By Anne Wolski
Bipolar disorder, once known as manic depression, is an illness where the sufferer alternatively experiences both extreme joy and terrible desolation. Medication and therapy are generally used to stabilize the condition.
Sufferers are often detached, introverted, and emotionally sensitive even though during the manic phase their behaviour takes on a very extroverted form. In some cases the condition may have a fanatical or religious element.
This is a severe mental disturbance and an affective psychosis. It is sometimes referred as bipolar disorder psychosis. Sometimes a sufferer tries to hide emotions such as anxiety or shyness and, in so doing, he or she becomes carried away with their feelings.
Bipolar disorder does not appear to be caused by stress itself but can be affected by outside tensions or abnormal attitudes in their upbringing. It is thought that these things may stimulate the area of the brain which produces chemicals, thus creating the mood swings experienced in bipolar disorder.
The cause of bipolar disorder remains inconclusive but it is thought that a deficiency in the hormonal means that regulate the balance of emotions may be a contributing factor. The brain produces two chemicals that regulate mood and these are serotonin and norepinephrine. Serotonin, if insufficient, may cause general mood instabilities. Norepinephrine, if in low supply, can cause depression. If it is excessive, it can produce mania.
There are two forms of mania associated with bipolar disorder. These are hypomania and hypermania. Hypomania is the form of mania when it is not excessive and hypermania refers to the mania when it is very extreme – when the patient is in a highly frantic and euphoric state. Usually, when a patient is in a manic state, they talk excessively and at high speed. They flit from one subject to another and become very easily distracted. In extreme cases, the patient may experience delusions and hallucinations or act violently. They may also become confused and disoriented.
As well as manic periods, the patient may go into a severe depressive state. This is characterized by fatigue, despondency, and extreme sadness. When the depression is at its most severe, the patient may become silent and motionless. One of the real risks during this stage is that of suicide.
Manic and depressive moods often arise without warning and last for some time- even weeks or months if no treatment is given. Living with someone in either the manic or depressive stage is not easy although they are usually not dangerous to others. However, they may become a danger to themselves if not treated.
Conventional drug therapy for bipolar disorder is generally used to help with both the depression and the manic episodes. Tricyclic antidepressants control the depressive states and sedatives and tranquilizers control the manic occurrences. Lithium carbonate is commonly used as it stabilizes both of the mood swings.
Bipolar disorder is still very much a mystery but people who suffer from the disease have learned to recognize the early signs of mood swings. This helps them to cope by taking the necessary medication or other actions. This helps them to lead relatively normal lives.
Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski
About The AuthorAnne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. She is a co-director of an information portal with many interesting medical articles and also of which has online physicians who can help you with any questions you may have.
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Cause of Social Anxiety Disorder
By Eric Morris
There is no clear mandate on the exact cause of social anxiety disorder. There are many assumptions about it, which include a combination of a person’s genetic make up, early childhood and adolescent experiences. It could be caused by a person’s genetic predisposition. And just as physical features like eye and hair color are inherited, social anxiety disorder can also be passed on from one generation to the other. It has been proven that in some cases anxiety disorders run through generations. It has also been noticed among identical twins that if one of them has an anxiety disorder, the other is also likely to have the disorder, so there is an obvious link between anxiety disorders and ones genes.
The second commonly believed cause originated from a study of animal behavior, which says that all animals are fearful of others, especially strangers looking or staring at them. Staring is generally considered threatening behavior, and can unsettle the other person. Therefore, avoiding eye contact or averting the gaze is very common in people with social anxiety disorder. It is usually seen that fear of strangers develops in very young babies, as early as 7 months of age. Though it is natural for young children to be anxious around strangers, trauma or stress in the early years is perceived as a probable cause for this order.
It is also believed that anxiety is caused by the structure of our brain. Our brain controls all our thinking, physiological functions and behavior. Anxiety symptoms are often relieved by medicines that change the chemical balance of the brain. In fact, our anxiety response system is centered in our brain, and there are certain critical components in the brain that regulate our response to anxiety. Individuals with social anxiety disorder probably have abnormalities in the functioning of some parts of their anxiety response system.
An individual’s personality may also play an important role. It has been noticed that people with low self-esteem and poor coping skills are more prone to social anxiety disorders. Whereas it may also be possible that anxiety disorder in a child’s early years has led to the low self-esteem, psychologists also believe that there may be an important relationship between anxiety disorders and long-term exposure to abuse and violence.
Social Anxiety Disorder provides detailed information on Social Anxiety Disorder, Cause Of Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms, Social Anxiety Disorder Medications and more. Social Anxiety Disorder is affiliated with Anxiety Treatment.
Article Source: note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
There is no clear mandate on the exact cause of social anxiety disorder. There are many assumptions about it, which include a combination of a person’s genetic make up, early childhood and adolescent experiences. It could be caused by a person’s genetic predisposition. And just as physical features like eye and hair color are inherited, social anxiety disorder can also be passed on from one generation to the other. It has been proven that in some cases anxiety disorders run through generations. It has also been noticed among identical twins that if one of them has an anxiety disorder, the other is also likely to have the disorder, so there is an obvious link between anxiety disorders and ones genes.
The second commonly believed cause originated from a study of animal behavior, which says that all animals are fearful of others, especially strangers looking or staring at them. Staring is generally considered threatening behavior, and can unsettle the other person. Therefore, avoiding eye contact or averting the gaze is very common in people with social anxiety disorder. It is usually seen that fear of strangers develops in very young babies, as early as 7 months of age. Though it is natural for young children to be anxious around strangers, trauma or stress in the early years is perceived as a probable cause for this order.
It is also believed that anxiety is caused by the structure of our brain. Our brain controls all our thinking, physiological functions and behavior. Anxiety symptoms are often relieved by medicines that change the chemical balance of the brain. In fact, our anxiety response system is centered in our brain, and there are certain critical components in the brain that regulate our response to anxiety. Individuals with social anxiety disorder probably have abnormalities in the functioning of some parts of their anxiety response system.
An individual’s personality may also play an important role. It has been noticed that people with low self-esteem and poor coping skills are more prone to social anxiety disorders. Whereas it may also be possible that anxiety disorder in a child’s early years has led to the low self-esteem, psychologists also believe that there may be an important relationship between anxiety disorders and long-term exposure to abuse and violence.
Social Anxiety Disorder provides detailed information on Social Anxiety Disorder, Cause Of Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms, Social Anxiety Disorder Medications and more. Social Anxiety Disorder is affiliated with Anxiety Treatment.
Article Source: note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
LASEK or LASIK, Which Is Better At Improving Your Eyesight?
By Tim Gorman
For consumers that wear glasses or contact lenses the term LASIK is readily and widely known and many people think it is the only form of laser eye surgery or vision correction surgery involving a laser. Actually there are 2 other less known but just as effective vision enhancement surgeries. PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) are the other mainstream laser eye surgeries available. PRK was actually the forerunner to the more commonly known LASIK and some surgeons still prefer it for many patients depending on the size and structure of their eye. LASEK on the other hand is a combination of both LASIK and PRK that offers many benefits to the patients that undergo this form of laser eye surgery and it has proven to be very effective at improving an individual's vision clarity.
LASEK differs from LASIK in the way the actual surgery is performed. With LASIK, generally speaking the portion of the eye known as the cornea has its top sliced off in order to improve the vision of the patient. Instead, LASEK relies on diluted alcohol in a solution mix that is applied to the eye in order to loosen a thin layer cells on the epithelium allowing for it to be shifted off to the side of the eye.
One of the major issues with the normal LASIK procedure is what's known as the corneal flap. Because this form of eye surgery involves slicing the corneal there have been some isolated incidences where the flap was completely cut off or a deeper then required incision took place. Both if these errors can result in serious vision problems appearing for the patient immediately following their vision correction surgery. Fortunately, LASEK avoids these issues by not dealing with the corneal flap. Other benefits that have been attributed to LASEK include a faster healing and recovery time period and a reduced risk of problems with a glare developing after the surgery as has been noted in some patients after having PLK surgery to improve their eyesight.
Because LASEK doesn't involve any cutting from a rather sharp knife the known risks associated with this form of vision correction surgery are lower when compared to LASIK or PRK. However, like any surgery, there will still be some slight discomfort that can be minimized with medications that can be bought over the counter. Although there is a lower chance of developing dry eyes or halos the possibility, no matter how remote, does still exist even when opting to have LASEK performed.
As with the other laser eye surgeries you will need to provide as much of your medical history as possible to the laser eye surgeon or doctor that will be performing the surgery. You will also most likely undergo some eye pre-screening checks and tests in order to make sure that LASEK will actually be able to improve your vision clarity. Normally LASEK surgery takes only a few minutes with the necessary prep time prior to the surgery taking the most time to complete. Many patients experience blurred vision for a few days following the surgery and profess that their vision starts to continually improve as the months go by following the laser eye surgery.
LASEK is another means of improving your eyesight without many of the known risks that go along with traditional LASIK and PLK. As with any surgical procedure take the time to educate yourself so you'll no what to expect prior to the surgery and you will be enjoying better vision in no time.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more eye surgery solutions, contact lens information and LASEK proecures that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
For consumers that wear glasses or contact lenses the term LASIK is readily and widely known and many people think it is the only form of laser eye surgery or vision correction surgery involving a laser. Actually there are 2 other less known but just as effective vision enhancement surgeries. PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) are the other mainstream laser eye surgeries available. PRK was actually the forerunner to the more commonly known LASIK and some surgeons still prefer it for many patients depending on the size and structure of their eye. LASEK on the other hand is a combination of both LASIK and PRK that offers many benefits to the patients that undergo this form of laser eye surgery and it has proven to be very effective at improving an individual's vision clarity.
LASEK differs from LASIK in the way the actual surgery is performed. With LASIK, generally speaking the portion of the eye known as the cornea has its top sliced off in order to improve the vision of the patient. Instead, LASEK relies on diluted alcohol in a solution mix that is applied to the eye in order to loosen a thin layer cells on the epithelium allowing for it to be shifted off to the side of the eye.
One of the major issues with the normal LASIK procedure is what's known as the corneal flap. Because this form of eye surgery involves slicing the corneal there have been some isolated incidences where the flap was completely cut off or a deeper then required incision took place. Both if these errors can result in serious vision problems appearing for the patient immediately following their vision correction surgery. Fortunately, LASEK avoids these issues by not dealing with the corneal flap. Other benefits that have been attributed to LASEK include a faster healing and recovery time period and a reduced risk of problems with a glare developing after the surgery as has been noted in some patients after having PLK surgery to improve their eyesight.
Because LASEK doesn't involve any cutting from a rather sharp knife the known risks associated with this form of vision correction surgery are lower when compared to LASIK or PRK. However, like any surgery, there will still be some slight discomfort that can be minimized with medications that can be bought over the counter. Although there is a lower chance of developing dry eyes or halos the possibility, no matter how remote, does still exist even when opting to have LASEK performed.
As with the other laser eye surgeries you will need to provide as much of your medical history as possible to the laser eye surgeon or doctor that will be performing the surgery. You will also most likely undergo some eye pre-screening checks and tests in order to make sure that LASEK will actually be able to improve your vision clarity. Normally LASEK surgery takes only a few minutes with the necessary prep time prior to the surgery taking the most time to complete. Many patients experience blurred vision for a few days following the surgery and profess that their vision starts to continually improve as the months go by following the laser eye surgery.
LASEK is another means of improving your eyesight without many of the known risks that go along with traditional LASIK and PLK. As with any surgical procedure take the time to educate yourself so you'll no what to expect prior to the surgery and you will be enjoying better vision in no time.
Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more eye surgery solutions, contact lens information and LASEK proecures that you can research in your pajamas on his website.
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Presbyopia Treatment with LASIK
By Marc Hirsch M.D.
Presbyopia is a term that is used when a person develops difficulty in seeing up close. It is related to the use of eye muscles to reshape the natural lens of the eye to achieve accommodation. Accommodation is a when the focusing power of the lens is increased and allows a person to see images up close.
The accommodative power decreases throughout life and eventually a person will need a positive power lens to improve the near vision. These lenses are often called "cheaters". The need for these glasses is dependent upon a person's eyeglass prescription. A nearsighted or myopic person can often decrease the need for reading glasses by taking off his/her distance glasses.
Why is this? Well, a nearsighted or myopic person has a location up close that they can see clearly without glasses. In mathematical terms it is 1/(the eyeglass prescripton) in meters. In optical terms is the near focal point of the eye.
For many people, the loss of near vision is a frustrating experience and they seek laser vision correction for treatment. In eyeglasses, they have an option of a bifocal style lens. However, this is not possible for laser vision correction. At this time a bifocal laser treatment cannot be applied to the cornea; the tissue that undergoes the laser treatment.
What can be done? The laser can create blended or monovision. In this scenario, one eye is corrected for distance and one eye is corrected for near. The eye that is corrected for near is made intentionally myopic or nearsighted. Once this occurs the patient will function in that eye like a nearsighted person. There will be a focal point at near where the vision is clear without glasses.
The reason this is called blended vision is because the eyes work together. One eye is more dominant for distance and one eye is more dominant for near. But both eyes has some functional vision at distance and near, although each eye dominates in one area.
For many people, this is a satisfactory experience. There are many contact lens users who wear monovision contact lenses. When considering monovision laser vision correction it is important to undergo a contact lens trial. If you are unsuccessful in a contact lens trial, I would not recommend monovision laser vision correction.
If you a successful in a contact lens trial, its important to know that the monovision correction that is appropriate at the time of surgery, many not be the same correction 3-4 years later. This is because the muscles continue to fatigue and accommodation continues to worsen even after the laser vision correction. A healthy outlook is being happy with being glasses free the majority of the time. If you would only be happy with 100% glasses free for the rest of your life, then I don't think you'll be satisfied with monovision.
Marc Hirsch M.D. is a practicing laser vision correction surgeon. He publishes a blog which discusses laser vision correction information. Article Source:
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Presbyopia is a term that is used when a person develops difficulty in seeing up close. It is related to the use of eye muscles to reshape the natural lens of the eye to achieve accommodation. Accommodation is a when the focusing power of the lens is increased and allows a person to see images up close.
The accommodative power decreases throughout life and eventually a person will need a positive power lens to improve the near vision. These lenses are often called "cheaters". The need for these glasses is dependent upon a person's eyeglass prescription. A nearsighted or myopic person can often decrease the need for reading glasses by taking off his/her distance glasses.
Why is this? Well, a nearsighted or myopic person has a location up close that they can see clearly without glasses. In mathematical terms it is 1/(the eyeglass prescripton) in meters. In optical terms is the near focal point of the eye.
For many people, the loss of near vision is a frustrating experience and they seek laser vision correction for treatment. In eyeglasses, they have an option of a bifocal style lens. However, this is not possible for laser vision correction. At this time a bifocal laser treatment cannot be applied to the cornea; the tissue that undergoes the laser treatment.
What can be done? The laser can create blended or monovision. In this scenario, one eye is corrected for distance and one eye is corrected for near. The eye that is corrected for near is made intentionally myopic or nearsighted. Once this occurs the patient will function in that eye like a nearsighted person. There will be a focal point at near where the vision is clear without glasses.
The reason this is called blended vision is because the eyes work together. One eye is more dominant for distance and one eye is more dominant for near. But both eyes has some functional vision at distance and near, although each eye dominates in one area.
For many people, this is a satisfactory experience. There are many contact lens users who wear monovision contact lenses. When considering monovision laser vision correction it is important to undergo a contact lens trial. If you are unsuccessful in a contact lens trial, I would not recommend monovision laser vision correction.
If you a successful in a contact lens trial, its important to know that the monovision correction that is appropriate at the time of surgery, many not be the same correction 3-4 years later. This is because the muscles continue to fatigue and accommodation continues to worsen even after the laser vision correction. A healthy outlook is being happy with being glasses free the majority of the time. If you would only be happy with 100% glasses free for the rest of your life, then I don't think you'll be satisfied with monovision.
Marc Hirsch M.D. is a practicing laser vision correction surgeon. He publishes a blog which discusses laser vision correction information. Article Source:
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Alzheimer's: Creating a Safe, Soothing Place for Your Loved One
By Harriet Hodgson
Alzheimer's disease causes more than memory loss. Patients develop visual agnosia, the inability to identify objects and people. They develop auditory agnosia, the inability to process sounds, and other agnosias as well. These mental failures are painful to witness.
You can't change the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but you can create a safe and soothing place for your loved one.
Perhaps your loved one has moved in with you. Even if your loved one is in a nursing home you may influence - and perhaps change - the living space to meet his or her needs. These action steps are a starting place. As your loved one's disease progresses you will think of other ways to help.
1. REMOVE CLUTTER. Too much clutter is upsetting and makes it harder for your loved one to find things. Clear off the bureau, bedside table, and other surfaces. You may wish to buy open boxes for storage. I bought a bathroom shelf for my mother, the kind that goes above the toilet and is held in place with springs. Open shelving made it easier for her to store and find things.
2. CLEAR PATHWAYS. Remove scatter rugs and make sure there are no doorway obstructions. Shorten or wind up long electrical cords that could trip your loved one. Move furniture away from the middle of the room if your loved one uses a walker.
3. ARRANGE FURNITURE. The furniture arrangement depends on the degree of your loved one's dementia. Plan the arrangement on paper first. I arranged the furniture in my mother's studio apartment. The couch was across from her bookshelf, which held Mom's "treasures." Her small eating table and chairs were in front of the window so she could enjoy the view. After you have arranged the furniture leave it in place.
4. USE VISUAL CLUES. The Canadian Government, in an Internet article called "At Home With Alzheimer's Disease," says you should "mark the door of the AD person's apartment in a very distinct way, perhaps with a photograph, a wreath, or a flag of some sort." I hung a heart wreath on the door of my mother's apartment. Thanks to the wreath, Mom always knew which door was hers. Experiment with other visual clues, such as a picture of socks on the front of a sock drawer.
5. INCLUDE FAMILIAR THINGS. "Alzheimer's: Soothing the Transition on Moving Day," an article on, says it's important for the Alzheimer's patient to have some familiar things. "Familiar belongings can trigger feelings of ownership and boost your loved one's sense of security," the article notes. My mother felt secure in her studio apartment because she had her own bedroom furniture, eating table, and favorite chair.
6. CHOOSE CALM COLORS. Nancy L Mace and Peter V. Rabins, MD, authors of "The 36-Hour Day," say "brain impaired people may be less able to distinguish between similar color intensities." Your loved one may not be able to tell the difference between light blue and light green, for example. Bright colors may be upsetting. That's why The Greater Illinois chapter of the Alzheimer's Association recommends "soothing pastel shades such as peach, pink, beige, ivory, light blues, greens and lavenders."
7. MARK SPACE WITH COLOR. The contrast between light walls and dark hand rails will help your loved one to distinguish space. The authors of "The 36-Hour Day" suggest painting stair risers and treads in contrasting colors. Mace and Rabins also say you should "outline doors, mantlepieces, and other things the person bumps into with bright tape in a contrasting color and color intensity."
8. BE CAREFUL WITH PATTERN. "Patients with AD see and hear things that have no basis in reality," according to the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center in San Diego, CA. This point is made in an Internet story from The Greater Illinois chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. Apparently the residents of one nursing home thought the vines on the wallpaper were snakes and they kept beating the walls. At this time of life plain fabrics and wallcoverings are better choices for your loved one.
9. HAVE ENOUGH LIGHT. Accidents can happen in dimly lit areas or areas with lots of shadows. Make sure the is enough light, especially in the bathroom. Put a night light next to the bed and mark the way to the bathroom with additional night lights. "The 36-Hour Day," says putting reflective tape around the bathroom door may also help your loved one at night.
10. CUT THE GLARE. Buy flat paint instead of gloss to cut down on glare. The floor should also have a non-glare surface. You may also reduce glare by hanging sheer drapes at the window and installing blinds. Use soft light bulbs in lamps. If your loved one is severely demented, close the curtains at night and cover up mirrors.
11. PREVENT WANDERING. Hang small posters on the doors to keep your loved one from wandering. You may also hang beaded curtains in open doorways. Install door and window locks in unusual and/or hidden places. The Canadian Government, in its publication "At Home With Alzheimer's Disease," recommends two locks - a chain lock and a dead bolt - on exit doors. If you have a door that opens onto a busy street hang a red STOP sign on the door.
12. ADD LIFE. A growing plant can give your loved one weeks of pleasure. Before you buy a plant, however, make sure it isn't toxic. Provide a watering can if your loved one is still able to water the plant. (Check for spills later.) Watching fish is also pleasurable for those with Alzheimer's, but if you buy fish you should care for them. Your loved one may also benefit from pet therapy.
These action steps will help your loved one to feel safer and calmer. As his or her dementia progresses you will have to take more action steps. The best action step you can take is to keep saying "I love you."
Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson.
Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. She is th author of two Alzheimer's books, "Alzheimer's: Finding the Words," (a communication guide) and "The Alzheimer's Caregiver." Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Alzheimer's disease causes more than memory loss. Patients develop visual agnosia, the inability to identify objects and people. They develop auditory agnosia, the inability to process sounds, and other agnosias as well. These mental failures are painful to witness.
You can't change the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, but you can create a safe and soothing place for your loved one.
Perhaps your loved one has moved in with you. Even if your loved one is in a nursing home you may influence - and perhaps change - the living space to meet his or her needs. These action steps are a starting place. As your loved one's disease progresses you will think of other ways to help.
1. REMOVE CLUTTER. Too much clutter is upsetting and makes it harder for your loved one to find things. Clear off the bureau, bedside table, and other surfaces. You may wish to buy open boxes for storage. I bought a bathroom shelf for my mother, the kind that goes above the toilet and is held in place with springs. Open shelving made it easier for her to store and find things.
2. CLEAR PATHWAYS. Remove scatter rugs and make sure there are no doorway obstructions. Shorten or wind up long electrical cords that could trip your loved one. Move furniture away from the middle of the room if your loved one uses a walker.
3. ARRANGE FURNITURE. The furniture arrangement depends on the degree of your loved one's dementia. Plan the arrangement on paper first. I arranged the furniture in my mother's studio apartment. The couch was across from her bookshelf, which held Mom's "treasures." Her small eating table and chairs were in front of the window so she could enjoy the view. After you have arranged the furniture leave it in place.
4. USE VISUAL CLUES. The Canadian Government, in an Internet article called "At Home With Alzheimer's Disease," says you should "mark the door of the AD person's apartment in a very distinct way, perhaps with a photograph, a wreath, or a flag of some sort." I hung a heart wreath on the door of my mother's apartment. Thanks to the wreath, Mom always knew which door was hers. Experiment with other visual clues, such as a picture of socks on the front of a sock drawer.
5. INCLUDE FAMILIAR THINGS. "Alzheimer's: Soothing the Transition on Moving Day," an article on, says it's important for the Alzheimer's patient to have some familiar things. "Familiar belongings can trigger feelings of ownership and boost your loved one's sense of security," the article notes. My mother felt secure in her studio apartment because she had her own bedroom furniture, eating table, and favorite chair.
6. CHOOSE CALM COLORS. Nancy L Mace and Peter V. Rabins, MD, authors of "The 36-Hour Day," say "brain impaired people may be less able to distinguish between similar color intensities." Your loved one may not be able to tell the difference between light blue and light green, for example. Bright colors may be upsetting. That's why The Greater Illinois chapter of the Alzheimer's Association recommends "soothing pastel shades such as peach, pink, beige, ivory, light blues, greens and lavenders."
7. MARK SPACE WITH COLOR. The contrast between light walls and dark hand rails will help your loved one to distinguish space. The authors of "The 36-Hour Day" suggest painting stair risers and treads in contrasting colors. Mace and Rabins also say you should "outline doors, mantlepieces, and other things the person bumps into with bright tape in a contrasting color and color intensity."
8. BE CAREFUL WITH PATTERN. "Patients with AD see and hear things that have no basis in reality," according to the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center in San Diego, CA. This point is made in an Internet story from The Greater Illinois chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. Apparently the residents of one nursing home thought the vines on the wallpaper were snakes and they kept beating the walls. At this time of life plain fabrics and wallcoverings are better choices for your loved one.
9. HAVE ENOUGH LIGHT. Accidents can happen in dimly lit areas or areas with lots of shadows. Make sure the is enough light, especially in the bathroom. Put a night light next to the bed and mark the way to the bathroom with additional night lights. "The 36-Hour Day," says putting reflective tape around the bathroom door may also help your loved one at night.
10. CUT THE GLARE. Buy flat paint instead of gloss to cut down on glare. The floor should also have a non-glare surface. You may also reduce glare by hanging sheer drapes at the window and installing blinds. Use soft light bulbs in lamps. If your loved one is severely demented, close the curtains at night and cover up mirrors.
11. PREVENT WANDERING. Hang small posters on the doors to keep your loved one from wandering. You may also hang beaded curtains in open doorways. Install door and window locks in unusual and/or hidden places. The Canadian Government, in its publication "At Home With Alzheimer's Disease," recommends two locks - a chain lock and a dead bolt - on exit doors. If you have a door that opens onto a busy street hang a red STOP sign on the door.
12. ADD LIFE. A growing plant can give your loved one weeks of pleasure. Before you buy a plant, however, make sure it isn't toxic. Provide a watering can if your loved one is still able to water the plant. (Check for spills later.) Watching fish is also pleasurable for those with Alzheimer's, but if you buy fish you should care for them. Your loved one may also benefit from pet therapy.
These action steps will help your loved one to feel safer and calmer. As his or her dementia progresses you will have to take more action steps. The best action step you can take is to keep saying "I love you."
Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson.
Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. She is th author of two Alzheimer's books, "Alzheimer's: Finding the Words," (a communication guide) and "The Alzheimer's Caregiver." Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with Lois Krahn, MD, is available from
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Alzheimer's Disease
By Zach Bashore
Alzheimer`s disease affects millions of people each year and increases the fear you may have of getting older. There is no miracle cure for Alzheimer`s, which makes it even more scary, and today`s technology continues to look for steps in curing this disease. So what is Alzheimer`s disease, and how will it affect me in the future? What are steps to curing this terrible illness, and how can I explain to my family the problems associated it? Keep reading to learn the facts.
Alzheimer`s disease is a progressive disease characterized in the brain by abnormal clumps, misplaced proteins, and tangled bundles of fibers. Its exact cause is still unknown, but genetic factors are thought to be the prime cause. Three genes have been discovered that cause early onset Alhzeimer`s disease. Other genetic symptoms are associated with age related Alzheimer`s, with symptoms such as poor judgement, memory loss, mood swings, confusion, and restlessness. The early symptoms of Alzheimer`s are often unnoticed because they resemble natural signs of aging.
Older people are mostly affected by AD with the onset usually beginning after the age of sixty. A small percentage of younger people may develop early onset Alzheimer`s due to having a family inheritance of it. Nearly half of the poeple aged eighty-five or over will develop some type of symptom associated with AD, making it vital that a person becomes educated on preventative steps.
Since Alzheimer`s is a memory disorder that affects around 70% of dementia patients, natural remedies to AD are few and far between. Scientists have been researching a miracle cure for AD for almost one-hundred years and have had very little progress. This could be due to the quantity of the amyloid precursor protein, giving brain cells a higher risk of contracting AD. Even though there is no cure for AD, doctors and scientists still give their patients as much support as possible.
The use of prescription drugs such as Namenda have almost become a household name for those suffering with AD. Doctors usually start their patients at low drug doses, and gradually increase the dosage based on the patients response to it. Patients may also be drug sensitive in other ways, and should monitor how they react on the first dosage. These patients must ensure that they report any unusual symptoms to the prescribing doctor immediately, to refrain from making the disease worse.
Alzheimer`s can be a scary event to go through, so it is vital that you take certain precautionary steps to avoid dealing with another tough battle in your lifetime. If you happen to develop AD and feel that you are doomed the rest of your life, seek out hope, not more despair. Learn how other people fought the disease and take small steps to overcoming it. There is light at the tunnel if you keep fighting.
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Alzheimer`s disease affects millions of people each year and increases the fear you may have of getting older. There is no miracle cure for Alzheimer`s, which makes it even more scary, and today`s technology continues to look for steps in curing this disease. So what is Alzheimer`s disease, and how will it affect me in the future? What are steps to curing this terrible illness, and how can I explain to my family the problems associated it? Keep reading to learn the facts.
Alzheimer`s disease is a progressive disease characterized in the brain by abnormal clumps, misplaced proteins, and tangled bundles of fibers. Its exact cause is still unknown, but genetic factors are thought to be the prime cause. Three genes have been discovered that cause early onset Alhzeimer`s disease. Other genetic symptoms are associated with age related Alzheimer`s, with symptoms such as poor judgement, memory loss, mood swings, confusion, and restlessness. The early symptoms of Alzheimer`s are often unnoticed because they resemble natural signs of aging.
Older people are mostly affected by AD with the onset usually beginning after the age of sixty. A small percentage of younger people may develop early onset Alzheimer`s due to having a family inheritance of it. Nearly half of the poeple aged eighty-five or over will develop some type of symptom associated with AD, making it vital that a person becomes educated on preventative steps.
Since Alzheimer`s is a memory disorder that affects around 70% of dementia patients, natural remedies to AD are few and far between. Scientists have been researching a miracle cure for AD for almost one-hundred years and have had very little progress. This could be due to the quantity of the amyloid precursor protein, giving brain cells a higher risk of contracting AD. Even though there is no cure for AD, doctors and scientists still give their patients as much support as possible.
The use of prescription drugs such as Namenda have almost become a household name for those suffering with AD. Doctors usually start their patients at low drug doses, and gradually increase the dosage based on the patients response to it. Patients may also be drug sensitive in other ways, and should monitor how they react on the first dosage. These patients must ensure that they report any unusual symptoms to the prescribing doctor immediately, to refrain from making the disease worse.
Alzheimer`s can be a scary event to go through, so it is vital that you take certain precautionary steps to avoid dealing with another tough battle in your lifetime. If you happen to develop AD and feel that you are doomed the rest of your life, seek out hope, not more despair. Learn how other people fought the disease and take small steps to overcoming it. There is light at the tunnel if you keep fighting.
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Cymbalta Fibromyalgia Treatments For Depression
By: Matt Ream
Cymbalta, which is an antidepressant, is believed to reduce depression and is also considered to be a possible benefit to women suffering from Fibromyalgia. This illness, which is still considered rare even though it affects millions of Americans, affects more women and men. Even though the cause of it remains unknown, Fibromyalgia is a growing problem that many are forced to cope with on a daily basis. A Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatment is designed to help treat both the emotional and physical symptoms of depression. In general, individuals who are dealing with a chronic illness often become depressed and sometimes turn to the world of medicine for assistance.
It is important to note that Cymbalta is not approved for the treatment of Fibromyalgia, but studies have found that it could be beneficial in depression. Because it is thought to help treat depression, which is often the result of a chronic illness, some experts believe that there are benefits that coincide with this illness and a Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatment.
Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatments can cause various side effects with the most common being nausea, constipation, dry mouth, decreased appetite, etc. Cymbalta is not for everyone, especially to those who are allergic to it's ingredients. In addition, individuals with liver or kidney problems, have been diagnosed with glaucoma or consume large amounts of alcohol should speak with their physician prior to taking Cymbalta. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take Cymbalta and should make their physician aware of any conditions prior to accepting any type of prescription.
Prior to accepting any type of prescription medication, individuals must make sure that their physician is made fully aware of any medicines that are currently being consumed and/or any current illnesses. In order to safely provide treatments, a physician must be made fully aware of the circumstances surrounding the patient's health.
Patients who are being treated for depression should be monitored closely in order to ensure that the depression does not worsen or become increasingly dangerous to the patient. Individuals who are severely depressed may require hospitalization and extended care beyond that which a prescription-based medicine can offer. Anyone who feels that their depression is worsening should consult their physician for a proper diagnosis and a recommended treatment course.
The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Anyone with questions regarding a Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatment must consult their physician for further information.
About the Author:Matt Ream is the health and wellness editor at Visit our site to learn more about Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatments, relief from fibromyalgia, and natural treatments for fibromyalgia. Answer our fibromyalgia survey
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Cymbalta, which is an antidepressant, is believed to reduce depression and is also considered to be a possible benefit to women suffering from Fibromyalgia. This illness, which is still considered rare even though it affects millions of Americans, affects more women and men. Even though the cause of it remains unknown, Fibromyalgia is a growing problem that many are forced to cope with on a daily basis. A Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatment is designed to help treat both the emotional and physical symptoms of depression. In general, individuals who are dealing with a chronic illness often become depressed and sometimes turn to the world of medicine for assistance.
It is important to note that Cymbalta is not approved for the treatment of Fibromyalgia, but studies have found that it could be beneficial in depression. Because it is thought to help treat depression, which is often the result of a chronic illness, some experts believe that there are benefits that coincide with this illness and a Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatment.
Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatments can cause various side effects with the most common being nausea, constipation, dry mouth, decreased appetite, etc. Cymbalta is not for everyone, especially to those who are allergic to it's ingredients. In addition, individuals with liver or kidney problems, have been diagnosed with glaucoma or consume large amounts of alcohol should speak with their physician prior to taking Cymbalta. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not take Cymbalta and should make their physician aware of any conditions prior to accepting any type of prescription.
Prior to accepting any type of prescription medication, individuals must make sure that their physician is made fully aware of any medicines that are currently being consumed and/or any current illnesses. In order to safely provide treatments, a physician must be made fully aware of the circumstances surrounding the patient's health.
Patients who are being treated for depression should be monitored closely in order to ensure that the depression does not worsen or become increasingly dangerous to the patient. Individuals who are severely depressed may require hospitalization and extended care beyond that which a prescription-based medicine can offer. Anyone who feels that their depression is worsening should consult their physician for a proper diagnosis and a recommended treatment course.
The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Anyone with questions regarding a Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatment must consult their physician for further information.
About the Author:Matt Ream is the health and wellness editor at Visit our site to learn more about Cymbalta Fibromyalgia treatments, relief from fibromyalgia, and natural treatments for fibromyalgia. Answer our fibromyalgia survey
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Skin Cancer - Do You Visit Tanning Salons?
By CD Mohatta
One of the main causes of skin cancer is exposure to harmful sun rays. If you thought that getting tanned at tanning salons was safer than the sun, please think again before visiting any salon again. Tanning beds and sunlamps are as dangerous as the sun rays.
Most of the bulbs used in the salons emit both UVA and UVB radiations that are also found in the sunlight and are responsible for both Melanoma and Nonmelonoma types of cancers. Exposure to tanning bulbs also reduces our body's ability to repair the damaged DNA, which is caused by UV radiation.
Tanning not only may cause cancers as the last damage but also prematurely ages the skin. How many of us realize that tanning is body's response to damage to the skin. every time, you get tanned , you accumulate skin damage. There is no such thing as safe tanning.
Unfortunately the cosmetic trends are pushing more women to tanning salons. More people are inviting cancer for the sake of the tanned look. Melanoma can kill if not diagnosed earlier. Unfortunately the young population is not changing its behavior about getting tanned. as they accumulate skin damage over the years, their getting affected by skin cancer at later stage of their life is increasing.
If you are one of those who believe that a tan is good and that tanning beds or sun lamps are safe, please stop using them. You are putting your life to a very painful death.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and tips on love, dating, relationship and break-up on If you love to solve a quiz, please look at This site has free flash quiz cards on different topics including Personality, Friendship, Love, dating and many other subjects.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
One of the main causes of skin cancer is exposure to harmful sun rays. If you thought that getting tanned at tanning salons was safer than the sun, please think again before visiting any salon again. Tanning beds and sunlamps are as dangerous as the sun rays.
Most of the bulbs used in the salons emit both UVA and UVB radiations that are also found in the sunlight and are responsible for both Melanoma and Nonmelonoma types of cancers. Exposure to tanning bulbs also reduces our body's ability to repair the damaged DNA, which is caused by UV radiation.
Tanning not only may cause cancers as the last damage but also prematurely ages the skin. How many of us realize that tanning is body's response to damage to the skin. every time, you get tanned , you accumulate skin damage. There is no such thing as safe tanning.
Unfortunately the cosmetic trends are pushing more women to tanning salons. More people are inviting cancer for the sake of the tanned look. Melanoma can kill if not diagnosed earlier. Unfortunately the young population is not changing its behavior about getting tanned. as they accumulate skin damage over the years, their getting affected by skin cancer at later stage of their life is increasing.
If you are one of those who believe that a tan is good and that tanning beds or sun lamps are safe, please stop using them. You are putting your life to a very painful death.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and tips on love, dating, relationship and break-up on If you love to solve a quiz, please look at This site has free flash quiz cards on different topics including Personality, Friendship, Love, dating and many other subjects.
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What Are Glyconutrients?
By: Zachary Thompson
In recent years carbohydrates have been studied minutely, giving rise to a whole new terminology Glycobiology. This is in fact the study of how carbohydrates affect our health. Scientists used to consider carbohydrates as foods that were not very necessary to the body but now due to Glycobiology they have discovered some surprising facts about carbohydrate saccarides known as Glyconutrients.
There are 8 essential saccarides necessary to our health that are being researched and are known as Glyconutrients. They are:
• Mannose
• Glucose
• Galactose
• Xylose
• Fuctos (not fructose)
• N-acetylglucosamine
• N-acetylneuramic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine
What has Glycobiology discovered? Through research science has disvovered vital molecules in our bodies that have a critical effect on our health. Exactly what are glyconutrients?
With the aid of the electron microscope scientists found trillions of tiny fibers sticking to the cell surfaces. They discovered on looking more closely that these little appendages were in fact sugar molecules called glyconutrients.
Scientists found that the function of these glyconutrients is to stimulate activity and produce enzymes which:
1. Act as blocking agents: To stop toxins from entering cells.
2. Suppressing agents: That help stop malignant changes in cells.
3. Glyconutrients help the body’s cells to communicate with each other.
4. They strengthen the immune system
Due to environmental problems like green harvests and processing of foods the natural sources of Glyconutrients has been seriously reduced. This has led to depletion in our diets. If any of these vital Glyconutrients are missing the immune system starts to fail and weaken giving rise to disease and infections attacking the body. This results in our deteriorating health.
The study of Glycobiology has developed important supplements made up of these Glyconutrients, which when taken increase the Glyconutrients in our bodies. With these supplements our bodies can heal and strengthen our immune systems. This helps to reverse the spiral of ill health and restore the body’s natural immunity to disease and infection. They also help our bodies against toxins found in the air and soil by preventing thm from penetrating our cells.
At first the study of Glycobiology was not taken very seriously but now major universities have become involved in Glycobiology studies and research. Also in USA, Canada, Europe and Japan over 30 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are now doing research into Glyconutrients. A product of Glycobiology research has been Ambrotose. Now more over 20,000 research papers on Glycobiology have been published in just one year, making Glycobiology a serious and growing area of research.
Note: Glyconutrients are not intended to heal, treat, or cure any disease.
About the Author:Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can hep you, visit his Glyconutrients site for a consultattion.Read more articles by: Zachary Thompson This article is distributed by:
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
In recent years carbohydrates have been studied minutely, giving rise to a whole new terminology Glycobiology. This is in fact the study of how carbohydrates affect our health. Scientists used to consider carbohydrates as foods that were not very necessary to the body but now due to Glycobiology they have discovered some surprising facts about carbohydrate saccarides known as Glyconutrients.
There are 8 essential saccarides necessary to our health that are being researched and are known as Glyconutrients. They are:
• Mannose
• Glucose
• Galactose
• Xylose
• Fuctos (not fructose)
• N-acetylglucosamine
• N-acetylneuramic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine
What has Glycobiology discovered? Through research science has disvovered vital molecules in our bodies that have a critical effect on our health. Exactly what are glyconutrients?
With the aid of the electron microscope scientists found trillions of tiny fibers sticking to the cell surfaces. They discovered on looking more closely that these little appendages were in fact sugar molecules called glyconutrients.
Scientists found that the function of these glyconutrients is to stimulate activity and produce enzymes which:
1. Act as blocking agents: To stop toxins from entering cells.
2. Suppressing agents: That help stop malignant changes in cells.
3. Glyconutrients help the body’s cells to communicate with each other.
4. They strengthen the immune system
Due to environmental problems like green harvests and processing of foods the natural sources of Glyconutrients has been seriously reduced. This has led to depletion in our diets. If any of these vital Glyconutrients are missing the immune system starts to fail and weaken giving rise to disease and infections attacking the body. This results in our deteriorating health.
The study of Glycobiology has developed important supplements made up of these Glyconutrients, which when taken increase the Glyconutrients in our bodies. With these supplements our bodies can heal and strengthen our immune systems. This helps to reverse the spiral of ill health and restore the body’s natural immunity to disease and infection. They also help our bodies against toxins found in the air and soil by preventing thm from penetrating our cells.
At first the study of Glycobiology was not taken very seriously but now major universities have become involved in Glycobiology studies and research. Also in USA, Canada, Europe and Japan over 30 biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are now doing research into Glyconutrients. A product of Glycobiology research has been Ambrotose. Now more over 20,000 research papers on Glycobiology have been published in just one year, making Glycobiology a serious and growing area of research.
Note: Glyconutrients are not intended to heal, treat, or cure any disease.
About the Author:Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Consultant. His clients range from pro athletes and actresses, to cancer patients and children with Learning Disabilities. To learn if glyconutrients can hep you, visit his Glyconutrients site for a consultattion.Read more articles by: Zachary Thompson This article is distributed by:
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Survey: Women Want Shorter, Lighter Periods
(NewsUSA) - A new oral contraceptive that makes a woman's period shorter and lighter is now on the market.
Loestrin 24 Fe is the first oral contraceptive approved by the Food and Drug Administration that provides 24 days of active hormonal therapy and only four days of placebo pills, compared with traditional 21-day oral contraceptives, which have seven inactive pills. In a clinical trial, women who took Loestrin 24 Fe had periods that averaged less than three days after six cycles.
Among life's little annoyances, menstrual periods rank high on the list. In a survey of 1,342 women between the ages of 18 and 49, 78 percent cited their period as one of the things they find most annoying, along with such things as gaining weight, arguing with a spouse or significant other, having a bad hair day, having a bad boss and commuting.
Women who may still get a period were asked how their period affected their lifestyle and sex lives and about their use of hormonal contraceptives. Most of the respondents felt that their period was disrupting their lives in some way and wanted it to be shorter.
"Loestrin 24 Fe is going to be a significant benefit to women looking for lifestyle advantages from their birth control pills, in addition to the contraceptive benefits," said Dr. Michelle Warren, professor of medicine and obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University Medical Center.
Many women use oral contraceptives because they help regulate the menstrual cycle, are easy to use and relieve symptoms such as bloating, cramps and mood swings in addition to preventing pregnancy, the survey found. Though new advances in contraception could eliminate the menstrual cycle entirely, more than 8 in 10 women who currently use or have ever used a hormonal contraceptive agree that a monthly period is a natural way for their body to work, though they felt a shorter period would make a positive difference.
The online survey was conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Warner Chilcott.
For more information about Loestrin 24 Fe, visit
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Loestrin 24 Fe is the first oral contraceptive approved by the Food and Drug Administration that provides 24 days of active hormonal therapy and only four days of placebo pills, compared with traditional 21-day oral contraceptives, which have seven inactive pills. In a clinical trial, women who took Loestrin 24 Fe had periods that averaged less than three days after six cycles.
Among life's little annoyances, menstrual periods rank high on the list. In a survey of 1,342 women between the ages of 18 and 49, 78 percent cited their period as one of the things they find most annoying, along with such things as gaining weight, arguing with a spouse or significant other, having a bad hair day, having a bad boss and commuting.
Women who may still get a period were asked how their period affected their lifestyle and sex lives and about their use of hormonal contraceptives. Most of the respondents felt that their period was disrupting their lives in some way and wanted it to be shorter.
"Loestrin 24 Fe is going to be a significant benefit to women looking for lifestyle advantages from their birth control pills, in addition to the contraceptive benefits," said Dr. Michelle Warren, professor of medicine and obstetrics and gynecology at Columbia University Medical Center.
Many women use oral contraceptives because they help regulate the menstrual cycle, are easy to use and relieve symptoms such as bloating, cramps and mood swings in addition to preventing pregnancy, the survey found. Though new advances in contraception could eliminate the menstrual cycle entirely, more than 8 in 10 women who currently use or have ever used a hormonal contraceptive agree that a monthly period is a natural way for their body to work, though they felt a shorter period would make a positive difference.
The online survey was conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Warner Chilcott.
For more information about Loestrin 24 Fe, visit
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Asthma Research Study Enrolling Participants
(NewsUSA) - More than 20 million Americans suffer from asthma, with 60 percent of them battling allergic asthma, which is triggered by year-round allergens. Despite available treatments, many people have trouble controlling their condition.
To address this concern, medical researchers across the country are conducting the EXTRA study to help evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational asthma drug in combination with standard treatments.
Recent studies indicate a substantial number of moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma patients cannot achieve control of their symptoms with a standard treatment combination of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-agonists, such as those in the combination drug Advair.
If the highest doses of standard treatment are not effective, the next step is often systemic corticosteroids, like prednisone, which are either taken orally or intravenously.
However, because systemic corticosteroids can cause side effects if used either frequently or for a long time, additional treatment options are needed.
The investigational drug in the EXTRA study is being evaluated to determine if it is safe and effective as add-on therapy to standard asthma treatments in reducing the rate of asthma attacks that require treatment with systemic corticosteroids.
Patients enrolled in the EXTRA study have a 50 percent chance of being assigned to one of two treatment groups.
The first group receives standard asthma treatment plus the investigational drug for 48 weeks, while the other receives standard asthma treatment plus a placebo for 48 weeks. (A placebo is a solution that looks like the study drug but does not contain the study drug.)
To qualify for the EXTRA study, men and women between the ages of 12 and 75 must have moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma that is inadequately controlled with standard treatments.
To learn more about enrolling in this study, call toll-free 1-888-662-6728.
Allergic asthma is triggered by pet dander, dust mites, cockroaches, mold and mildew.
Individuals ages 12 to 75 with moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma that is inadequately controlled may be eligible for the EXTRA study. To learn more, call toll-free 1-888-662-6728.
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
To address this concern, medical researchers across the country are conducting the EXTRA study to help evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational asthma drug in combination with standard treatments.
Recent studies indicate a substantial number of moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma patients cannot achieve control of their symptoms with a standard treatment combination of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-agonists, such as those in the combination drug Advair.
If the highest doses of standard treatment are not effective, the next step is often systemic corticosteroids, like prednisone, which are either taken orally or intravenously.
However, because systemic corticosteroids can cause side effects if used either frequently or for a long time, additional treatment options are needed.
The investigational drug in the EXTRA study is being evaluated to determine if it is safe and effective as add-on therapy to standard asthma treatments in reducing the rate of asthma attacks that require treatment with systemic corticosteroids.
Patients enrolled in the EXTRA study have a 50 percent chance of being assigned to one of two treatment groups.
The first group receives standard asthma treatment plus the investigational drug for 48 weeks, while the other receives standard asthma treatment plus a placebo for 48 weeks. (A placebo is a solution that looks like the study drug but does not contain the study drug.)
To qualify for the EXTRA study, men and women between the ages of 12 and 75 must have moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma that is inadequately controlled with standard treatments.
To learn more about enrolling in this study, call toll-free 1-888-662-6728.
Allergic asthma is triggered by pet dander, dust mites, cockroaches, mold and mildew.
Individuals ages 12 to 75 with moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma that is inadequately controlled may be eligible for the EXTRA study. To learn more, call toll-free 1-888-662-6728.
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
How Can Your Diet Improve Your Asthma?
By Barry McDonald
“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease”-Voltaire.
Diet plays a big part in our lives; whatever we eat, our bodies use to build cells muscles etc... (You’ve heard the old saying you are what you eat).
But unfortunately with the change in our eating habits over these past decades we can see that our health has started to decline in proportion to it. Suddenly new diseases and health conditions have appeared that nobody ever heard of.
But why?
We no longer live off the land as we once did eating our fresh crops or cooking from fresh ingredients but have become more inclined to going for the convenience of ready made and packaged foods which we have no control over what goes into them.
Also, with farmers having to overproduce crops to make a living nowadays only a few minerals are put back into the land through fertilizers. As each new crop is taken out of the ground the majority of important nutrients ands minerals are decreasing with every crop. Each one of those missing nutrients has an important part to play in our bodies so as the levels in our bodies is reduced the less performance we get back and the more our body has to scavenge from other areas.
The best explanation I heard for this is to…
“Picture an assembly line that’s making TV sets. The TV assembly line has 5 people working on it and they each add one part. One adds the tube, one adds the buttons, one adds the electrics, one adds the part for the Ariel and the last puts it together and tests it. As the day goes on, the one in charged of the buttons notices that they don’t have enough buttons to do the full days work. There’s none in stock but she can’t stop the assembly line and so the TVs are now made now with no buttons. The TVs now aren’t working properly because all the parts aren’t there; this continues through the week each assembler running out of parts and work continuing on with out stopping. By now the TVs don’t look like TVs anymore and there’s no chance they’ll ever work like TVS.”
Unfortunately your body can’t call time, and let you know that something’s missing. That is until it’s too late and it starts to break down with some illness or disability. To be continued,
Want to know more visit and join our mailing list to get advance notice of when our new asthma e-book is coming out!
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
“The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease”-Voltaire.
Diet plays a big part in our lives; whatever we eat, our bodies use to build cells muscles etc... (You’ve heard the old saying you are what you eat).
But unfortunately with the change in our eating habits over these past decades we can see that our health has started to decline in proportion to it. Suddenly new diseases and health conditions have appeared that nobody ever heard of.
But why?
We no longer live off the land as we once did eating our fresh crops or cooking from fresh ingredients but have become more inclined to going for the convenience of ready made and packaged foods which we have no control over what goes into them.
Also, with farmers having to overproduce crops to make a living nowadays only a few minerals are put back into the land through fertilizers. As each new crop is taken out of the ground the majority of important nutrients ands minerals are decreasing with every crop. Each one of those missing nutrients has an important part to play in our bodies so as the levels in our bodies is reduced the less performance we get back and the more our body has to scavenge from other areas.
The best explanation I heard for this is to…
“Picture an assembly line that’s making TV sets. The TV assembly line has 5 people working on it and they each add one part. One adds the tube, one adds the buttons, one adds the electrics, one adds the part for the Ariel and the last puts it together and tests it. As the day goes on, the one in charged of the buttons notices that they don’t have enough buttons to do the full days work. There’s none in stock but she can’t stop the assembly line and so the TVs are now made now with no buttons. The TVs now aren’t working properly because all the parts aren’t there; this continues through the week each assembler running out of parts and work continuing on with out stopping. By now the TVs don’t look like TVs anymore and there’s no chance they’ll ever work like TVS.”
Unfortunately your body can’t call time, and let you know that something’s missing. That is until it’s too late and it starts to break down with some illness or disability. To be continued,
Want to know more visit and join our mailing list to get advance notice of when our new asthma e-book is coming out!
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Menopause and Heart Palpitations
By Cathy Taylor
Menopause isn’t typically a life threatening condition – but in extreme cases, it can bring upon symptoms like rapid heart beat that feel like it is. The occasional feeling that your heart “skips a beat” does not necessarily indicate a serious medical problem. For those with menopause, rapid heart beat should be monitored by your doctor to check for a mitral valve prolapse which is a mild deformity of a heart valve.
Palpitation is when the heart races repeatedly without any sign of stopping. It’s not only extremely uncomfortable, it’s downright frightening. Premature contractions cause the heart to beat twice really quickly, causing more blood to enter the heart on the third beat. This increased amount of blood makes the heart contract even more. In essence, it is a forceful pulsation that can sometimes be caused by stress.
Stress can come from menopausal symptoms like irregular periods, annoying ringing of the ears (tinnitus), insomnia, panic attacks, depression, and everyday occurrences like the simple yelling and shouting of a child at the playground.
When you perceive a stressor, hormones form your brain pass into the bloodstream alerting the adrenal glands. In response they secrete corticosteroid hormone including cortisol.
When cortisol raises sometimes twenty fold, the body speeds up its blood sugar burning capacity providing an instant surge of energy. Cortisol causes your heart to beat faster in order to pump oxygen-bearing blood more quickly into your tissues. Too much of cortisol can lead to diabetes or high blood pressure, so this is a process of you can to be conscious of and learn to cope with by practicing such relaxing techniques as yoga, meditation and Pilates.
The addition of caffeine loaded drinks can worsen this condition as can smoking. In order to avoid rapid heart beat and palpitations, it is best to refrain from stress and maintain a healthy diet. Alcohol and coffee are known to excite the heart’s processes, causing it to work much harder than it has to.
Cathy writes frequently on mid-life issues for women and men particularly menopause and andropause. A copy of her book can be found at
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Menopause isn’t typically a life threatening condition – but in extreme cases, it can bring upon symptoms like rapid heart beat that feel like it is. The occasional feeling that your heart “skips a beat” does not necessarily indicate a serious medical problem. For those with menopause, rapid heart beat should be monitored by your doctor to check for a mitral valve prolapse which is a mild deformity of a heart valve.
Palpitation is when the heart races repeatedly without any sign of stopping. It’s not only extremely uncomfortable, it’s downright frightening. Premature contractions cause the heart to beat twice really quickly, causing more blood to enter the heart on the third beat. This increased amount of blood makes the heart contract even more. In essence, it is a forceful pulsation that can sometimes be caused by stress.
Stress can come from menopausal symptoms like irregular periods, annoying ringing of the ears (tinnitus), insomnia, panic attacks, depression, and everyday occurrences like the simple yelling and shouting of a child at the playground.
When you perceive a stressor, hormones form your brain pass into the bloodstream alerting the adrenal glands. In response they secrete corticosteroid hormone including cortisol.
When cortisol raises sometimes twenty fold, the body speeds up its blood sugar burning capacity providing an instant surge of energy. Cortisol causes your heart to beat faster in order to pump oxygen-bearing blood more quickly into your tissues. Too much of cortisol can lead to diabetes or high blood pressure, so this is a process of you can to be conscious of and learn to cope with by practicing such relaxing techniques as yoga, meditation and Pilates.
The addition of caffeine loaded drinks can worsen this condition as can smoking. In order to avoid rapid heart beat and palpitations, it is best to refrain from stress and maintain a healthy diet. Alcohol and coffee are known to excite the heart’s processes, causing it to work much harder than it has to.
Cathy writes frequently on mid-life issues for women and men particularly menopause and andropause. A copy of her book can be found at
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Key Concepts of Gastric Ulcer
By Robert Langdon
Medically speaking, gastric ulcer or peptic gastric ulcer is a damage on the normal tissues that line the stomach. It is different from the duodenal ulcer, which pertains to damage on the normal tissue lining of the initial part of the bowel or the duodenum. Though gastric ulcer is a common disease among Americans, diagnosis is still quite hard to perform since the clinical presentations of disease vary. Manifestations may range from asymptomatic or showing of no symptoms to nausea, acute-life foreboding internal hemorrhage, epigastric pain, and iron-deficiency anemia.
Gastric ulcer is produced from torn or sored protective layers of the stomach lining. These layers produce the mucus that protects the stomach from becoming injured by harsh digestive gases and stomach acids.
Gastric ulcer is basically due to the imbalanced secretion of stomach enzymes and acids as well as the components released in the mucosal lining of the stomach. This then will get inflamed that may be aggravated by aspirin and NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs are commonly taken to combat the symptoms of other ailments such as back pain and kidney pain.
Gastric ulcer is also a result of the following conditions:
· The presence of Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori, the bacteria responsible for causing gastric ulcer.
· Lessen capacity of the stomach lining to resist the stomach acids.
· Increase in production of the stomach acids.
Risk factors
Risk factors are some of the causes that may intensify the susceptibility of a person against a disease. In this case, gastric ulcer.
· Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and drugs such as aspirin and naproxen
· Chronic gastritis
· Smoking
· Mechanical ventilation
· Increased age
· Helicobacter pylori infection
Interestingly enough, stress and a number of emotional problems are not labeled as risk factors to gastric ulcer. Yet there are studies that may show otherwise. They point out that stress may be a contributing factor to the aggravation of the ailment.
The chance of developing gastric ulcer is further increased by regular smoking and over-use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
· Abdominal indigestion
· Extreme abdominal pain that may subject the patient to sleeplessness at night.
· Blood in stools or black stools
· Fatigue
· Nausea
· Unplanned weight loss
· Vomiting, especially vomiting blood
· Heartburn
It must be noted though that there may be no manifestations of symptoms in some gastric ulcer cases.
Differentiation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
· Classic gastric ulcer pain is often characterized by pain attacking after every meal. The use of antacids may not be as effective and may only provide temporary and very minimal relief.
· The gastric ulcer pain is typically sited at the epigastrium yet it may also be founded in the upper right quadrant of the stomach area and elsewhere.
· Unlike with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer pain usually sets hours after meals and during night. This may be relieved using antacids and specific foods.
· Pain that radiates to the back may suggest of complications involving the pancreas.
· There are cases of bleeding gastric ulcers and these may show significant signs of melena, hematemesis, and attacks of presyncope.
Treatments of gastric ulcer are very effective yet recurrence is possible and complications are most likely to develop. Three percent of all gastric ulcer cases advance to becoming as stomach cancer so it is extremely important to inform your health care provider of all conditions that you fell during attacks. is a free information site that offers articles and resources. If you want to read or share information on Health-and-Fitness, you're always welcome!
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Medically speaking, gastric ulcer or peptic gastric ulcer is a damage on the normal tissues that line the stomach. It is different from the duodenal ulcer, which pertains to damage on the normal tissue lining of the initial part of the bowel or the duodenum. Though gastric ulcer is a common disease among Americans, diagnosis is still quite hard to perform since the clinical presentations of disease vary. Manifestations may range from asymptomatic or showing of no symptoms to nausea, acute-life foreboding internal hemorrhage, epigastric pain, and iron-deficiency anemia.
Gastric ulcer is produced from torn or sored protective layers of the stomach lining. These layers produce the mucus that protects the stomach from becoming injured by harsh digestive gases and stomach acids.
Gastric ulcer is basically due to the imbalanced secretion of stomach enzymes and acids as well as the components released in the mucosal lining of the stomach. This then will get inflamed that may be aggravated by aspirin and NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. NSAIDs are commonly taken to combat the symptoms of other ailments such as back pain and kidney pain.
Gastric ulcer is also a result of the following conditions:
· The presence of Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori, the bacteria responsible for causing gastric ulcer.
· Lessen capacity of the stomach lining to resist the stomach acids.
· Increase in production of the stomach acids.
Risk factors
Risk factors are some of the causes that may intensify the susceptibility of a person against a disease. In this case, gastric ulcer.
· Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen and drugs such as aspirin and naproxen
· Chronic gastritis
· Smoking
· Mechanical ventilation
· Increased age
· Helicobacter pylori infection
Interestingly enough, stress and a number of emotional problems are not labeled as risk factors to gastric ulcer. Yet there are studies that may show otherwise. They point out that stress may be a contributing factor to the aggravation of the ailment.
The chance of developing gastric ulcer is further increased by regular smoking and over-use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
· Abdominal indigestion
· Extreme abdominal pain that may subject the patient to sleeplessness at night.
· Blood in stools or black stools
· Fatigue
· Nausea
· Unplanned weight loss
· Vomiting, especially vomiting blood
· Heartburn
It must be noted though that there may be no manifestations of symptoms in some gastric ulcer cases.
Differentiation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer
· Classic gastric ulcer pain is often characterized by pain attacking after every meal. The use of antacids may not be as effective and may only provide temporary and very minimal relief.
· The gastric ulcer pain is typically sited at the epigastrium yet it may also be founded in the upper right quadrant of the stomach area and elsewhere.
· Unlike with gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer pain usually sets hours after meals and during night. This may be relieved using antacids and specific foods.
· Pain that radiates to the back may suggest of complications involving the pancreas.
· There are cases of bleeding gastric ulcers and these may show significant signs of melena, hematemesis, and attacks of presyncope.
Treatments of gastric ulcer are very effective yet recurrence is possible and complications are most likely to develop. Three percent of all gastric ulcer cases advance to becoming as stomach cancer so it is extremely important to inform your health care provider of all conditions that you fell during attacks. is a free information site that offers articles and resources. If you want to read or share information on Health-and-Fitness, you're always welcome!
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Nail Fungus Prevention
By R. Drysdale
Fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails are very common - nail fungus prevention and treatment depends on an understanding of what, exactly, is going on. A fungal toenail infection occurs when fungal elements, usually spores, get in under the nail, into the tender tissue of the nailbed, and start to grow there. Sandwiched between the toenail and the toe, the fungus feeds on the toenail itself: toenails are not live tissue, but they contain a protein called keratin, which fungi are able to break down to obtain nutrients. Fingernails, hair, and animal hooves and horn also contain keratin, and these substances are also susceptible to fungal invasion.
Nail fungus prevention begins with being careful not to put out a welcome sign for the fungus. A healthy body with a strong immune system will fight off most fungi that show up. Clean, well trimmed nails, and fingers and toes that are free of breaks in the skin are important too. Look after any injuries, even small nicks and scratches, particularly if they are close to the nails. More severe injuries involving nails or their roots may require more intensive first aid and daily care to prevent fungal spores from gaining entrance and setting up an infection. As well, fungal toenail infections are more common than fungal fingernail infections, so the feet will benefit from more attention.
Feet probably suffer from fungal attack more often than hands because feet don't get as much fresh air, and they don't get washed as often. The key to nail fungus prevention here is to keep the feet cool, dry and clean. Fungus spores will start to grow when conditions are damp and warm. They linger in dirty socks and shoes, in soil, damp ground, and dirty public shower stalls. While it's not necessary to avoid these places altogether, it's important to remember that you should always dry your feet thoroughly, change your socks regularly, and again, attend to even minor injuries carefully. Antifungal powders applied to the insides of shoes can also help prevent fungal toenail infection.
If nail fungus prevention fails, and you see signs that a nail is infected, don't wait for it to get worse before you tackle it. In these very early stages, a home remedy for fungal toenail and fingernail infection, or a homeopathic remedy may work just as well as an expensive prescription drug. Fungi grow very slowly, so you have time to work on it before it gets too advanced. First, consult your doctor to be sure it is a fungal infection, and then, whichever treatment you choose, commit yourself to tending to the treatment daily, possibly for months, until the infection is gone.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Nail Fungus Prevention, a blog dedicated to the treatment of fingernail and toenail fungus.
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Fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails are very common - nail fungus prevention and treatment depends on an understanding of what, exactly, is going on. A fungal toenail infection occurs when fungal elements, usually spores, get in under the nail, into the tender tissue of the nailbed, and start to grow there. Sandwiched between the toenail and the toe, the fungus feeds on the toenail itself: toenails are not live tissue, but they contain a protein called keratin, which fungi are able to break down to obtain nutrients. Fingernails, hair, and animal hooves and horn also contain keratin, and these substances are also susceptible to fungal invasion.
Nail fungus prevention begins with being careful not to put out a welcome sign for the fungus. A healthy body with a strong immune system will fight off most fungi that show up. Clean, well trimmed nails, and fingers and toes that are free of breaks in the skin are important too. Look after any injuries, even small nicks and scratches, particularly if they are close to the nails. More severe injuries involving nails or their roots may require more intensive first aid and daily care to prevent fungal spores from gaining entrance and setting up an infection. As well, fungal toenail infections are more common than fungal fingernail infections, so the feet will benefit from more attention.
Feet probably suffer from fungal attack more often than hands because feet don't get as much fresh air, and they don't get washed as often. The key to nail fungus prevention here is to keep the feet cool, dry and clean. Fungus spores will start to grow when conditions are damp and warm. They linger in dirty socks and shoes, in soil, damp ground, and dirty public shower stalls. While it's not necessary to avoid these places altogether, it's important to remember that you should always dry your feet thoroughly, change your socks regularly, and again, attend to even minor injuries carefully. Antifungal powders applied to the insides of shoes can also help prevent fungal toenail infection.
If nail fungus prevention fails, and you see signs that a nail is infected, don't wait for it to get worse before you tackle it. In these very early stages, a home remedy for fungal toenail and fingernail infection, or a homeopathic remedy may work just as well as an expensive prescription drug. Fungi grow very slowly, so you have time to work on it before it gets too advanced. First, consult your doctor to be sure it is a fungal infection, and then, whichever treatment you choose, commit yourself to tending to the treatment daily, possibly for months, until the infection is gone.
R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. She is a contributing editor to Nail Fungus Prevention, a blog dedicated to the treatment of fingernail and toenail fungus.
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What Is Low Blood Pressure?
By: Ashish Jain
Apart from the technical interpretation, low blood pressure is a sort of disease that saps energy from all parts of your body and mind. Your spirits are down and your body starts shivering. You get a feeling of sinking — and you need a rescue mission immediately!!
Blood pressure is the pressure of blood within the arteries of the body. Blood pressure is the driving force that causes blood to flow through the body from the arteries (where the pressure is high), through organs, and into the veins (where the pressure is low). Blood pressure is generated by the pumping of blood by the heart into the arteries as well as by the resistance to the flow of blood by the arteries. The systolic blood pressure (the top number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries. And the diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart relaxes after it contracts.
Systolic blood pressure for most healthy adults falls between 90 and 120 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Normal diastolic blood pressure falls between 60 and 80 mm Hg. (By convention, an individual’s blood pressure is written as systolic/diastolic blood pressure, e.g., 120/80). Current guidelines define normal blood pressure as lower than 120/80. Blood pressures between 120/80 and 140/90, which used to be considered “pre-hypertension,” are now considered too high. High blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart disease, kidney disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke.
When the flow of blood is too low to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidney, it is referred to as Low Blood Pressure. When this happens, the organs are unable to function normally and can be permanently damaged. It should be noted that unlike high blood pressure, which is defined on the basis of blood pressure alone, low blood pressure is defined primarily by signs and symptoms of low blood flow. In fact, some individuals may have a blood pressure of 90/50 and have no signs or symptoms of low blood pressure, and, therefore, not have low blood pressure while others who normally have a blood pressure of 130/80 may develop symptoms and signs of low blood pressure if their blood pressure drops to 100/60.
There are certain traditional medicines that can help to cure low blood pressure. Butter milk is good for both high and low blood pressure. Using asafetida in various articles of food regularly, also helps to cure low blood pressure.
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Ashish Jain writes about a number of different topics. For more information on blood pressure visit and also visit the main articles page:
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Apart from the technical interpretation, low blood pressure is a sort of disease that saps energy from all parts of your body and mind. Your spirits are down and your body starts shivering. You get a feeling of sinking — and you need a rescue mission immediately!!
Blood pressure is the pressure of blood within the arteries of the body. Blood pressure is the driving force that causes blood to flow through the body from the arteries (where the pressure is high), through organs, and into the veins (where the pressure is low). Blood pressure is generated by the pumping of blood by the heart into the arteries as well as by the resistance to the flow of blood by the arteries. The systolic blood pressure (the top number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart contracts and pumps blood into the arteries. And the diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) represents the pressure in the arteries as the muscle of the heart relaxes after it contracts.
Systolic blood pressure for most healthy adults falls between 90 and 120 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Normal diastolic blood pressure falls between 60 and 80 mm Hg. (By convention, an individual’s blood pressure is written as systolic/diastolic blood pressure, e.g., 120/80). Current guidelines define normal blood pressure as lower than 120/80. Blood pressures between 120/80 and 140/90, which used to be considered “pre-hypertension,” are now considered too high. High blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart disease, kidney disease, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis), eye damage, and stroke.
When the flow of blood is too low to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to vital organs such as the brain, heart, and kidney, it is referred to as Low Blood Pressure. When this happens, the organs are unable to function normally and can be permanently damaged. It should be noted that unlike high blood pressure, which is defined on the basis of blood pressure alone, low blood pressure is defined primarily by signs and symptoms of low blood flow. In fact, some individuals may have a blood pressure of 90/50 and have no signs or symptoms of low blood pressure, and, therefore, not have low blood pressure while others who normally have a blood pressure of 130/80 may develop symptoms and signs of low blood pressure if their blood pressure drops to 100/60.
There are certain traditional medicines that can help to cure low blood pressure. Butter milk is good for both high and low blood pressure. Using asafetida in various articles of food regularly, also helps to cure low blood pressure.
About the Author:
Ashish Jain writes about a number of different topics. For more information on blood pressure visit and also visit the main articles page:
Read more articles by: Ashish Jain
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Chronic Fatigue Treatment
By Josh Riverside
Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a dead-end disease. There are a lot of treatments available for patients suffering from this incapacitating illness. Here are some options:
Antibiotics and antifungal products. The same antibiotics used to remedy lyme disease and mycoplasma virus are sometimes prescribed to patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. The same is the case for antifungal drugs that are primarily used to treat yeast and fungus infections – they can be used, together with a low-carbohydrate diet, to treat chronic fatigue syndrome in some patients.
Food supplements. Food supplements or ‘immune enhancers’ may help the chronic fatigue syndrome patient rebuild stamina. They are also used to cure viral infections that may be causing the fatigue in the first place.
Hormones. Doctors prescribe hormones for chronic fatigue syndrome patients who fall within a hormonally imbalanced category. They can be given steroids and thyroid hormones.
Detoxifiers. Since fatigue is also believed to be caused by ineffective cleansing systems in the body, some doctors may prescribe a range of detoxification agents. The most common are intestinal purgatives, ‘liver cleanses’ and ‘chelating agents’ are used to rid the body of harmful metals such as mercury.
Finally, antidepressants. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome may also be asked to take antidepressants is their fatigue is either caused or is casing depression. Antidepressants are administered to chronic fatigue syndrome patients even when they are not depressed, because the drug is shown to be highly effective in boosting energy.
Other medications. Chronic fatigue syndrome patients who cannot sleep are often given sleep aids. Those who experience intense muscle pain are given pain relievers (both narcotic and non-narcotic). For patients whose chronic fatigue is caused by metabolic deficiencies, the ‘mito’ cocktail is given. The mito is a mixture of supplements including l-carnitine, vitamin B12, biotin, and other nutrients.
Fatigue provides detailed information on Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Causes Of Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Treatment and more. Fatigue is affiliated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatments.
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Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a dead-end disease. There are a lot of treatments available for patients suffering from this incapacitating illness. Here are some options:
Antibiotics and antifungal products. The same antibiotics used to remedy lyme disease and mycoplasma virus are sometimes prescribed to patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. The same is the case for antifungal drugs that are primarily used to treat yeast and fungus infections – they can be used, together with a low-carbohydrate diet, to treat chronic fatigue syndrome in some patients.
Food supplements. Food supplements or ‘immune enhancers’ may help the chronic fatigue syndrome patient rebuild stamina. They are also used to cure viral infections that may be causing the fatigue in the first place.
Hormones. Doctors prescribe hormones for chronic fatigue syndrome patients who fall within a hormonally imbalanced category. They can be given steroids and thyroid hormones.
Detoxifiers. Since fatigue is also believed to be caused by ineffective cleansing systems in the body, some doctors may prescribe a range of detoxification agents. The most common are intestinal purgatives, ‘liver cleanses’ and ‘chelating agents’ are used to rid the body of harmful metals such as mercury.
Finally, antidepressants. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome may also be asked to take antidepressants is their fatigue is either caused or is casing depression. Antidepressants are administered to chronic fatigue syndrome patients even when they are not depressed, because the drug is shown to be highly effective in boosting energy.
Other medications. Chronic fatigue syndrome patients who cannot sleep are often given sleep aids. Those who experience intense muscle pain are given pain relievers (both narcotic and non-narcotic). For patients whose chronic fatigue is caused by metabolic deficiencies, the ‘mito’ cocktail is given. The mito is a mixture of supplements including l-carnitine, vitamin B12, biotin, and other nutrients.
Fatigue provides detailed information on Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Causes Of Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Treatment and more. Fatigue is affiliated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatments.
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Women Need to Know More About Treating Heart Disease
(NewsUSA) - Although 73 percent of women know how to prevent heart disease, many are unaware of how to treat it once a diagnosis has been made.
In a survey of 1,979 women over age 35, only 55 percent said they understand how to treat heart disease. Respondents often incorrectly named prevention techniques such as exercise and healthy eating as treatment options, and less than 10 percent named actual treatments such as angioplasty and stent placement.
Hispanics and African-Americans, both considered high-risk groups for heart disease, were twice as likely as Caucasian women to say they did not know any treatments at all.
The survey was conducted by the "Healthy From the Heart" campaign sponsored by the National Women's Health Resource Center and Cordis Corp. The campaign encourages women to learn about treatment options for coronary artery disease, the most common type of heart disease, so they can make better decisions if diagnosed.
"The good news is that women are aware that they are at risk for heart disease. The bad news is that they are overly confident in their ability to prevent it and treat it," said Dr. Cindy Grines, an interventional cardiologist with William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oaks, Mich. "Women must realize that education is the key to conquering the threat of coronary artery disease. There are a variety of treatment options now available."
The most common procedure for treating coronary artery disease is balloon angioplasty with a coronary stent. Angioplasty widens narrowed arteries by threading a balloon-tipped catheter through the arm or groin artery to the blocked artery in the heart. The balloon is inflated to compress the plaque against the artery walls, which in turn expands the blood vessel so blood can flow more easily.
Scientific advances have led to the development of the drug-eluting stent, a tiny mesh scaffold that props the artery open while releasing small amounts of a particular drug, such as sirolimus, inside the artery over a period of time. This helps keep plaque from reforming and helps prevent repeat blockage from occurring inside the blood vessel.
Coronary bypass surgery is another treatment option. While more invasive, it is a safe and effective treatment for patients who may not qualify for angioplasty and stent insertion.
Experts recommend patients talk with a doctor about what treatment option is best for them. To learn more about heart disease treatment options, visit for a downloadable "Healthy From the Heart" brochure.
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
In a survey of 1,979 women over age 35, only 55 percent said they understand how to treat heart disease. Respondents often incorrectly named prevention techniques such as exercise and healthy eating as treatment options, and less than 10 percent named actual treatments such as angioplasty and stent placement.
Hispanics and African-Americans, both considered high-risk groups for heart disease, were twice as likely as Caucasian women to say they did not know any treatments at all.
The survey was conducted by the "Healthy From the Heart" campaign sponsored by the National Women's Health Resource Center and Cordis Corp. The campaign encourages women to learn about treatment options for coronary artery disease, the most common type of heart disease, so they can make better decisions if diagnosed.
"The good news is that women are aware that they are at risk for heart disease. The bad news is that they are overly confident in their ability to prevent it and treat it," said Dr. Cindy Grines, an interventional cardiologist with William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oaks, Mich. "Women must realize that education is the key to conquering the threat of coronary artery disease. There are a variety of treatment options now available."
The most common procedure for treating coronary artery disease is balloon angioplasty with a coronary stent. Angioplasty widens narrowed arteries by threading a balloon-tipped catheter through the arm or groin artery to the blocked artery in the heart. The balloon is inflated to compress the plaque against the artery walls, which in turn expands the blood vessel so blood can flow more easily.
Scientific advances have led to the development of the drug-eluting stent, a tiny mesh scaffold that props the artery open while releasing small amounts of a particular drug, such as sirolimus, inside the artery over a period of time. This helps keep plaque from reforming and helps prevent repeat blockage from occurring inside the blood vessel.
Coronary bypass surgery is another treatment option. While more invasive, it is a safe and effective treatment for patients who may not qualify for angioplasty and stent insertion.
Experts recommend patients talk with a doctor about what treatment option is best for them. To learn more about heart disease treatment options, visit for a downloadable "Healthy From the Heart" brochure.
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Possible Paradigm Shift in Heart Disease Treatment
(NewsUSA) - A new understanding of obesity may have a significant impact on the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and heart disease.
Research into the endocannabinoid system may lead to new ways to combat obesity, a major risk factor for heart disease. Researchers believe the EC system acts as a coordinator of a variety of processes in the body that regulate body weight, energy balance and blood sugar levels.
"It seems as though the EC system receptors are overactivated when 'fattening foods' are consumed and weight is gained," said Dr. Louis Aronne, director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
"This overactivation leads to ... more fat production in the liver. Eventually, what starts out as just eating the wrong foods will lead to the development of obesity, cardiometabolic risks and heart disease."
Blocking these receptors may help patients lose weight, thereby reducing obesity and other risk factors for heart disease.
Clinical trials on receptor-blocking drugs are under way.
"In the future, we'll see a paradigm shift, or a change in the treatment of cardiometabolic risk," Aronne said. "Instead of waiting for risk factors and disease to emerge, we'll be treating those who are obese earlier and earlier to prevent disease and offset complications."
Meanwhile, the best advice to patients is to manage all their risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
"The more risk factors someone has, the more likely he or she is to have cardiovascular disease," explained Dr. Antonio Gotto Jr., dean and professor of medicine at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York. "In cases where patients have two or more risk factors, the heart disease risk caused by the whole package is much worse than the risk associated with each individual risk factor."
In essence, this theory can also apply to prevention and management of risk factors; the more risk factors managed, the greater chance a patient can prevent heart disease.
"Research into risk has been extremely beneficial in giving physicians a better understanding of how they can help their patients," said Gotto. "We've learned that without management of all the issues related to one's cardiovascular health, it is very unlikely patients will reduce risk substantially and prevent disease."
Aronne and Gotto spoke at a recent American Medical Association media briefing on cardiovascular disease.
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Research into the endocannabinoid system may lead to new ways to combat obesity, a major risk factor for heart disease. Researchers believe the EC system acts as a coordinator of a variety of processes in the body that regulate body weight, energy balance and blood sugar levels.
"It seems as though the EC system receptors are overactivated when 'fattening foods' are consumed and weight is gained," said Dr. Louis Aronne, director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at the New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
"This overactivation leads to ... more fat production in the liver. Eventually, what starts out as just eating the wrong foods will lead to the development of obesity, cardiometabolic risks and heart disease."
Blocking these receptors may help patients lose weight, thereby reducing obesity and other risk factors for heart disease.
Clinical trials on receptor-blocking drugs are under way.
"In the future, we'll see a paradigm shift, or a change in the treatment of cardiometabolic risk," Aronne said. "Instead of waiting for risk factors and disease to emerge, we'll be treating those who are obese earlier and earlier to prevent disease and offset complications."
Meanwhile, the best advice to patients is to manage all their risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
"The more risk factors someone has, the more likely he or she is to have cardiovascular disease," explained Dr. Antonio Gotto Jr., dean and professor of medicine at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York. "In cases where patients have two or more risk factors, the heart disease risk caused by the whole package is much worse than the risk associated with each individual risk factor."
In essence, this theory can also apply to prevention and management of risk factors; the more risk factors managed, the greater chance a patient can prevent heart disease.
"Research into risk has been extremely beneficial in giving physicians a better understanding of how they can help their patients," said Gotto. "We've learned that without management of all the issues related to one's cardiovascular health, it is very unlikely patients will reduce risk substantially and prevent disease."
Aronne and Gotto spoke at a recent American Medical Association media briefing on cardiovascular disease.
Log on to for more information.
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New, Effective Therapies Sought For Rheumatoid Arthritis
(NewsUSA) - The unpredictable temperatures of changing seasons often bring out aches and pains for many of us, but for 2.1 million people in the United States with rheumatoid arthritis, those pains often continue throughout the year.
RA, one of the most serious and disabling forms of arthritis, causes chronic inflammation of the lining of bone joints throughout the body. For patients with this illness, each day's activities can present many challenges. The physical symptoms can make simple activities, such as working, enjoying hobbies or exercising, difficult.
Ultimately, RA can lead to a loss of normal daily function, including limited range in motion, chronic pain and fatigue. A recent study by the Arthritis Foundation discovered the disease typically begins to affect adults between the ages of 25 and 50, but can start at any age, including childhood.
Current Treatments Inadequate For Many
The goal of RA treatments is to maintain normal joint function by alleviating pain, preventing joint damage and reducing joint swelling and stiffness.
But common treatment methods known as disease-modifying, anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are leaving 67 percent of users with daily pain, stiffness and fatigue, according to the Arthritis Foundation's study, "Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unmet Needs."
The study also observed that while all RA patients do not experience serious health issues, the majority do experience progressive deterioration of cartilage and bone in the affected joints, and 50 percent of patients experience significant functional disability within 10 years of diagnosis.
The findings concluded that while medical advances in RA treatment have contributed to improved outcomes for patients, the majority continue to endure significant symptoms, experiencing compromised daily activities and quality of life.
RA reduces patient life expectancy by an average of three to 10 years. As the number of RA patients in the United States continues to grow with the aging baby boomer population and people with RA continue to experience pain, the urgency for long-term treatments increases.
New Research Under Way; Participants Needed
Clinical studies are evaluating the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug for the treatment of active RA. These studies, occurring at clinics throughout the country, are looking for participants who are over the age of 18 and living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
For more information about these RA clinical studies, call toll-free (888) 82-STUDY (78839) or visit
To learn about RA studies that are currently enrolling participants, call tollfree (888) 82-STUDY or log on to
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
RA, one of the most serious and disabling forms of arthritis, causes chronic inflammation of the lining of bone joints throughout the body. For patients with this illness, each day's activities can present many challenges. The physical symptoms can make simple activities, such as working, enjoying hobbies or exercising, difficult.
Ultimately, RA can lead to a loss of normal daily function, including limited range in motion, chronic pain and fatigue. A recent study by the Arthritis Foundation discovered the disease typically begins to affect adults between the ages of 25 and 50, but can start at any age, including childhood.
Current Treatments Inadequate For Many
The goal of RA treatments is to maintain normal joint function by alleviating pain, preventing joint damage and reducing joint swelling and stiffness.
But common treatment methods known as disease-modifying, anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are leaving 67 percent of users with daily pain, stiffness and fatigue, according to the Arthritis Foundation's study, "Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unmet Needs."
The study also observed that while all RA patients do not experience serious health issues, the majority do experience progressive deterioration of cartilage and bone in the affected joints, and 50 percent of patients experience significant functional disability within 10 years of diagnosis.
The findings concluded that while medical advances in RA treatment have contributed to improved outcomes for patients, the majority continue to endure significant symptoms, experiencing compromised daily activities and quality of life.
RA reduces patient life expectancy by an average of three to 10 years. As the number of RA patients in the United States continues to grow with the aging baby boomer population and people with RA continue to experience pain, the urgency for long-term treatments increases.
New Research Under Way; Participants Needed
Clinical studies are evaluating the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug for the treatment of active RA. These studies, occurring at clinics throughout the country, are looking for participants who are over the age of 18 and living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
For more information about these RA clinical studies, call toll-free (888) 82-STUDY (78839) or visit
To learn about RA studies that are currently enrolling participants, call tollfree (888) 82-STUDY or log on to
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Group Urges Americans to Get Tested, Treated for Hepatitis
(NewsUSA) - In the United States today, an estimated one-third of the population becomes infected with hepatitis A, 1.4 million are chronically infected with hepatitis B, and approximately 4 million have been infected with hepatitis C.
The American Liver Foundation is raising awareness about the risks associated with hepatitis to encourage people to get tested and treated.
While all forms of hepatitis are dangerous, hepatitis C, the most common type in the U.S., is particularly alarming. Patients who contract hepatitis C and are not treated can develop liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer. Hepatitis C also is the leading cause of liver transplants.
Hepatitis A and B, caused by viruses that attack the liver, can be prevented by vaccination. In the case of hepatitis C, there is no vaccine available, and many people with the disease are unaware that they are infected and have not sought treatment.
"It's important for patients who even think they might be infected to speak to their doctors about being tested and treated as soon as possible for hepatitis in order to preserve liver health," says Dr. Douglas Dieterich, professor of medicine in the Division of Liver Diseases at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Screening for the hepatitis C virus involves a simple blood test that detects the presence of antibodies to the disease. Public health experts estimate that less than 30 percent of Americans with hepatitis C are aware they carry the infection, and many people who have been diagnosed mistakenly believe they can wait to be treated.
"Some patients may be waiting for the next generation of treatments, not knowing that new drugs are still many years away and that the disease can become a serious threat to their health in as little as five years," Dieterich says.
Current treatments can successfully treat more than half the patients infected with hepatitis C, helping to prevent potentially deadly liver problems.
If you believe you may be at risk for hepatitis or would like more information, call the American Liver Foundation at (800) GO-LIVER (465-4837)
or visit
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The American Liver Foundation is raising awareness about the risks associated with hepatitis to encourage people to get tested and treated.
While all forms of hepatitis are dangerous, hepatitis C, the most common type in the U.S., is particularly alarming. Patients who contract hepatitis C and are not treated can develop liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer. Hepatitis C also is the leading cause of liver transplants.
Hepatitis A and B, caused by viruses that attack the liver, can be prevented by vaccination. In the case of hepatitis C, there is no vaccine available, and many people with the disease are unaware that they are infected and have not sought treatment.
"It's important for patients who even think they might be infected to speak to their doctors about being tested and treated as soon as possible for hepatitis in order to preserve liver health," says Dr. Douglas Dieterich, professor of medicine in the Division of Liver Diseases at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Screening for the hepatitis C virus involves a simple blood test that detects the presence of antibodies to the disease. Public health experts estimate that less than 30 percent of Americans with hepatitis C are aware they carry the infection, and many people who have been diagnosed mistakenly believe they can wait to be treated.
"Some patients may be waiting for the next generation of treatments, not knowing that new drugs are still many years away and that the disease can become a serious threat to their health in as little as five years," Dieterich says.
Current treatments can successfully treat more than half the patients infected with hepatitis C, helping to prevent potentially deadly liver problems.
If you believe you may be at risk for hepatitis or would like more information, call the American Liver Foundation at (800) GO-LIVER (465-4837)
or visit
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Common STD a Public Health Concern
(NewsUSA) - Trichomoniasis, or "trich," is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease in the U.S. but is a relatively unknown and under-served condition. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 7.4 million new cases of trich are reported annually in the United States, which is greater than the estimated 3 million new cases of chlamydia and 700,000 cases of gonorrhea diagnosed annually.
The consequences of trich can be severe. Trich has been linked to an increased risk of contracting and transmitting HIV in both men and women. Other complications of trich in women include an increased risk of infertility, cervical cancer, infection of the uterus or ovaries, premature birth and infection following surgery. Untreated trich in men can also contribute to a greater risk of infertility, low sperm count and prostate pain.
Because the symptoms of trich can often go unnoticed, it is important to be aware of the potential signs, including:
* Yellow, green or gray vaginal discharge (often foamy or sticky) with a strong odor
* Genital discharge in men
* Irritation, itching, soreness or redness of the genital area
* Discomfort or pain during intercourse and urination
* Lower abdominal pain in rare cases
* Signs that worsen during menstruation
"Physicians need to be vigilant about testing for trich in patients who are sexually active because they may not experience any symptoms," said Dr. Jane Schwebke, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. "Fortunately, trichomoniasis can be cured with a single-dose therapy in both women and men."
Tindamax (tinidazole tablets) is an FDA-approved, one-day-one-dose treatment for trich. Manufactured by Mission Pharmacal, Tindamax is recommended by the CDC as one of the drugs of choice in the treatment of trichomoniasis.
People seeking more information about trichomoniasis can log on to, a new resource dedicated to educating consumers about trich, related symptoms and treatment options
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
The consequences of trich can be severe. Trich has been linked to an increased risk of contracting and transmitting HIV in both men and women. Other complications of trich in women include an increased risk of infertility, cervical cancer, infection of the uterus or ovaries, premature birth and infection following surgery. Untreated trich in men can also contribute to a greater risk of infertility, low sperm count and prostate pain.
Because the symptoms of trich can often go unnoticed, it is important to be aware of the potential signs, including:
* Yellow, green or gray vaginal discharge (often foamy or sticky) with a strong odor
* Genital discharge in men
* Irritation, itching, soreness or redness of the genital area
* Discomfort or pain during intercourse and urination
* Lower abdominal pain in rare cases
* Signs that worsen during menstruation
"Physicians need to be vigilant about testing for trich in patients who are sexually active because they may not experience any symptoms," said Dr. Jane Schwebke, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. "Fortunately, trichomoniasis can be cured with a single-dose therapy in both women and men."
Tindamax (tinidazole tablets) is an FDA-approved, one-day-one-dose treatment for trich. Manufactured by Mission Pharmacal, Tindamax is recommended by the CDC as one of the drugs of choice in the treatment of trichomoniasis.
People seeking more information about trichomoniasis can log on to, a new resource dedicated to educating consumers about trich, related symptoms and treatment options
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Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Need for New, Effective Therapies
(NewsUSA) - The unpredictable temperatures of changing seasons often bring out aches and pains for many of us, but for 2.1 million people in the United States with the chronic disease rheumatoid arthritis (RA), those pains often continue throughout the year.
RA, one of the most serious and disabling forms of arthritis, causes chronic inflammation of the lining of bone joints throughout the body. For patients with this illness, each day's activities can present many challenges. The physical symptoms can make simple activities, such as working, enjoying hobbies, or exercising, difficult.
Ultimately, RA can lead to a loss of normal daily function, including limited range in motion, chronic pain, and fatigue. A recent study by the Arthritis Foundation discovered the disease typically begins to affect adults between the ages of 25 and 50, but can start at any age, including childhood.
Current Treatments -Inadequate for Many
The goal of current RA treatments is to maintain normal joint function by alleviating pain, preventing joint damage, and reducing joint swelling and stiffness.
Unfortunately, current common treatment methods known as disease-modifying, anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are leaving 67 percent of users with daily pain, stiffness, and fatigue, according to the Arthritis Foundation's study "Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unmet Needs." The same study also observed that while all RA patients do not experience serious health issues, the majority do experience progressive deterioration of cartilage and bone in the affected joints, and 50 percent of patients experience significant functional disability within 10 years of diagnosis.
The Arthritis Foundation findings concluded that while medical advances in RA treatment have contributed to improved outcomes for patients, the majority continue to endure significant symptoms, experiencing compromised daily activities and quality of life.
RA reduces patient life expectancy by an average of three to 10 years. As the number of RA patients in the United States continues to grow with the aging Baby Boomer population, and people with RA continue to experience pain, the urgency for long-term treatments increases.
New Research Underway, Participants Needed
Clinical studies are now in progress to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug for the treatment of active RA. These studies, occurring at clinics throughout the country, are looking for participants who are over the age of 18 and living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
If you, or someone you know, are interested in more information about these RA clinical research studies, call toll free 1-888-82-STUDY (78839) or visit
To learn about RA studies that are now enrolling, call toll free 1-888-82-STUDY (78839) or visit
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
RA, one of the most serious and disabling forms of arthritis, causes chronic inflammation of the lining of bone joints throughout the body. For patients with this illness, each day's activities can present many challenges. The physical symptoms can make simple activities, such as working, enjoying hobbies, or exercising, difficult.
Ultimately, RA can lead to a loss of normal daily function, including limited range in motion, chronic pain, and fatigue. A recent study by the Arthritis Foundation discovered the disease typically begins to affect adults between the ages of 25 and 50, but can start at any age, including childhood.
Current Treatments -Inadequate for Many
The goal of current RA treatments is to maintain normal joint function by alleviating pain, preventing joint damage, and reducing joint swelling and stiffness.
Unfortunately, current common treatment methods known as disease-modifying, anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are leaving 67 percent of users with daily pain, stiffness, and fatigue, according to the Arthritis Foundation's study "Living with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Unmet Needs." The same study also observed that while all RA patients do not experience serious health issues, the majority do experience progressive deterioration of cartilage and bone in the affected joints, and 50 percent of patients experience significant functional disability within 10 years of diagnosis.
The Arthritis Foundation findings concluded that while medical advances in RA treatment have contributed to improved outcomes for patients, the majority continue to endure significant symptoms, experiencing compromised daily activities and quality of life.
RA reduces patient life expectancy by an average of three to 10 years. As the number of RA patients in the United States continues to grow with the aging Baby Boomer population, and people with RA continue to experience pain, the urgency for long-term treatments increases.
New Research Underway, Participants Needed
Clinical studies are now in progress to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an investigational drug for the treatment of active RA. These studies, occurring at clinics throughout the country, are looking for participants who are over the age of 18 and living with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis.
If you, or someone you know, are interested in more information about these RA clinical research studies, call toll free 1-888-82-STUDY (78839) or visit
To learn about RA studies that are now enrolling, call toll free 1-888-82-STUDY (78839) or visit
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High Humidity Levels Can Affect Your Health
(NewsUSA) - Warm weather often brings with it high levels of humidity, which can affect your health in a variety of ways.
High humidity levels can cause mold and a host of problems in the home that can affect your physical health. Visible signs of high humidity levels include condensation on windows, peeling wallpaper, damp patches on walls and ceilings, a musty smell and dampness. But there are also numerous problems that go undetected because you cannot see or smell them.
If you suspect that the air in your home is too moist, be sure to vent the areas that create moisture, like the shower or bathroom. You may also consider a whole-home dehumidifier like the Aprilaire Model 1700, which works in tandem with the heating and cooling system to remove up to 90 pints of moisture from the home's environment each day.
A few of the most common effects of too much moisture in the home include the following:
* Dust mites: Excessive moisture creates favorable conditions for growth of dust mites. At least 10 percent of the population suffers from a dust mite allergy. Some of the symptoms associated with it include sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, nasal stuffiness, runny nose, stuffy ears, respiratory problems, atopic dermatitis and asthma.
* Bacteria: You can't see or feel bacteria but they live on countertops, table surfaces, carpet, pillows, mattresses and just about anywhere people are. Bacteria also grow profusely when there is plenty of moisture present.
* Formaldehyde: When humidity levels are high, products such as furniture, cabinets, building materials and even some latex paints tend to release formaldehyde into the air at a faster rate. Studies have suggested that people exposed to formaldehyde levels ranging from 50 to 100 parts per billion for long periods of time are more likely to experience asthma-related respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing.
For more information on whole-home dehumidifiers, visit
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High humidity levels can cause mold and a host of problems in the home that can affect your physical health. Visible signs of high humidity levels include condensation on windows, peeling wallpaper, damp patches on walls and ceilings, a musty smell and dampness. But there are also numerous problems that go undetected because you cannot see or smell them.
If you suspect that the air in your home is too moist, be sure to vent the areas that create moisture, like the shower or bathroom. You may also consider a whole-home dehumidifier like the Aprilaire Model 1700, which works in tandem with the heating and cooling system to remove up to 90 pints of moisture from the home's environment each day.
A few of the most common effects of too much moisture in the home include the following:
* Dust mites: Excessive moisture creates favorable conditions for growth of dust mites. At least 10 percent of the population suffers from a dust mite allergy. Some of the symptoms associated with it include sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, nasal stuffiness, runny nose, stuffy ears, respiratory problems, atopic dermatitis and asthma.
* Bacteria: You can't see or feel bacteria but they live on countertops, table surfaces, carpet, pillows, mattresses and just about anywhere people are. Bacteria also grow profusely when there is plenty of moisture present.
* Formaldehyde: When humidity levels are high, products such as furniture, cabinets, building materials and even some latex paints tend to release formaldehyde into the air at a faster rate. Studies have suggested that people exposed to formaldehyde levels ranging from 50 to 100 parts per billion for long periods of time are more likely to experience asthma-related respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and wheezing.
For more information on whole-home dehumidifiers, visit
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Help for Tired Muscles, Achy Joints
(NewsUSA) - Fitness can really punish your body, especially your knees and other joints. This can be difficult to deal with, not only for athletes at the top of their game, but also for active seniors who enjoy such sports as golf or tennis.
Rather than sitting on the sidelines or relying on medication to mask the pain, research shows that tissue degradation and discomfort can be assuaged with supplements containing minerals that can assist in the long-term regeneration of tissues.
Designed to help maintain healthy muscles and joints, XMotion from Xyience is a formula that may ease the discomfort of arthritis pain in athletes, the elderly and just about anyone suffering from tissue, bone or tendon stress. XMotion is a dietary supplement that aids the body's own ability to synthesize joint tissues.
Hyaluronic acid, for example, is a natural protein that is an ingredient in cartilage and lubricates joints, protecting them from inflammation and healing damaged tissue. XMotion contains micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and vitamin C, all of which are essential in the development of collagen, which is a main component in the restoration of cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
Because damaged joints take a long time to heal, chicken sternal cartilage, which closely mimics human cartilage, may be beneficial as well. It has been shown to alleviate joint tissue discomfort when integrated into the diet.
Another key ingredient is bromelain. Found in the fruit, stems and leaves of the pineapple plant, bromelain is thought to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Preliminary research shows that bromelain may help to reduce symptoms of arthritis. A study conducted at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom investigated the effects of bromelain on mild acute knee pain in otherwise healthy adults. Results confirmed that bromelain eased physical symptoms and improved general well-being.
For more information on XMotion, visit
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Rather than sitting on the sidelines or relying on medication to mask the pain, research shows that tissue degradation and discomfort can be assuaged with supplements containing minerals that can assist in the long-term regeneration of tissues.
Designed to help maintain healthy muscles and joints, XMotion from Xyience is a formula that may ease the discomfort of arthritis pain in athletes, the elderly and just about anyone suffering from tissue, bone or tendon stress. XMotion is a dietary supplement that aids the body's own ability to synthesize joint tissues.
Hyaluronic acid, for example, is a natural protein that is an ingredient in cartilage and lubricates joints, protecting them from inflammation and healing damaged tissue. XMotion contains micronutrients such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and vitamin C, all of which are essential in the development of collagen, which is a main component in the restoration of cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
Because damaged joints take a long time to heal, chicken sternal cartilage, which closely mimics human cartilage, may be beneficial as well. It has been shown to alleviate joint tissue discomfort when integrated into the diet.
Another key ingredient is bromelain. Found in the fruit, stems and leaves of the pineapple plant, bromelain is thought to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
Preliminary research shows that bromelain may help to reduce symptoms of arthritis. A study conducted at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom investigated the effects of bromelain on mild acute knee pain in otherwise healthy adults. Results confirmed that bromelain eased physical symptoms and improved general well-being.
For more information on XMotion, visit
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Chromium: The Other Must-Have Mineral
(NewsUSA) - Many women are aware of the importance of calcium; however, most are unaware of the health benefits associated with the other "C" - chromium. Just as calcium is important for strong bones, chromium is essential to help your body's insulin work better.
But what exactly is insulin health and if you don't have diabetes, why should you be concerned? Nutrition expert Pat Baird, MA, RD, explains why:
If I don't have diabetes why worry about insulin health?
Many women don't realize that proper insulin function is essential to maintaining good cardiovascular health, and helps promote healthy blood sugar, which is important for those with a family history of diabetes or heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. The American Diabetes Association estimates 9.7 million women 20 years or older have diabetes, although nearly one-third don't know it.
Insulin is known as the "master metabolic hormone." Normal insulin functions help the cells use glucose, our body's energy source. However, in some cases the body is unable to use the insulin it produces. When this happens glucose levels rise above normal, which can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
How can chromium help improve insulin health?
Chromium is an essential mineral required to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Without adequate levels of chromium in your body, insulin cannot effectively do its job. Numerous studies support the role of chromium picolinate -; the most studied and best-absorbed form of chromium -; in managing insulin health.
Supplementing with Chromax - the most clinically tested form of chromium picolinate - will help balance insulin levels, which in turn helps manage your risk for type 2 diabetes and promote cardiovascular heath.
Do I need a supplement?
Getting the proper amounts of chromium in your diet today can help manage your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease tomorrow. Chromium is found in many foods at low levels, but it's often poorly absorbed. This is where a chromium picolinate supplement can factor into your diet. Research shows that Chromax may help improve blood sugar and overall insulin function, reduce carbohydrate cravings and fight weight gain. Research suggests 200-500 mcg of chromium picolinate daily will help achieve optimal health benefits.
To determine the right strength for you, visit Chromax is available in the vitamin, mineral and supplement sections at major retailers nationwide.
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
But what exactly is insulin health and if you don't have diabetes, why should you be concerned? Nutrition expert Pat Baird, MA, RD, explains why:
If I don't have diabetes why worry about insulin health?
Many women don't realize that proper insulin function is essential to maintaining good cardiovascular health, and helps promote healthy blood sugar, which is important for those with a family history of diabetes or heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. The American Diabetes Association estimates 9.7 million women 20 years or older have diabetes, although nearly one-third don't know it.
Insulin is known as the "master metabolic hormone." Normal insulin functions help the cells use glucose, our body's energy source. However, in some cases the body is unable to use the insulin it produces. When this happens glucose levels rise above normal, which can lead to type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
How can chromium help improve insulin health?
Chromium is an essential mineral required to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Without adequate levels of chromium in your body, insulin cannot effectively do its job. Numerous studies support the role of chromium picolinate -; the most studied and best-absorbed form of chromium -; in managing insulin health.
Supplementing with Chromax - the most clinically tested form of chromium picolinate - will help balance insulin levels, which in turn helps manage your risk for type 2 diabetes and promote cardiovascular heath.
Do I need a supplement?
Getting the proper amounts of chromium in your diet today can help manage your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease tomorrow. Chromium is found in many foods at low levels, but it's often poorly absorbed. This is where a chromium picolinate supplement can factor into your diet. Research shows that Chromax may help improve blood sugar and overall insulin function, reduce carbohydrate cravings and fight weight gain. Research suggests 200-500 mcg of chromium picolinate daily will help achieve optimal health benefits.
To determine the right strength for you, visit Chromax is available in the vitamin, mineral and supplement sections at major retailers nationwide.
Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Doctor... What's the Best Treatment for Arthritis?
By Dr. Nathan Wei
Regardless of the type of arthritis, the goals of arthritis treatment are similar.
These include the following:
• Relieve pain/inflammation• Minimize risks of therapy• Retard disease progression• Provide patient education• Prevent work disability• Enhance quality of life and functional independence
While the goals are similar they are achieved using different approaches depending on the diagnosis. The effective management includes a combination of conventional medicines, effective alternative treatments, changes in diet and food, rest, exercise, lifestyle changes (e.g., weight loss if needed), and joint protection.
Factors involved in decision making include the diagnosis, the severity of disease, and the patient’s response to previous therapies.
The decision making doesn’t end there either. As a patient is followed over time, things change. What initially was felt to be an effective arthritis treatment may no longer be effective...and side-effects may occur.
Additions and deletions of medications need to be considered. Drug interactions with other therapies are a concern.
Co-morbid conditions (other medical illnesses) enter into the equation. Newer therapies, when they arrive, may change the picture.
Patient preference, when it can be accommodated, should also be considered. And this dovetails with a patient’s lifestyle... The right therapy for a working man of 35 may not be the right therapy for a retired woman of 80. The correct arthritis treatment for a hard-driving executive may not be ideal for a laid back person who wants to use as many natural remedies as possible.
Finally, the ever-changing landscape of insurance issues plays a role... in my opinion, way too big a role in decision making. In fact, I feel patients should not- not ever- make a decision to see a rheumatologist based on whether the physician “participates in their insurance plan” or not. The reason is that insurance plans do not pay a good physician what they are worth. If you value your health enough to get better, to feel less pain, to avoid crippling, then you owe it to yourself to see the best specialist, not the cheapest, and not just the one who “participates in your insurance plan.”
Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
Regardless of the type of arthritis, the goals of arthritis treatment are similar.
These include the following:
• Relieve pain/inflammation• Minimize risks of therapy• Retard disease progression• Provide patient education• Prevent work disability• Enhance quality of life and functional independence
While the goals are similar they are achieved using different approaches depending on the diagnosis. The effective management includes a combination of conventional medicines, effective alternative treatments, changes in diet and food, rest, exercise, lifestyle changes (e.g., weight loss if needed), and joint protection.
Factors involved in decision making include the diagnosis, the severity of disease, and the patient’s response to previous therapies.
The decision making doesn’t end there either. As a patient is followed over time, things change. What initially was felt to be an effective arthritis treatment may no longer be effective...and side-effects may occur.
Additions and deletions of medications need to be considered. Drug interactions with other therapies are a concern.
Co-morbid conditions (other medical illnesses) enter into the equation. Newer therapies, when they arrive, may change the picture.
Patient preference, when it can be accommodated, should also be considered. And this dovetails with a patient’s lifestyle... The right therapy for a working man of 35 may not be the right therapy for a retired woman of 80. The correct arthritis treatment for a hard-driving executive may not be ideal for a laid back person who wants to use as many natural remedies as possible.
Finally, the ever-changing landscape of insurance issues plays a role... in my opinion, way too big a role in decision making. In fact, I feel patients should not- not ever- make a decision to see a rheumatologist based on whether the physician “participates in their insurance plan” or not. The reason is that insurance plans do not pay a good physician what they are worth. If you value your health enough to get better, to feel less pain, to avoid crippling, then you owe it to yourself to see the best specialist, not the cheapest, and not just the one who “participates in your insurance plan.”
Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
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Arthritis: Doctor... I'm Confused... Is There More Than One Type of Arthritis?
By Dr. Nathan Wei
The term arthritis is derived from the Greek: “arthron” meaning “joint” and “itis” meaning inflammation.
It refers to more than 100 different types of arthritis conditions. These 100 different conditions pose special problems for both diagnosis and treatment.
Some of these conditions involve inflammation and others do not. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection.
For an example of inflammation, take a simple scratch…your body automatically releases chemicals that cause fluids to accumulate and white blood cells to gather around the area of the scratch. As your body fights foreign substances and bacteria, inflammation…redness…heat…swelling…and pain occur at the sight of the injury.
In arthritis, unfortunately, this natural defense mechanism goes awry. Elements from the blood designed to fight infection and repair injury attack the body instead.
And, unless this inflammatory process is stopped, it will continue to attack the body and cause joint destruction.
So you can begin to see how treatments that just relieve the pain associated with the problem – but that do not completely halt inflammation – may not adequately treat this disease.
Getting proper treatment early on is important…because proper care can help sufferers lead more active and comfortable lives.
Let's examine some of these types of arthritis...
Osteoarthritis is the arthritis people think of as being associated with aging. osteoarthritis affects weight-bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, base of the thumbs, and feet. Genetics and mechanical factors also play a big role. Research is being done on medications that will slow down the progression of this disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common serious inflammatory form of arthritis. It affects roughly 1 per cent of the population and is the prototypical autoimmune form of arthritis. Because it may do most of its damage in the first year, early diagnosis and aggressive therapy is critical. Left untreated RA may shorten life expectancy by as much as 18 years!
Psoriatic arthritis is a potentially serious inflammatory form of arthritis that is often found in association with psoriasis. Because it may begin and progress insidiously, it can cause serious problems. Early diagnosis and aggressive intervention are recommended.
Polymyalgia rheumatica occurs in people after the age of 50 and presents with severe stiffness and aching in the neck, shoulders, and hips. Because it is very treatable, accurate diagnosis is needed. Because so many other conditions look like it, an accurate diagnosis is not always easy.
Ankylosing spondylitis affects the spine and the sacroiliac joints. Since it often presents with low back pain, it is often misdiagnosed. AS is very treatable; accurate diagnosis and agressive therapy are advisable.
Reactive arthritis is a form of arthritis that comes on after infections... the most common being types of infections being intestinal or genitourinary. Young adults are often affected. Appropriate medical treatment is very effective.
Gout is due to deposition of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals. In addition to joints, the kidneys are a big target of this disease. Dietary changes and medicines are very effective in treating this disorder.
Pseudogout is also due to crystals- deposits of calcium pyrophosphate or hydroxyapatite in most instances. Pseudogout may mimic other types of arthritis such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Further, it may coexist with other types of arthritis making it very difficult to diagnose.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that affects many organ systems.
SLE most often affects women in the child-bearing years. Early diagnosis and management are necessary since this disorder is potentially life-threatening.
Polymyositis is an inflammatory form of muscle disease that is often associated with arthritis. Because it is a systemic condition that affects all muscles- including those that are responsible for the functioning of the heart, lungs, etc., careful examination and appropriate aggressive medical therapy are necessary.
Fibromyalgia is a soft tissue form of arthritis that is due to defective neurotransmitter function in the brain. Because these neurotransmitters are responsible for many sensory functions, patients with fibromyalgia present with bizarre symptoms. It is imperative that other forms of arthritis be ruled out first.
Lyme disease occurs as a result of infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. The organism is transmitted by a deer tick bite. Early recognition and antibiotic therapy is effective in most cases.
Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
The term arthritis is derived from the Greek: “arthron” meaning “joint” and “itis” meaning inflammation.
It refers to more than 100 different types of arthritis conditions. These 100 different conditions pose special problems for both diagnosis and treatment.
Some of these conditions involve inflammation and others do not. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury or infection.
For an example of inflammation, take a simple scratch…your body automatically releases chemicals that cause fluids to accumulate and white blood cells to gather around the area of the scratch. As your body fights foreign substances and bacteria, inflammation…redness…heat…swelling…and pain occur at the sight of the injury.
In arthritis, unfortunately, this natural defense mechanism goes awry. Elements from the blood designed to fight infection and repair injury attack the body instead.
And, unless this inflammatory process is stopped, it will continue to attack the body and cause joint destruction.
So you can begin to see how treatments that just relieve the pain associated with the problem – but that do not completely halt inflammation – may not adequately treat this disease.
Getting proper treatment early on is important…because proper care can help sufferers lead more active and comfortable lives.
Let's examine some of these types of arthritis...
Osteoarthritis is the arthritis people think of as being associated with aging. osteoarthritis affects weight-bearing areas such as the spine, hips, knees, base of the thumbs, and feet. Genetics and mechanical factors also play a big role. Research is being done on medications that will slow down the progression of this disease.
Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common serious inflammatory form of arthritis. It affects roughly 1 per cent of the population and is the prototypical autoimmune form of arthritis. Because it may do most of its damage in the first year, early diagnosis and aggressive therapy is critical. Left untreated RA may shorten life expectancy by as much as 18 years!
Psoriatic arthritis is a potentially serious inflammatory form of arthritis that is often found in association with psoriasis. Because it may begin and progress insidiously, it can cause serious problems. Early diagnosis and aggressive intervention are recommended.
Polymyalgia rheumatica occurs in people after the age of 50 and presents with severe stiffness and aching in the neck, shoulders, and hips. Because it is very treatable, accurate diagnosis is needed. Because so many other conditions look like it, an accurate diagnosis is not always easy.
Ankylosing spondylitis affects the spine and the sacroiliac joints. Since it often presents with low back pain, it is often misdiagnosed. AS is very treatable; accurate diagnosis and agressive therapy are advisable.
Reactive arthritis is a form of arthritis that comes on after infections... the most common being types of infections being intestinal or genitourinary. Young adults are often affected. Appropriate medical treatment is very effective.
Gout is due to deposition of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals. In addition to joints, the kidneys are a big target of this disease. Dietary changes and medicines are very effective in treating this disorder.
Pseudogout is also due to crystals- deposits of calcium pyrophosphate or hydroxyapatite in most instances. Pseudogout may mimic other types of arthritis such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Further, it may coexist with other types of arthritis making it very difficult to diagnose.
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that affects many organ systems.
SLE most often affects women in the child-bearing years. Early diagnosis and management are necessary since this disorder is potentially life-threatening.
Polymyositis is an inflammatory form of muscle disease that is often associated with arthritis. Because it is a systemic condition that affects all muscles- including those that are responsible for the functioning of the heart, lungs, etc., careful examination and appropriate aggressive medical therapy are necessary.
Fibromyalgia is a soft tissue form of arthritis that is due to defective neurotransmitter function in the brain. Because these neurotransmitters are responsible for many sensory functions, patients with fibromyalgia present with bizarre symptoms. It is imperative that other forms of arthritis be ruled out first.
Lyme disease occurs as a result of infection with Borrelia burgdorferi. The organism is transmitted by a deer tick bite. Early recognition and antibiotic therapy is effective in most cases.
Dr. Wei (pronounced “way”) is a board-certified rheumatologist and Clinical Director of the nationally respected Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and has served as a consultant to the Arthritis Branch of the National Institutes of Health. He is a Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology and the American College of Physicians. For more information on arthritis and related conditions, go to:
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Please note that these articles are supplied to our visitors as a courtesy. We are not responsible for their accuracy or content, nor are we responsible for or necessarily share the opinions and views of the authors.
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