001 microns of silver. When that level drops, illness occurs. Life Force International offers Colloidal Silver in liquid form, and it can be taken indefinitely without worrying about germs or microorganisms becoming immune to it.
While antibiotics kill germs by poisoning them, Colloidal Silver literally smoothers them by cutting the air supply between the germs and the enzymes that they need to survive and grow. This is why germs cannot become immune to Colloidal Silver - the silver isn't fighting the germ the way that other antibiotics do, it is simply outsmarting it.
Even minute amounts of silver are effective in killing more than 640 different disease causing pathogens. Therefore, Colloidal Silver can be used to treat illnesses, and to prevent illnesses from occurring.
Colloidal Silver can be used internally and externally. When used internally, it is important to increase your intake of water, so that the dead pathogens can be effectively flushed from the body. It is also important that Colloidal Silver not come into contact with other metals. It should be taken with a plastic spoon, syringe, or medicine cup.
Externally, Colloidal Silver can be applied directly to cuts, burns, cold sores, open sores, and other injuries. It is also effective on mosquito bites, acne, dandruff, athlete's foot, sore throat gargles, rashes, and eczema. It can even be used as drops for the eyes and ears, and sprayed in the nose for sinusitis.
Colloidal Silver also has household uses. It can be used to prevent mildew and to sterilize cooking surfaces. It can even be sprayed on the leaves of unhealthy plants to improve their condition. It should be stored in a dark glass spray bottle for household use.
Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is currently working with Life Force International products. He has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more health-related articles and a FREE bottle of Liquid Vitamins see their website at:
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
In today's world, germs are getting smarter - and they are outsmarting modern medicine in a very scary way. You may have heard of all the recent outbreaks of Staph Infections around the world. This staph is literally building a resistance to antibiotics. It is an epidemic, and it can lead to death.
Due to this epidemic, research has stepped up in the area of antibiotics. What scientists have found is that pure silver is essential to life. Pure silver is a naturally occurring substance, and drug producers, such as Life Force International have been able to put pure silver in liquid form, to be used as a natural antibiotic.
Scientists have discovered that while most antibiotics only disinfect about a half dozen germs, silver disinfects hundreds. Furthermore, germs are unable to build a resistance to pure silver, making it a much needed and essential natural antibiotic. Silver also is useful in fighting over 650 bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Furthermore, prescription antibiotics, that are chemically manufactured, have awful side effects that are often worse than the condition that they were designed and prescribed to treat. Pure silver, on the other hand, has no side effects, and it can be used by adults, children, and even pets.
The human body naturally contains silver, although it isn't very much. The average human body has .001 microns of silver. When that level drops, illness occurs. Life Force International offers Colloidal Silver in liquid form, and it can be taken indefinitely without worrying about germs or microorganisms becoming immune to it.
While antibiotics kill germs by poisoning them, Colloidal Silver literally smoothers them by cutting the air supply between the germs and the enzymes that they need to survive and grow. This is why germs cannot become immune to Colloidal Silver - the silver isn't fighting the germ the way that other antibiotics do, it is simply outsmarting it.
Even minute amounts of silver are effective in killing more than 640 different disease causing pathogens. Therefore, Colloidal Silver can be used to treat illnesses, and to prevent illnesses from occurring.
Colloidal Silver can be used internally and externally. When used internally, it is important to increase your intake of water, so that the dead pathogens can be effectively flushed from the body. It is also important that Colloidal Silver not come into contact with other metals. It should be taken with a plastic spoon, syringe, or medicine cup.
Externally, Colloidal Silver can be applied directly to cuts, burns, cold sores, open sores, and other injuries. It is also effective on mosquito bites, acne, dandruff, athlete's foot, sore throat gargles, rashes, and eczema. It can even be used as drops for the eyes and ears, and sprayed in the nose for sinusitis.
Colloidal Silver also has household uses. It can be used to prevent mildew and to sterilize cooking surfaces. It can even be sprayed on the leaves of unhealthy plants to improve their condition. It should be stored in a dark glass spray bottle for household use.
Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is currently working with Life Force International products. He has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more health-related articles and a FREE bottle of Liquid Vitamins see their website at:
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
What Is Social Anxiety?
By M. Jedediah
Who among us has never been in a large group of people and felt timid, nervous, and even downright terrified? Feelings such as these can happen from time to time, especially if we are a generally shy person. But when feelings of fear and panic are present in all situations such as these, you may be exhibiting signs of social anxiety – persistent and severe heightened fear and panic in social situations. When these feelings take over and begin to impact the way in which you socialize and engage in personal relationships, it is thought that treatment can significantly benefit the way in which we manage these overwhelming feelings.
Social anxiety is defined as feelings of fear or panic in anticipation of social situations – or while participating in social situations. These psychological feelings that people are judging you or you are under a microscope can lead to physical symptoms that may include increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, sweating, shaking, headache, and diarrhea, among others. While social anxiety is considered an occurrence, social anxiety disorder falls within the umbrella of anxiety disorder that encapsulates everything from generalized anxiety disorder to obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias.
A diagnosis of social anxiety disorder is generally made when there is ongoing and persistent feelings of panic and apprehension associated with commonplace social situations; daily life is thwarted by these feelings of anxiety and the sufferer sees the ramifications in their relationships – familial, platonic, and romantic. People who experience this type of anxiety feel as if their every move is being watched and they are convinced that they will humiliate themselves in a room full of people. Often the fear is so palpable that all social interaction is avoided in order to avoid the feeling.
In fact, for anyone who has ever experienced stage fright while performing in front of a group of people, the feelings associated with social anxiety are much the same thing. Those who suffer from this type of anxiety feel in a constant state of stage fright whenever they are in social situations – as if they are expected to perform.
Not surprisingly, those who suffer with this anxiety – and are not aware of the magnitude or definition of what they are managing - will often attempt to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs during social engagements. Such substances often have the ability to lower inhibitions enough that sufferers can mange their social time without feeling incapacitated. But this is hardly the safe or effective way to treat anxiety.
Treating this anxiety can be done in a number of ways. Cognitive-behavioral therapy with a licensed and reputable therapist teaches the patient how to rewire their thoughts and change their behaviors associated with the source of anxiety. Often there is a certain amount of exposure therapy wherein the patient is introduced to sources of anxiety – but in a controlled and safe environment. The hope is that continued exposure with positive outcomes will eventually desensitize the patient from this type of anxiety.
Medication is also available that treats a wide variety of anxiety. Your doctor is best in the position to determine what medication may work for you and will monitor your progress. In most cases, a combination of therapy and medication works most successfully in treating social anxiety.
For more information on anxiety try visiting a website that specializes in providing anxiety related tips, advice and resources to include information on social anxiety.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Who among us has never been in a large group of people and felt timid, nervous, and even downright terrified? Feelings such as these can happen from time to time, especially if we are a generally shy person. But when feelings of fear and panic are present in all situations such as these, you may be exhibiting signs of social anxiety – persistent and severe heightened fear and panic in social situations. When these feelings take over and begin to impact the way in which you socialize and engage in personal relationships, it is thought that treatment can significantly benefit the way in which we manage these overwhelming feelings.
Social anxiety is defined as feelings of fear or panic in anticipation of social situations – or while participating in social situations. These psychological feelings that people are judging you or you are under a microscope can lead to physical symptoms that may include increased heart rate, difficulty breathing, sweating, shaking, headache, and diarrhea, among others. While social anxiety is considered an occurrence, social anxiety disorder falls within the umbrella of anxiety disorder that encapsulates everything from generalized anxiety disorder to obsessive-compulsive disorder, and phobias.
A diagnosis of social anxiety disorder is generally made when there is ongoing and persistent feelings of panic and apprehension associated with commonplace social situations; daily life is thwarted by these feelings of anxiety and the sufferer sees the ramifications in their relationships – familial, platonic, and romantic. People who experience this type of anxiety feel as if their every move is being watched and they are convinced that they will humiliate themselves in a room full of people. Often the fear is so palpable that all social interaction is avoided in order to avoid the feeling.
In fact, for anyone who has ever experienced stage fright while performing in front of a group of people, the feelings associated with social anxiety are much the same thing. Those who suffer from this type of anxiety feel in a constant state of stage fright whenever they are in social situations – as if they are expected to perform.
Not surprisingly, those who suffer with this anxiety – and are not aware of the magnitude or definition of what they are managing - will often attempt to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs during social engagements. Such substances often have the ability to lower inhibitions enough that sufferers can mange their social time without feeling incapacitated. But this is hardly the safe or effective way to treat anxiety.
Treating this anxiety can be done in a number of ways. Cognitive-behavioral therapy with a licensed and reputable therapist teaches the patient how to rewire their thoughts and change their behaviors associated with the source of anxiety. Often there is a certain amount of exposure therapy wherein the patient is introduced to sources of anxiety – but in a controlled and safe environment. The hope is that continued exposure with positive outcomes will eventually desensitize the patient from this type of anxiety.
Medication is also available that treats a wide variety of anxiety. Your doctor is best in the position to determine what medication may work for you and will monitor your progress. In most cases, a combination of therapy and medication works most successfully in treating social anxiety.
For more information on anxiety try visiting a website that specializes in providing anxiety related tips, advice and resources to include information on social anxiety.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
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