Poison Ivy – Home Cure Treatment

By Sharon Hopkins

Many people are allergic to Poison Ivy due to the presence of
urushiol - a skin irritant. Poison ivy, oak and sumac all
produce this oil which can be very dangerous to you. This oil
is found on every part of the vine. Sometimes the slightest
brush can trigger an allergic reaction. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak
and Poison Sumac are all from the same family but are found in
different areas. Poison Ivy mainly grows in the form a vine
along the riverbanks.

Causes of Poison Ivy

To come in contact with any part of the vine.
Touching clothing or pets which have come in contact with the
vine. Inhaling smoke from a burning poison ivy vine can also cause
allergic reaction.

Symptoms of Poison Ivy

Extreme itching accompanied with red rashes
Eruption of rashes in the form of streaks or patches at the
affected area The affects may subdue after sometime or may prolong depending
upon the severity of the reaction.

Self-Care measures
Learning more about poison ivy, oak and sumac before heading

Avoid touching your skin or any other clothing which still
contains the triggering oil. Carry a first aid too kit which would at least compromise soap,
warm water and a brush. Wash the clothes in hot water and soap to remove the residue
Apply any cream if available to stop the itching
Avoid too much heat as sweating can aggravate the itching

Home Remedies for Poison Ivy

You can apply Calamine lotion on the affected area.

Applying calendula lotion on the rashes helps in reducing the
itching and spread of rashes.

Cool compresses would provide a great relief as it helps in
containing the itchy feeling.

You can apply a slice of watermelon on the rash to help in
healing and soothing the skin.

Make a thick paste of half a cup of baking soda and
proportionate amount of coffee. Pour cool coffee in the baking
soda bowl to make a thick and fine paste to be applied on the
rash. Let it dry naturally and you would notice the difference
in a day or two.

Apply Vicks VapoRub on the affected area and get rid of the

Boil some leaves from peach tree. Wait till it cools down;
later dab this solution with cotton on the affected areas.
There won’t be any more rashes to bother you anymore.

You can also apply milk of magnesia at affected part to stop
the itching and provide a soothing effect.

Rubbing banana peel over the affected area can help you with
the itching and rashes.

To provide relief pour aloe vera juice or apply tofu on the
affected area. This helps in soothing and drying out the

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all
precautionary measures while following instructions on the home
remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if
you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader
and not with the site or the writer.

About the Author: Sharon Hopkins has been managing number of
natural home remedies websites, such as
http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com, which provides
information on different uses of the home remedies and natural
cures. Poison Ivy allergies problems can be cured by use of
simple home remedial treatment.

Source: http://www.isnare.com