Know the Facts About Colon Cancer - It Could Save Your Life
As a cancer that almost always develops from abnormal growths, called polyps, in the colon or rectum, screening through a method known as a colonoscopy saves lives by detecting and removing the polyps before they become cancerous.
In celebration of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy is dispelling the myths so you have the facts about colon cancer.
Myth: Colon cancer only affects men. According to Dr. Grace Elta, president of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, colon cancer affects both men and women. More than 26,000 women die every year from colon cancer. A more reliable indicator is actually age. In fact, your age is the single most important risk factor. As a result, both men and women should undergo testing for the disease starting at age 50. For individuals 65 and older, Medicare will cover the cost of colonoscopy screening. Still not convinced? A 2007 study showed a 5 percent drop in colon cancer deaths per year, and prevention was among the key factors credited for the decline. So, talk to your doctor about your screening options.
Myth: You don't need to be screened for colon cancer if you feel fine. Usually there are no symptoms to rely on. When there are symptoms, the cancer may be at an advanced stage. When colon cancer is caught early, most people can be cured. If, however, warning signs are present, they may include: blood in stools, a change in the pattern or frequency of bowel movements, abdominal pain or unexplained weight loss. While these symptoms may be caused by other benign conditions, you should consult your doctor.
Myth: You don't need to get screened if there is no family history of colon cancer. Most people with colon cancer do not have a family member with the disease. In fact, only 10 to 20 percent of people who have colon cancer have a family member who has also had it.
To learn more about the disease or to find a qualified physician in your area, visit .
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A New Kind of Cramp: Migraines Linked to Menstrual Cycles
Researchers estimate approximately 60 percent of women who suffer from migraines are actually victims of menstrual migraines.
The exact cause of menstrual migraines is uncertain, but evidence suggests a link between hormonal fluctuations around a woman's period and migraine headaches. It is specifically the drop in estrogen, which normally occurs at the onset of your period, that may be the culprit.
If the monthly potential for a migraine isn't bad news enough, these menstrual migraines are often more severe, last longer and are likely to be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In fact, 84 percent of women who suffer from menstrual migraines reported restrictions in everyday activities.
So, if you've got a headache just thinking about it, here are some ways to manage your migraines:
* Avoid triggers. Stress, alcohol, certain types of foods, too much caffeine, lighting, changes in weather and food additives such as MSG and aspartame can all lead to a migraines.
* Track them. With the discomfort that accompanies your period, realizing you're having migraines on a regular monthly basis is not easy. That's why it's helpful to keep a record.
"Many women don't realize the connection between their menstrual cycle and migraines. The good news is we are now researching options to prevent menstrual migraines from occurring, because, unlike regular migraines, they are predictable and potentially preventable, " said Stephen Silberstein, M.D., professor of neurology at the Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University and director of the Jefferson Headache Center.
* Talk to your doctor. If you think you many be experiencing menstrual migraines, discuss it with your doctor. Depending on your history and symptoms, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or prescription triptans for treatment.
Recording when your migraines occur in relation to your cycle will help the discussion with your doctor. Try using the downloadable menstrual migraine tracker, which is available at as well as more information, tools and important questions to ask your physician about menstrual migraines.
If you think you have menstrual migraines, have a discussion with your health care professional. Remember, only a health care professional can diagnose menstrual migraines.
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Diabetes Drug Concerns Lead to Serious Questions
The medications, Avandia and Actos, were found to increase the risk of heart attacks by 45 percent and death from cardiovascular disease by 64 percent, compared to diabetics who were not taking the medications -; according to a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine. Because more than 3 million diabetics in the United States use both drugs, the news leaves many patients and medical professionals eagerly searching for newer, safer ways to control diabetes.
Gaining national acclaim for their ability to combat diseases, natural-food remedies have continued to make their way into mainstream medicine.
In fact, the developments concerning Avandia and Actos have caused many diabetics to turn to treatments like Cinnergen, a liquid supplement made by that combines 12 concentrated food nutrient extracts including cinnamon and blueberries. The supplement has shown promise in a closely monitored, clinical study to lower blood sugars naturally.
The results of the double-blind study, performed at Bucks County Clinical Research center in Philadelphia, showed that just one ounce of Cinnergen fully controlled blood sugar levels in 52 percent of patients tested when taken daily. The remaining 48 percent of patients were able to significantly decrease the amount of prescribed medications in order to properly control their diabetes. All of the test subjects also reported improved energy levels, moods, sleep habits and mental alertness -; lending a substantial amount of credibility to natural supplements' ability to fight serious disease.
With warning alarms sounding every week for yet another prescription drug being called into question or recalled entirely, it's important for those fighting diseases like diabetes to know there are more treatment options.
For more information, visit .
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Proton Therapy Innovator Puts Cancer Patients on a New Road to Recovery
Loma Linda University Medical Center, in southern California, opened the world's first hospital-based proton treatment center for cancer patients in 1990. Now, some 18 years later, LLUMC has given a hero's treatment to the physician who pioneered the technology that has helped thousands of patients in their battles against cancer.
LLUMC has named its renowned proton center in honor of Dr. James M. Slater, the father of clinical proton therapy development at the medical center and one of the earliest innovators who pointed cancer treatment in a new direction worldwide.
"I became very interested in proton beam therapy in the 1960s, when I saw the devastating side effects that untargeted radiotherapy has on cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment," Slater said. "I realized that this problem could be minimized if normal-tissue exposure to radiation was reduced."
Today, proton therapy is considered one of the most successful and least invasive treatments for many types of cancer. Proton therapy treatment utilizes targeted proton beams, rather than generalized radiation that produces more morbidity. Additionally, the ability of this therapy to prevent normal tissues and healthy organs from being exposed to radiation can improve the quality of life for cancer patients both during and after treatment.
It's no wonder that thousands of patients are seen annually at LLUMC's James M. Slater, M.D. Proton Treatment and Research Center. In fact, LLUMC has treated more than 14,000 patients in their battles against deep-tissue cancers and other diseases and currently provides proton therapy to more patients worldwide than any other center of its kind -; about 150 patients every day.
For more information on proton therapy and LLUMC, 1-800-PROTONS (776-8667).
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Does Winter Make You SAD?
But if these feelings last for an extended period, or return year after year, you could be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
SAD is a type of depression believed to be related to the varying amount of daylight that occurs throughout the seasons. The most common type is winter depression. People typically experience symptoms as winter approaches and daylight hours become shorter. When spring returns, they experience relief from these symptoms and a return to normal mood and energy levels.
In fact, approximately 6 percent of people experience severe SAD, and another 10 to 20 percent may suffer from a mild version. Like other forms of depression, females are about four times more likely than males to develop SAD, as are people with relatives who have experienced depression.
Symptoms of SAD may include:
Changes in mood. Feelings of sadness, irritability and a sense of hopelessness or worthlessness for at least two weeks. Tendencies to be more self-critical and more sensitive than usual to criticism are also signs.
Lack of enjoyment. Loss of interest in things that are normally enjoyable, feeling like tasks can't be accomplished as well as before and feelings of dissatisfaction or guilt can be an indication of SAD.
Low energy. Unusual tiredness or unexplained fatigue can be a result of this illness.
Changes in sleep. Sleeping much more than usual is tied to the lower energy levels experienced by individuals suffering from SAD.
Changes in eating. SAD may also cause a tendency to overeat, especially when it comes to comfort foods and sweets, and can result in weight gain during the winter months.
Difficulty concentrating. If you are having more trouble than usual completing assignments on time or have a lack of motivation, SAD could be the culprit.
Less time socializing. Spending less time with friends at social or extracurricular activities is a symptom of this depression.
If a person experiences these symptoms, it is important to discuss it with a personal or family physician. There are a number of highly effective treatment options that can help relieve SAD sufferers of their winter woes.
For more information about Seasonal Affective Disorder, visit .
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Screening is Key to Preventing Colorectal Cancer
Most colon cancers begin as polyps which, if not removed, can become cancerous. The development of more than 75-90 percent of colorectal cancer can be avoided through early detection and removal of these pre-cancerous polyps. The digestive health specialists from the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) urge you to get screened for colorectal cancer.
Colorectal cancer is most common after age 50, but it can strike at younger ages. The chance of colon cancer increases with age. It's suggested that screenings begin at age 50 for men and women at average risk for colorectal cancer. African-Americans should begin colorectal cancer screening as early as age 45. African-Americans are diagnosed with colorectal cancer at a younger average age than whites, and African-Americans with colorectal cancer have a decreased survival rate compared with whites.
Colonoscopy is considered the best test for colorectal cancer screening and prevention because it allows physicians to look directly at the entire colon and identify suspicious growths. It is the only test that can detect and remove pre-cancerous polyps from the colon during the same examination.
For average-risk individuals, the ACG recommends colonoscopy screening every 10 years beginning at age 50 as the preferred strategy. Alternative strategies for average risk individuals include annual stool tests to detect blood and flexible sigmoidoscopic exams every five years, although unlike colonoscopy this approach does not allow visualization and removal of polyps in the entire colon. The ACG urges you to talk to your doctor about what screening tests are right for you.
There is no reason for someone to die from a preventable cancer. With improved use of colon cancer screening, we can save lives. Colorectal cancer screening with colonoscopy is among the most powerful preventive tools in clinical medicine.
To learn more about the benefits of colorectal cancer screening, speak with your doctor or visit .
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Hearing Loss Treatment Critical at an Early Age
According to a national study released by the Better Hearing Institute (BHI), an estimated 1.4 million people under the age of 18 have some form of hearing loss-that's approximately 1.7 percent of children. Only 12 percent wear hearing devices. Based on objective studies published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the BHI believes the figure could be as high as 15 percent due to early exposure to noise. That means many parents are not aware that their child has hearing loss.
In some cases, pediatricians mistakenly say the child's hearing loss is untreatable. However, even when doctors and audiologists suggest a hearing device, parents can still be hesitant and often minimize the impact of the child's hearing loss. When a child's hearing loss is recognized within the educational system, often the only treatment is front-row seating, which for many is inadequate. National research also shows that 50 percent of parents do not pursue detailed testing when their infant fails initial hearing screening at birth. Most parental concerns come from either the stigma placed on a child and how others will perceive them if they wear hearing aids or from financial matters.
The BHI strongly suggests that parents need to realize the importance of the early detection and treatment of hearing loss and the resulting benefits.
So, why should steps be taken early when it comes to hearing loss in children? The following key developmental factors are compromised when a child has an uncorrected hearing loss: speech and language development, academic competence, social skills, emotional health, self-esteem, relationships with family members and cognitive development. Early identification and correction of hearing loss would allow the child to grow and learn competitively with his or her peers and therefore develop into a productive human being.
For more information on hearing loss, its evaluation and treatment, recognizing signs of hearing loss in children and prevention of hearing loss, visit
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Weight Watchers Smart Ones Searches for New Fruit Entrée
Whether your cooking inspiration comes from your favorite childhood dish, a secret family recipe or your favorite fruit flavor, now is your chance to whip up a delicious entrée for a chance to become a national celebrity in grocers' freezers across the country -; complete with your name and hometown on the box.
Unlock Your Recipe Box
Between Jan. 1 and June 1, 2008, aspiring chefs can visit to enter the Fruitastic Recipe Contest. Entrants must explain in 300 words or less how their original entrée, made with any fruit, satisfies sweet cravings and curbs hunger at the same time. A panel of judges will narrow down the delicious recipes based on taste, nutrition and creativity to one grand prize winner and four runners-up. The winning entry will be used by the Weight Watchers Smart Ones team as the inspiration for a new Smart Ones Fruit Inspirations frozen entrée.
To sweeten the prize, the winner also will receive $5,000 and a trip to Los Angeles for a private cooking lesson with celebrity chef Devin Alexander, author of "The Biggest Loser Cookbook" and host of Discovery Health's "Healthy Decadence." The four runners-up each will receive $1,000.
New Flavors, Smart Solutions
Devin Alexander helped create Weight Watchers Smart Ones Fruit Inspirations frozen entrées, which combine real fruit, juicy lean protein and crispy vegetables that stay true to the taste and flavors women love. The meals are available nationwide in four delicious varieties: Orange Sesame Chicken, Pineapple Beef Teriyaki, Honey Mango Barbeque Chicken and Cranberry Turkey Medallions.
What's the secret to creating a winning recipe? Visit for official rules and to watch healthy eating video tips from Devin Alexander. Entrants must be legal U.S. residents and at least 18 years of age.
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Naturally Combat Diabetes with Cinnamon
Type 2 diabetes, a disease in which your pancreas does not produce enough insulin or does not properly use the insulin it makes, is a life-long progressive condition. If ignored, it could lead to complications such as blindness, heart disease, nerve damage or kidney problems.
However, studies have shown that botanicals such as cinnamon can improve glucose metabolism and the overall condition of individuals with diabetes - improving cholesterol metabolism, removing artery-damaging free radicals from the blood and improving function of small blood vessels. Onions, garlic, Korean ginseng and flaxseed have the same effect.
One reason for the effect seems to be that cinnamon slows the rate at which food passes from the stomach to the intestines. Food supplements such as Cinnergen, developed by the health and technology company, combines a mixture of 12 concentrated whole-food nutrient extracts including cinnamon, oat seed and blueberry leaf, as well as digestive enzymes to improve absorption.
If it is determined that you have diabetes, there are many things you can do to help control it naturally.
* Keep your blood glucose levels steady by eating healthy meals and snacks. Your doctor, nutritionist or certified diabetes educator can work with you to adjust your food plan and count carbohydrates.
* Always aim for your target ranges for your blood glucose levels, cholesterol and blood pressure. Test your blood sugar as directed.
* Exercise daily, such as taking a walk after dinner in your neighborhood or on the treadmill at the gym. Also have your feet examined when you visit the doctor.
* Have your eyes examined, including dilation, annually by your ophthalmologist.
* Drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.
* Avoid consuming simple sugars such as pies, cookies, cakes and candy. Do not drink alcohol on a regular basis.
* Consider taking a whole food supplement, such as Cinnergen. According to a study by Bucks County Clinical Research in Philadelphia, a research facility approved and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, whole food extracts can have a dramatic effect on lowering blood sugars naturally.
For more information, visit .
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Simple Ways To Increase Sperm Count - Male Infertility
By T. Kenny
When you're in a stable relationship making the decision with your partner to start trying for a baby is a very exciting time for both of you. Unfortunately some people are unlucky and may have problems making a baby. One of the most common causes for this is for the man to have a low sperm count.
More than 50% of all infertility problems experienced by couples are caused by male infertility. Having a low sperm count can be a devastating problem for a man and can bring a lot of stress into even the most stable of relationships. There are many different factors which could be responsible for a low sperm count and there are also things that can be tried to increase sperm count.
The most common of which are smoking, stress, genetics, poor nutrition, prescription or illegal drugs, obesity and infections. In some unfortunate cases especially where genetics are involved there will be no way to increase sperm count to productive levels but in most instances there a variety of things you could try.
Regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress levels but be careful not to over do it as too much exercise can also have a very negative effect and can cause more harm than good., exercises that regularly impact the testicles such as bicycle riding are not a good idea.
Reducing the frequency of ejaculation can also help as this will increase the density of the semen, leaving a gap of three days between ejaculation is good practice. If you're a smoker you'll need to give up as soon as possible if you're serious about improving your low sperm count, regularly drinking alcohol should also be avoided.
Try to have sex in the early morning as it is thought that this is the time your sperm levels will be highest. It's also a good idea to avoid wearing tight underwear, use natural vitamin supplements and maintain a high protein low fat diet with vegetables and whole grains, all of which could increase sperm count over time.
For more information about this issue, Kenny, the author invites you to visit to find out the semen enhancer which is approved and recommended by doctors - Volume pills
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All New Drugs to be Given Suicide Rating
Under new proposals made by European pharmaceutical regulators, all new drugs will have to be given be given a 'suicide rating'. Pharmaceutical companies will also be required to include a suicide assessment in trials of all new medicines.
The proposals, stemming from a system recently adopted in the United States, have come about due to a growing body of evidence that certain drugs which affect the brain can also affect behaviour. Drugs used to treat acne, swelling, heartburn, obesity, pain, high blood pressure, bacterial infections, insomnia and smoking have all recently been associated with psychiatric problems in patients. Drugs including the anti-obesity drug, Acomplia, the smoking cessation drug Champix and the acne treatment Roaccutane have been prescribed to more than 60,000 patients in the UK alone.
The European Medicines Agency has sent letters to an undisclosed number of pharmaceutical companies requiring them to analyse their data again to include these risks. A suicide risk-assessment system, designed by Dr. Kelly Posner, will also be introduced into future drug trials in the form of a questionnaire which has already been translated into 80 languages. The questionnaire is known as the Columbia Suicide Severity rating and is able to determine whether patients' actions are suicidal or non-suicidal. It looks for four different types of suicidal behaviour and gives the drug a 'rating' out of 23.
The irony of this new situation is twofold. First, patients are demanding powerful drugs that have the ability to change patterns in the brain whilst not having any side effects and secondly, some of the most widely consumed and apparently less contentious drugs around would fail to meet regulatory guidelines if they were brought onto the market today. Aspirin, for example, is taken in more than 60 billion doses every year, more as prevention against heart attack than as a pain relief remedy. Yet if it had been discovered today this drug would not pass licensing regulations. It can cause damage to the lining of the stomach and can also cause ulcers and bleeding. In children it can also trigger Reye's syndrome, a potentially fatal condition. Overall, however, aspirin has done far more good than harm.
A rare side-effect may come to the fore simply due to the fact that a large number of people are using the medication. When new safety rules are introduced the knock-on effect is that costs rise and it becomes less and less profitable to produce drugs which have a limited market. This in turn could mean that it becomes undesirable for drug companies to develop drugs for rare conditions, which of course has massive implications for those people who are suffering.
It seems, then, that a balance has to be struck between the benefits which drugs have to offer and the side-effects which they can incur. In the increasingly risk-obsessed culture of drug development it could mean that vital drugs are not seen as viable for development. In the long run the consequence of this can only be a negative one.
This article was submitted by Robert MacKay who has an association with The Online Clinic. The Online Clinic is one of the largest online diagnosing and prescribing services in the UK. It is possible to have Acomplia prescribed by this clinic following a secure consultation with a GMC registered doctor. All medications are despatched from a pharmacy in the UK for next day delivery. For regulatory reasons, The Online Clinic cannot send medications to countries outside the UK. For the latest information on European Drug approvals please follow this hyperlink.
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Why Do We Age? Blame the Telomeres
It's a question as old as science and beauty. Why do we age? The answer is-because every one of our cells has a definite capability to reproduce itself-but only a certain number of times. The calls all have an "end" or "tail," the length of which determines how many times that cell can effectively reproduce itself. The shorter the tail, the fewer times it will reproduce effectively.
As the cell reproduces itself, the tail shrinks. Once it gets to be too short, the cell can no longer reproduce and eventually it dies. These shrinking tails-known as telomeres-are the reason we age. Fast and efficient cell reproduction happens frequently when we are young. The older we are, the shorter those tails are, resulting in slower and less efficient cell reproduction and eventually cell death.
Nearly every cell in the body is governed this way. This is why we age. But there is hope, found in the two exceptions to this shortening telomere rule, germ (sex) cells and cancer cells. Strange to find that we might find the answer to the problems of aging in cancer cells, isn't it? Germ and cancer cells produce an enzyme called telomerase. The enzyme prevents the telomere from shortening. Thus, in theory, cancer and sex cells can divide an infinite amount of times. This is good for making babies, bad if you are facing cancer, good it you are looking for the answer to aging and the diseases of old age.
Scientists are looking at ways to take advantage of the telomerase enzyme. Can we reproduce it? Can we find a way to distribute it effectively to all the cells of the body? Can we eventually ward off age and disease with a telomerase enzyme shot, pill or cream? Will the enzyme work effectively on us if it is introduced from the outside rather than created by our own bodies? Will it really work effectively on all the cells?
Only time and science can tell; but, if effective therapies are developed based on telomere research, we may find that we can shut down our biological clock. Grow to be 22 and begin therapy. Never age another day. Never face the diseases of aging. Never watch the wrinkles form. I don't know that I want to see this and I don't know that I don't.
What I do know is that science is chasing it, and if they catch it, I'll have no choice.
Marie Esselstein
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Why am I fat?
"Why am I fat?", is a question that does not have as simple an answer as it would seem. At first glance many people who are not fat would offer up answers like, lazy, undisciplined, just plain eats to much etc. Though these are valid reasons in many cases, we simply can't just assume that this is the case. It is becoming more and more prevalent to have an overactive thyroid gland, which can lead to weight issues. In fact there are a myriad of chemical imbalances and other strangeness that are symptomatic of our modern lifestyles.
All too often we dismiss the over weight for being a less than normal part of society. Lets look at the environment first off. We are absolutely bombarded by low nutrition, high fat foods. You go anywhere and you just simply cannot find a meal within budget that is of an acceptable nutrition level. It's just too easy for us to forgo our better judgment and just buy the quickest and best tasting meal available. If you're reading this and you're thin, you may be indeed thinking that I'm describing people who are undisciplined, lazy folk. Think again, we all have different metabolisms and some of us have the raw end of the stick. If you can eat anything you please and never gain weight, then you're extremely lucky. Now just imagine that eating the way you do now, resulted in your weight going up every week.
Can you even begin to imagine the helplessness you would feel? The shear frustration that others dining at the same fast food place, eating the same greasy, quick fix food, are not showing signs of the same problem as you.
No to mention that how others make you feel when they look at you.
As far as I can see, being over weight is really just another sign of our times. It's much like a reaction that certain of us are having to the pollution our bodies are undergoing everyday and some of us are lucky and some of us are not so lucky.
Don't lose hope, if you're constantly dieting and watching what you eat and wondering "Why am I Fat", and starting to go a little crazy, then maybe it's not food.
It has recently been discovered that there are specific bacteria in your body that are probably contributing heavily towards your weight gain. Try visiting The Top Secret Fat Loss Secret to learn more.
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Gastric Bypass Cost - Surgery Trends & Price in Mexico, Costa Rica & India
Gastric bypass surgery is a very cost effective way to lose weight. A BMI of 40 or more is a good indicator that you may be a candidate for a gastric bypass surgery. The cost of gastric bypass varies between different hospitals & locations. Mexico, Costa Rica & India gastric bypass price are about 50% less that the USA, even considering the money spent for the medical trip. The cost of gastric bypass surgery is usually higher compared to the other popular bariatric surgery, the lap band.
Unless it is medically necessary, insurance companies do not pay for a gastric bypass surgery. This trend may be changing with some insurance companies are beginning to see obesity as a serious health disorder and cause of other serious illness. For most patients, the gastric bypass cost is far outweighed by the advantages that the surgery can have. Some of the advantages of resulting weight loss from gastric bypass surgery are: reversal of life threatening diseases like type II diabetes, heart disease prevention and cancer risk reduction and psychological benefits.
Research shows that experienced surgeons and hospitals greatly reduce the risks associated with a gastric bypass surgery. The success of the surgery also depends upon post-operative changes in eating habits. Exercising regularly after the surgery is also recommended & helps patients lose weight more rapidly. Not following the doctors post operation instructions might result in no or very less benefits.
Majority of the gastric bypass surgeries nowadays are done via a minimally invasive technology (laparoscopic) that speeds recovery & reduces pain and scarring. In some cases a plastic surgery may be required due to droopy skin from the weight loss. The requirement for plastic surgery is known after a year or more after the gastric bypass surgery has been performed.
After a gastric bypass, about three fourth of the patients loose about 75% of their excess body weight. The surgery causes nutrient and calorie restriction that results in weight loss at a very rapid pace. The surgeon creates a small pouch that is attached to the small intestine thus bypassing the stomach.
Bariatric surgeries have been performed for decades in the United States and abroad. When diet, exercise, creams, pills and other non-surgical methods fail, an increasing percent of people turn to bariatric surgery.
Gastric bypass surgery cost in the United States varies depending upon the experience of the doctor, location & complexity of the surgery. The average cost is 25,000 dollars, for a two hour surgery. The results are permanent & the patient can be back to work in about three to six weeks time after the operation. The gastric bypass cost in Mexico (Juarez & Tijuana), Costa Rica(San Jose) & India(Mumbai & Banglore) is significantly less. Following are some price quotes.
* India US $9,800
* Mexico US $11,990
* Costa Rica US $11,500
Medical Tourism website has an exclusive section for bariatric surgery. In this section, you can visit the sub section on affordable cost of gastric bypass. This section provides details on the cost of bariatric gastric bypass surgery in different overseas locations.
Medical Tourism Corporation (
Mission of Happy & Satisfied Medical Tourist
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Natural Anxiety Cures - Looking for A Natural Anxiety Cure?
By Jamie J Holt
Natural Anxiety Cures
Your panic attacks stem from an inner problem that is not immediately recognisable by you. Hence, the need for a natural cure(s). You should be aware that not all anxiety/panic attacks are a result of an actual danger, just a result of something you perceive to be a danger.
As you begin to see this, you will come to realise that as much as you feel like you are not in control of your anxiety issues. you actually have more control than you are allowing yourself. I should know, believe me I have suffered too. So why should natural anxiety cures be considered above supplements or pills?....Quite simply because, you already have enough of a problem without adding to that with prescribed medicine's or pills. You don't want to add more into the mix, that just does not make sense.
Regulating your daily routine can often assist in really providing a structured day and plan to combat your anxiety issues. Things like:
Regulated Sleep: Allowing yourself plenty of sleep will leave your body relaxed and at ease when facing day to day situations which would normally feel difficult, your body will be more comfortable overcoming perceived difficulties.
Control Your Bodily Intake: Over-eating or lack of eating can make your body feel unstable and at risk, being full or empty will lead to a fragile mind, so be aware of your feelings and make sure you surround yourself with positivity.
These are just two tips for helping with your panic/anxiety attacks while you look for natural anxiety cures. You may find that supplements are required, but I would strongly steer you away from such additives, they really aren't the best or safest way to go.
So take a step back, evaluate your situation to see if you are ready to overcome your fears, anxieties, troubles and panic inducing thoughts, take a look around for natural anxiety cures, some of which I show over at
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Menopause Support for Spouse
By John Gibb
This phrase has the connotation of support for the woman going through menopause. I would add that it also means support for the spouse/partner of the woman going through menopause. The changes that occur during menopause can be confusing for everyone. There are ways to provide menopause support for spouse- the woman and her spouse/partner.
Menopause Support for Spouse-The Woman
As a woman who is going through menopause, all of the changes that you might be going through can be very confusing. A lot is happening to your body and it can affect your mental/emotional state. The changes can have a ripple effect radiating from you to those around you especially your spouse/partner.
In order to support your spouse/partner as you go through menopause it is advisable to become familiar with the changes that are occurring. Communication at this time is integral to maintaining a healthy relationship. Talk about the changes with your spouse/partner and how they are affecting you. Inviting them to share with you how they are them will help them to know that it is not anything that they may or may not have done. Understanding the changes may enable them to provide menopause support for you. Encourage them to attend doctor appointments so they can address any concerns with them.
Menopause Support for Spouse/Partner
As someone who cares for a woman going through menopause things can get pretty hectic and confusing. The concerns for most spouses/partners are the mood swings and the hot flashes as well as other symptoms. There is a real physical cause behind these things.
It might help you to become familiar with menopausal symptoms so that you can provide greater support for your spouse/partner. If you understand what's happening, you will be better able to help your spouse go through the changes. As moods change you may be able to provide support by being more flexible and comforting.
Attending doctor appointments and addressing your concerns and your partners concerns can help you provide support when she needs it the most. It may be giving her time for herself, taking her out someplace special, or offering to do any one of the tasks she usually performs for the family to give her a break. Encourage her to do something special for herself.
Menopause Support for both Spouses
It might be beneficial for both spouses/partners to attend a support group where you can meet others who are going through menopause or others who are caring for menopausal women. Support groups can provide a way to make new friends, to learn methods of handling menopausal symptoms. Many times a guest speaker is provided that will help to keep the group up to date on new research and the variety of treatments that are available to relieve some of your menopausal symptoms. At the very least these groups can let you know that you are not alone.
Some Current Treatment Options
Hormone Replacement Therapies are the most common method of treatment. These therapies include Estrogen, Progesterone, or a combination of Estrogen and Progesterone which is the preferred protocol. There are some serious side effects with HRT that include increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and/or some cancers including breast cancer. These are potentially fatal effects.
Many women seek out natural treatments including herbal supplements to avoid the side effects of many of the traditional prescriptive drugs for menopause. Herbal supplements do not have as many side effects if any at all. Top quality supplements are extensively tested. The metabolic pathway of the ingredients at the molecular level is examined as are the interactions of the ingredients. They are made to pharmaceutical grade standards and made with only standardized herbal extracts. This helps to guarantee consistent quality and consistent dosing in each and every capsule. Herbal supplements while safe should not be added to your health regimen without the knowledge of your doctor. This is because some herbs can affect the way prescriptions you may be taking for other health conditions work.
Menopause support for spouse(s) should include both spouses and partners. The premise for this is that if you both have an understanding of the symptoms and can share how things are affecting each of you; the experience of menopause just might be made easier.
Treatments such as HRT have some very serious a potentially fatal side effects including cancers. Herbal supplements are a great option but their use should be with a doctor's knowledge to prevent any possible effects on other medicines you may be taking.
Support for both of you can make the road on this journey a little smoother, and this is always a good thing.
John Gibb is a nutrition enthusiast with over ten years of nutrition education and has now become a freelance writer. Currently, he focuses on information articles focused on women's health and fitness. Read more at http://www.the-menopause-source.comArticle Source:
Diet for Weight Loss After the Pregnancy! After the Pregnancy Weight Loss!
By Ivonna Boss
As a new mom, there is one thing you do not want to do and that is to go on a starving diet! You need to recover and find a weight loss plan to lose after the pregnancy weight safely. If you are still nursing, I suggest you wait with any diets, but if you are not than here is the one I would recommend. Carb rotation diet and I recommend it because it worked for me.
I originally did two starving diets. I lost some weight and gained it all back with some extra pounds. The fact is, starving diets do not work. They only work temporarily, but in the weeks after you stop your diet, you will gain that pregnancy weight back. The reason is that when you go on a starving diet, your metabolism is still burning more calories and that is why you are losing weight, but when you go back to your regular eating schedule, your metabolism takes time to catch up and that is why you gain the weight back.
To demonstrate: Lets say you were used to consuming 2300 calories per day. You cut your food down to consume 1000 calories per day. Originally your metabolism is still burning what it is used to burning which is 2300 but slowly it shifts to burn only 1000. 1 month into your diet, you lose the pounds and stop it and go back to eating 2300 calories. Your metabolism is confused and continues to burn the 1000. By the time your metabolism catches up, you gain all the weight back and few extra pounds. I know because I made the original mistake to try starving diets first.
But while doing my research, I learned a lot about metabolism and to be honest I got so scared I decided not to pursue any more diets unless I could eat normally and still lose weight. By accident I came across carb rotation diet. You see, the problem is that we need to learn which food to eat that will make our metabolism burn more calories. We need to understand why we gain weight in the first place. The fact is that we stay away from bread because we think we will gain more weight from it, but we do not gain the weight from bread, we gain the weigh from the spread we put on the bread. The weight loss after my pregnancy happened because of this diet, but in addition it changed the eating habits for my whole family.
Finding the diet for weight loss after the pregnancy was really hard, but with this diet I really did not have to change my lifestyle that much to lose that unwanted weight!
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Lose 10 Pounds In a Week By Shifting Calories - Is It Possible?
Recently, a woman who read my review about the Calorie shifting diet method asked me if it is possible to lose 10 pounds in a week by shifting your calories. I decided to write this article since I felt that this must be a more common question and to prevent anyone from making a mistake.
See, I approve of the calorie shifting diet, I talked with hundreds of people who used it, men and women both who used this diet with a great deal of success. However, and this is the important part, you can't lose 10 pounds in a week by shifting calories. Granted, I did receive an email from a woman who managed to do just that. But this is a one of a kind achievement. I'll say it plain, don't expect to lose 10 lbs in a week by shifting your calories. It simply doesn't work that way.
That doesn't mean that calorie shifting isn't a good thing. It is. You can lose a lot of weight with it. You just can't lose 10 pounds in a week with it. Even the diet itself doesn't claim to be able to get you to lose 10 pounds in a week, so don't expect it to happen.
If you were considering to go on the calorie shifting diet in the hope of losing 10 pounds in a week, then don't. You need to be more realistic. However, if you decide on losing weight as a long term, lifestyle choice, then this diet can work for you and help you to achieve your weight goal.
To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Idiot Proof Diet Review
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Do You Want To Get Rid Of Belly Fat And Your Love Handles?
Many people have excess belly fat which can also result in love handles. This is never something that any of us like. While there is lots of information out there on how to deal with this - it is always wise to use a little common sense.
Sometimes the body stores fat to prevent starvation in the future. When dealing with fat you cannot just focus on one area. You need to deal with your health as a whole. No one solution will fit all. However as I mentioned some common sense can yield positive results.
When exercising you do not want to keep doing the same routines. If you do your body will get used to it and still store a certain amount of fat for a rainy day.
On the other hand if you vary your work out routines along with intensity you can trick your body into releasing fat in order to provide energy. You can achieve this by engaging in interval training. So one day you walk for thirty minutes on the treadmill the next day you walk for five minutes then run then slow back down to a jog.
For a thirty minute interval you could run for five minutes then walk for 10 minutes at a fast pace, then jog for ten minutes then slow down to a walk for five minutes. As you increase intensity your body demands more energy resulting in you burning more fat. They say that "Variety is the spice of life" this is also true when it comes to exercising. Vary your routines and intervals and before you know it you body will look great.
To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".
Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss. Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.
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Tips For Healthy Weight Loss
Let's face it, being overweight has become a real problem for us.
Diet companies, diet pills and supplements and gyms have become
a very large business. Every single day there are hundreds of
thousands of people who watch advertisements on television,
read magazine ads and who do research on the internet. Everyone
is looking for a quick and simple solution to their weight problem.
What makes matters even worse is that a large portion of these
people try one method of weight loss, achieve some degree of
success, gain the weight back and then try another method to
lose weight. The big companies know this and use it to their
advantage. It is an industry standard that the average consumer
that habitually indulges in weight loss programs and products
will change what they are doing every six months or so.
This is down right frightening. Real, healthy and enduring weight
loss can only be achieved by doing our homework and implementing
what we have learned. Healthy, long term weight loss requires
a significant lifestyle change and not a quick fix.
The following are the things that you should seriously consider
when embarking on a weight loss program that has enduring and
healthy results.
1/ Before you do anything, do your homework. In this day and age,
with access to the internet, anyone can learn almost anything in a
relatively short period of time. The down side to this is, of course,
information overload. However, with a little effort and patience one
should be able to separate the important information from the junk.
There is not one single diet for everyone. Also, it is never, ever
necessary to join a weight loss program that either sells you food
or tells you how to eat. It is simpler and cheaper to learn what to
eat and to prepare it for yourself. After all, this is not rocket science.
Get a primary education on whole, natural foods. Gaining weight and
becoming fat does not happen in a vacuum. It is self evident that it
is what we eat and how we live that permits us to gain those extra
pounds and to get out of shape.
2/ Take the time to figure out what organic exercise program appeals
to you. What I mean by that, for most people, joining a gym is not
necessary and is not the best way to work out.
Do you like to walk? How about swim, jog or ride a bike? Do you
enjoy an aerobic workout following along with a tape or dvd on the
television? Figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and make the
commitment to do it. It is that simple.
This is what you will discover. If you make the transformation of
your lifestyle your primary goal, the weight loss will be effortless.
The weight goals that you achieve will be healthy. It takes focus,
determination and effort, but the benefits are priceless.
Join the Weight Loss Club where
you will receive free ebooks, tips, information and advice on how to lose weight.Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for
over 30 years. She is co-publisher of
where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on
Weight Loss
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Reduce Your Unwanted Fat- Little Steps Equal Big Results
We all know for a fact that weight loss equals dieting. It's not new. It's not rocket science. So what are these little steps towards achieving your goal?
1) Eat a sensible balanced healthy diet consisting of higher protein, lower carbohydrate, enough
minerals and vitamins. Do not eliminate your carbohydrate totally for your body requires energy to perform.
2) Eat just the amount your body needs to function well. Excessive eating will undoubtedly lead to
excess fat.
3) Eat only healthy food. Avoid food that has high fat content. Cakes, pies, pizzas, pastries,cookie should be eaten sparingly and just occasionally.
4) If you have the habit of snacking when watching tv , try nuts, fresh fruits, or dried fruits like
apricots, cranberries, dates but make sure they are not sugared
5) Drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day. This helps to flush away the free radicals in your body so it is excellent for your general health as well as giving you a clearer skin complexion. Green tea helps to cut oil so it is good to add that to your regime.
Dieting is always accompanied with exercises. This is quintessential because it helps to tone your muscles besides burning away your body fat. You do not have to do a marathon. Just do it in moderation. Some suggestions of what you can do
1) Take your dog for a walk or even better for a jog for about 45 minutes each day. Now both owner and pet can get trim and fit.
2) Go to the gym at least 3 times a week.
3) Do yoga, pilate exercises, aerobics or just running up and down your staircase when no one is
Whatever you choose to do, as long as you are burning away calories, you will be on your way
to achieving that slim figure you have always wanted.
Do you find those tips on healthy weight loss useful? You can learn a lot more about other efficient weight loss programs/methods including doing just 15 minutes of []burst exercise simply by []clicking here
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